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JavaScript Templates (Jst) is a pure Javascript templating engine that runs in your browser using JSP-like syntax.


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 * Example usage

    var template = '<h1>hi</h1><p>foo is <%=foo%></p>';
    document.getElementById("output").innerHTML =
        Jst.evaluateSingleShot(template, {"foo":"yarrr"});

    // you can also pre-compile templates to save cpu
    var precompiled = Jst.compile(template);
    // then later
    document.getElementById("output").innerHTML =
        Jst.evaluate(precompiled, {"foo":"yarrr"});
    // you can use normal javascript in templates. any function that
    // is defined is available for you to use.
    <p>this is some template I'm making</p>
    <% if (user.logged_in) { %>
        <p>you are logged in.</p>
    <% } else { %>
        <p>not logged in.</p>
    <% } %>

    // Jst automatically escapes any html to protect you from h4xz0rz.
    // if you actually want to put html through a variable, use this syntax:
    <%+ html_code %>

 * How to minify

    A  Use this handy app:

    B  Or...

        1. Run the code through and clean up.
        2. Download JSMin from
        3. Download the .c file and compile for your platform. On linux:
           gcc -o jsmin jsmin.c
        4. It takes standard input and writes to standard output. So on linux:
           ./jsmin <jstparser.js >jstparser_min.js

 * How to create a "here document" in JavaScript:

    var string = (<r><![CDATA[

        The text string goes here.  Since this is a XML CDATA section,
        stuff like <> work fine too, even if definitely invalid XML.

        This is where you would put your templates pre-parsing. If using
        a web framework like Django, you could have an
        {% include 'template.html' %} here.


    Upon investigation, this only works in Firefox currently. However
    it is simple to make a template filter in Django or a function
    in PHP to escape a file to make it fit for sticking in a JavaScript
    string. Here's what my typical Django templates look like:

        var template = "{% filter jsescape %}{% include 'template.jst.html' %}{% endfilter %}";

        // javascript code

    I have a python script file monitoring when this is saved which passes it
    through the Django templating system to generate a pre-parsed script, which
    sits in my media folder and actually gets served. See django/


JavaScript Templates (Jst) is a pure Javascript templating engine that runs in your browser using JSP-like syntax.







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