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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Resolution: Duplicate
Resolution: Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
Resolution: Invalid
Resolution: Invalid
This doesn't seem right
Resolution: Wontfix
Resolution: Wontfix
This will not be worked on
Severity: Critical
Severity: Critical
Severity: High
Severity: High
Severity: Low
Severity: Low
Severity: Medium
Severity: Medium
Tag: Bounty
Tag: Bounty
Things that has a bounty on them
Tag: Hotfix
Tag: Hotfix
The solution should be included in a hotfix
Tag: Idea
Tag: Idea
Raw idea, thoughts and brainstorming notes
Tag: Quality
Tag: Quality
Related to the quality topic
Tag: TechDebt
Tag: TechDebt
Technical debt that needs to be addressed
Tag: UX
Tag: UX
Related to the user experience topic
Type: Admin
Type: Admin
Administrative related tasks
Type: Bug
Type: Bug
Something isn't working
Type: Design
Type: Design
Design related improvements
Type: DevOps
Type: DevOps
Improvements to the processes part of DevOps
Type: Documentation
Type: Documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
Type: Enhancement
Type: Enhancement
New feature or request
Type: InfoSec
Type: InfoSec
Tasks related to the security in the processes
Type: Security
Type: Security
Security related system improvements
Type: Spike
Type: Spike
Task that is to be timeboxed
Type: Testing
Type: Testing
Testing cases or harness improvements
Type: VisualBug
Type: VisualBug
Something doesn't look right