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5.3.006 Stable - obsolete (use 6.2!)

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@surfdado surfdado released this 10 Oct 04:09

The nose dips are now a thing of the past. Bump compensation has been removed. Instead there's Mitch's new magic filter virtually eliminating any IMU confusion caused by bumps!

To enable it make sure you set the D-term PT1 lowpass filter (in Balance - Tune) to 2Hz.
You can try values > 2Hz if you feel like you experience any side effects and would like to reduce their impact.
Values of 0 or 1Hz disable the lowpass filter (if you want to experience nosedips or make sure it's not just placebo)

Please read the release notes for 5.3.004 and 5.3.002 for all the other features (they are still important, but you can ignore bump compensation)

Other new things in this release:
UBox100 support (with servo buzzer support)
CAN-based BMS isn't allowed to limit current/voltage
Prevent writes to app config while riding

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