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JavaScript Versions

JavaScript was invented by Brendan Eich in 1995, and became an ECMA standard in 1997.
ECMA-262 is the official name of the standard. ECMAScript is the official name of the language.

ECMAScript Editions

Year Name Description
1997 ECMAScript 1 First Edition
1999 ECMAScript 3 Added Regular Expressions.
Added try/catch.
2009 ECMAScript 5 Added "strict mode".
Added JSON support.
2015 ECMAScript 6 Added classes and modules
2016 ECMAScript 7 Added Array.prototype.includes.

ECMAScript 2/4 versions also has some changes. but there is no proper information regarding this.

ECMAScript 6 is also called ECMAScript 2015.

ECMAScript 7 is also called ECMAScript 2016.

Browser Support

  • ECMAScript 3 is fully supported in all browsers.
  • ECMAScript 5 is fully supported in all modern browsers.
  • ECMAScript 6 is partially supported in all modern browsers.
  • ECMAScript 7 is poorly supported in all browsers.

JavaScript / ECMAScript / JScript

  • JavaScript was developed for Netscape.
  • ECMAScript was developed by Ecma International after the organization adopted JavaScript.
  • JScript was developed by Microsoft as a compatible JavaScript language for Internet Explorer in 1996.