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Repository files navigation

A gopherd for Linux/BSD.

	* gopher menus (see index.gph for an example)
	* dir listings (if no index.gph was found)
	* CGI support (.cgi files are executed)
	* search support in CGI files
	* logging (-l option) and loglevels (-v option)
	* TLS, if compiled with libtls (provided by LibreSSL, edit Makefile)


	geomyidae [-d] [-l logfile] [-v loglvl] [-b htdocs] [-p port] [-o sport]
		  [-u user] [-g group] [-h host] [-i IP]
		-d		don't fork into background
		-l logfile	setting this will turn on logging into logfile
		-v loglevel	see below (default 7)
		-b htdocs	the htdocs root for serving files (default
		-p port		set the port where geomyidae should listen on
				(default 70)
		-o sport	set the port that should be shown in the dir
		-u user		which user rights the serving children should get
		-g group	which group rights the serving children should get
		-i IP		IP which geomyidae should bind to
		-h host		host that should be used in the dir listings


	0 - no logging
	1 - served plain files
	2 - dir listings
	4 - HTTP redirects
	8 - not found queries
	16 - client connections

	1 + 2 + 4 = 7 (files + dir listings + HTTP)

Init scripts:
	The rc.d directory includes startup scripts for various distributions.

Have fun!