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This is a python application that continuously look for finetunes to train by calling the SuperInsight FineTuning API. After traning has been completed the model can be exported to GCP bucket defined by your environment variable.

Prerequisite for running the trainer

  1. The SuperInsight FineTuning API is setup and running, assign url under API_HOST in the environment variable
  2. Include all the environment variables so the trainer can pull jobs from the API and train successfully
  3. Host the application on a machine with GPU, depending on which base model you are using, different GPU might be required
  4. To customize your wandb options, use the WANDB_ variables below or use the ones listed on wandb

Environment Variables

Variable Usage Required Default
API_HOST The API host that is used True None
NUM_GPUS The number of GPUs used to train each job True 1
NUM_TRAIN_EPOCS The number of epochs to train for each job True 1
PER_DEVICE_TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE gradientAccumulationSteps used to train each job True 1
PER_DEVICE_TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE perDeviceTrainBatchSize used to train each job True 2
EXPORT_GCP_STORAGE_BUCKET If you like to export models to GCP bucket, include the bucket name here False None
EXPORT_GCP_STORAGE_FOLDER If you like to export models to GCP bucket, include the bucket name here False None
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS If you like to export models to GCP bucket, you will need to include your credentials False None
WANDB_API_KEY The API Key for wandb False None
WANDB_NAME The run name for wandb False None
WANDB_NOTES Notes for wandb False None
WANDB_ENTITY The entity name for wandb False None
WANDB_PROJECT The project name for wandb False None
WANDB_MODE wandb mode False None
WANDB_DISABLED Disable wandb False True

Available Base Models

Here is a summary on base models and hardware that has been tested on so far.

Base Model ID Hardware Tested On Summary
gpt-neo-125m NVIDIA V100 GPU The EleutherAI/gpt-neo-125M model. Good option for testing.
gpt-neo-1.3b NVIDIA V100 GPU The EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B model.
gpt-neo-2.7b NVIDIA V100 GPU The EleutherAI/gpt-neo-2.7B model.
gpt-j-6b NVIDIA V100 GPU The EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B model.
gpt-neox-20b N/A The EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b model. Haven't tested on this yet.

Run Trainer with docker

Here are some sample commands on how you can get started by running the docker image directly

Run with gpu processors

docker run --gpus all --name superinsight-trainer-gpt superinsight/superinsight-trainer-gpt:latest

Run with env

docker run --gpus all --env API_HOST=https://finetuning.api.yourdomain --name superinsight-trainer-gpt superinsight/superinsight-trainer-gpt:latest


Auto Trainer for the SuperInsight Finetuning API







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