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Skateborad Branding Website - Monsquad

web version

ezgif com-gif-maker (3)

mobile version

ezgif com-gif-maker (2)

This is a skateboard brand's website that I created from scratch; concept, design, and code. (This is a fictional brand)

Goal of the project

Practice responsive design & development


HTML, CSS, Javascript


  1. Quantity display button
    ezgif com-gif-maker (14)
<div class="qtydetails">
  <div class="qtynumbers">
    <input type="button" onclick='count("minus")' value="-" />
    <div id="result">0</div>
    <input type="button" onclick='count("plus")' value="+" />
  <div class="stock"></div>

<div class="pricedetails">
function count(type) {
  // display result value
  const resultElement = document.querySelector("#result");

  // current value
  let number = resultElement.innerText;

  // plus/minus
  if (type === "plus") {
    number = parseInt(number) + 1;
  } else if (type === "minus") {
    number = parseInt(number) - 1;
    if (number < 0) {
  // updated result
  resultElement.innerText = number;

  const stockEl = document.querySelector(".stock");
  const priceEl = document.querySelector(".pricedetails h1");

  if (number >= 2) {
    stockEl.innerHTML =
      "<img src='/PRODUCTDETAILS/details_img/error.png'> Opps, Sorry! It is out of stock";
    // stockEl.innerText = "out of stock" = "red";
  } else if (number > 0 && number < 2) {
    stockEl.innerHTML =
      "<img src='/PRODUCTDETAILS/details_img/check.png'> Available on Amazon"; = "#333"; //so that users can get an alert visually
  } else if (number === 0) {
    stockEl.innerHTML = "";
    // return;
  1. Unique left side menu bar with sliding animation and when users click the button, it transitions into a skull's finger 34
const menuIcon = document.querySelector("#menubtn");
const rightMenuBar = document.querySelector(".rightmenubar");

menuIcon.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
  if (rightMenuBar.classList.contains("active")) {
    //menu slide off
    document.getElementById("menubtn").src = "/menuicon.png";
  } else {
    //menu slide on
    document.getElementById("menubtn").src = "/menuicon2.png";
  1. Using input's radio type, created the collection's menu with HTML and CSS only. 1 2
<input type="radio" id="tab-1" name="show" checked />
<input type="radio" id="tab-2" name="show" />
<input type="radio" id="tab-3" name="show" />
<input type="radio" id="tab-4" name="show" />

<div class="tab">
  <label for="tab-1">Complete</label>
  <label for="tab-2">Wheels</label>
  <label for="tab-3">Decks</label>
  <label for="tab-4">Trucks</label>
.collecmenu input[type="radio"] {
  display: none;
#tab-1:checked ~ .tab label:nth-child(1),
#tab-2:checked ~ .tab label:nth-child(2),
#tab-3:checked ~ .tab label:nth-child(3),
#tab-4:checked ~ .tab label:nth-child(4) {
  background-color: #ae5761;
  box-shadow: none;
  color: #fff;
.content > div {
  display: none;

#tab-1:checked ~ .content div:nth-child(1),
#tab-2:checked ~ .content div:nth-child(2),
#tab-3:checked ~ .content div:nth-child(3),
#tab-4:checked ~ .content div:nth-child(4) {
  display: block;

#tab-2:checked ~ .content div:nth-child(2),
#tab-3:checked ~ .content div:nth-child(3),
#tab-4:checked ~ .content div:nth-child(4) {
  border-bottom: 5px solid #333;
  min-height: 200px;
  margin-left: 0;
  margin-right: 0;


This project took me around a month of planning, designing, and implementing the branding. This included designing the logo, deciding on the color palette, character design, all for a target audience of teenage-aged boys.
I always wanted to make new a branded website that is responsive so I'm happy with the results of my first responsive branded project. It was really tricky to set all the different sizes that devices require.
I will do further research the next time I make a responsive site, including about the various devices and focusing on their different viewports.
10.02.2022) These days I have been working on my own portfolio website so I have checked my old code and readme files. I realized that there's some smelly code that I don't understand why I used it and missed some bugs that I was supposed to reset the value... whenever I have some time I better keep refactoring.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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