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Suprsend SDK for React Native Applications

Refer full documentation here

Android Setup

1. Installation

Step 1. Install Package using npm / yarn

npm install @suprsend/react-native-sdk

Step 2. Add mavenCentral dependency in project level build.gradle

Inside allprojects repositories add the below mentioned line as android sdk is available at mavenCentral repository

allprojects {
        repositories {

Step 3. Add Android sdk dependency inside app level build.gradle

Add following line of code inside dependencies in app build.gradle

dependencies {
            implementation 'com.suprsend:rn:0.1.8'

NOTE: If you get any error regarding minSdkVersion please update it to 19 or more

2. Initialisation

Step 1. Initialise the android sdk in inside onCreate method and just above super.onCreate() line. You can find workspace_key and workspace_secret in dashboard.

import app.suprsend.SSApi; // import sdk
SSApi.Companion.init(this, workspace_key, workspace_secret); // inside onCreate method just above super.onCreate() line

Step 2. Import SDK in Javascript side like below and call the Suprsend events

import suprsend from "@suprsend/react-native-sdk";

NOTE: If you face any issue in installation or integration please refer the example folder in respository where you can find the integration of sdk in example application.

iOS Setup

1. Installation

Step 1. Install Package using npm / yarn

Please skip this step if you have already installed this package for android setup

npm install @suprsend/react-native-sdk

Step 2. Adding swift support and Bridge header

Our iOS SDK is written in swift language so it's necessary to add swift support in React native project as react native uses Objective-C for iOS. This is just a few steps process.

Step 3. Changes in PodFile and Run pod Install

SuprSend sdk needs iOS platform version of 13 or above, so check it inside PodFile and change if its less than 13.0 and then run pod install from inside iOS folder.

platform :ios, '13.0' // this version has to be 13 or greater

Step 4. Change iOS Deployment Target

SuprSend sdk needs an iOS deployment target of 11 or above. So Change it in xcode.

2. Initialization

Step 1. In AppDelegate.m add the below mentioned code inside didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method, just before returning YES like in code below.

#import <UserNotifications/UserNotifications.h> //add this, needed as sdk internally depends on this package
#import <SuprSendSdk/SuprSendSdk-Swift.h> //add this


- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
  SuprSendSDKConfiguration* configuration = [[SuprSendSDKConfiguration alloc] initWithKey:@workspace_key secret:@workspace_secret baseUrl:nil]; // add this line
  [SuprSend.shared configureWithConfiguration:configuration launchOptions:launchOptions]; // add this line
  return YES;

Replace workspace_key and workspace_secret with your values. You will get workspace_key and workspace_secret from client dashboard.

NOTE: If you face any issue in installation or integration please refer the example folder in respository where you can find the integration of sdk in example application.
