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Ansible Ad Hoc Commands

Running adhoc commands on multiple servers

Example host file

Using the following /etc/ansible/hosts file:



#Group `multi` with all servers

#Variables that will be applied to all servers

Running commands

By default ansible will run your commands in parallel using multiple process forks. To check the host name

ansible multi -a "hostname"

To Run Commands in sequence (A single process fork)

ansible multi -a "hostname" -f 1

It is rare that you will need to do that the number of forks will usually be around -f 10 or f -20

Other Commands


ansible [group-name] -m ping -u [username]

Show all facts:

ansible [host/group] -m setup -u [username] -i [inventory file]

Disk space:

ansible multi -a "df -h"

Free memory:

ansible multi -a "free -m"

Date and Time:

ansible multi -a "date"

Exhaustive list:

ansible multi -a setup

Make sure a package is installed -s means run as sudo

## yum
ansible multi -s -m yum -a "name=ntp state=installed"

## apt
ansible multi -s -m apt -a "name=ntp state=installed"

Make sure a package is enabled on boot and currently running

ansible multi -s -m service -a "name=ntpd state=started enabled=yes"

Make Sure time is synced closely to official time:

ansible multi -s -a "service ntpd stop"
ansible multi -s -a "ntpdate -q"
ansible multi -s -a "service ntpd start"

It is best to use the powers of ansible (abstraction and idempotency) when running commands

ansible -m shell -a "date" multi

Although there is usually no need for a module when running adhoc.

Configuring Appication Servers

For this example we will use django

django is not in many official repos so we can use pythons easy_install which comes as an ansible module

## Yum
ansible app -s -m yum -a "name=MySQL-python state=present"

# Apt
ansible app -s -m apt -a "name=MySQL-python state=present"

ansible app -s -m yum -a "name=python-setuptools state=present"
ansible app -s -m easy_install -a "name=django"

easy_install doesn't allow uninstall like pip does. So you could have used pip.

Make sure django is installed and working

ansible app -a "python -c 'import django; print django.get_version()'"

Configuring the Database Server

Install MariaDB, start it and configure the firewall to allow access on port 3306

ansible db -s -m yum -a "name=mariadb-server state=present"
ansible db -s -m service -a "name=mariadb state=started enabled=yes"
ansible db -s -a "iptables -F"
ansible db -s -a "iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp \ -m tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT"

We still need to secure the install what about mysql_secure_installation

ansible db -s -m yum -a "name=MySQL-python state=present"

ansible db -s -m mysql_user -a "name=django host=% password=12345 \ priv=*.*:ALL state=present"

So at this point we can create a django application and poiint the db to the database server with:

username: django password: 12345

The MySQL configuration used here is for example/development purposes only! There are a few other things you should do to secure a production MySQL server, including removing the test database, adding a password for the root user account, restricting the IP addresses allowed to access port 3306 more closely, and some other minor cleanups

Make changes to just one server

Use limit --limit <ip/blob>

ansible app -s -a "service ntpd restart" --limit ""

# with a blob
ansible app -s -a "service ntpd restart" --limit "*.4"

# withregex
ansible app -s -a "service ntpd restart" --limit ~".*\.4"

Try to limit the usage of limit, if you find yourself using them alot it may be better to add a group in the /etc/ansible/hosts file

Manage Users and Groups

Add an admin group

ansible app -s -m group -a "name=admin state=present"

remove a group: state=absent

set the group id: gid=[gid]

indicate group is a system user: system=yes

Add a new user to a group and add a home folder:

ansible app -s -m user -a "name=johndoe group=admin createhome=yes"

set the user id: uid=[uid]

set the user's shell: shell=[shell]

set the password: password=[encrypted_password]

Delete an account:

ansible app -s -m user -a "name=johndoe state=absent remove=yes"

Manage Files and Directories

Check info about a file:
ansible multi -m stat -a "path=/etc/environment"
Copy files to servers:
ansible multi -m copy -a "src=/etc/hosts dest=/tmp/hosts"

The src can be a file or a directory. If you include a trailing slash, only the contents of the directory will be copied into the dest . If you omit the trailing slash, the contents and the directory itself will be copied into the dest .

For many files use Ansibles unarchive or synchronize modules

Retrieve a file from the servers
ansible multi -s -m fetch -a "src=/etc/hosts dest=/tmp"

Copying from a single host use flat=yes

Create a directory
ansible multi -m file -a "dest=/tmp/test mode644 state=directory"
Create a Symlink
ansible multi -m file -a "src=/src/symlink dest=/dest/symlink owner=root group=root state=link"
Delete Directories or Files
ansible multi -m file -a "dest=/tmp/test state=absent"
Running Commands Asynchronously

Eg. apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade

Ansible will poll when the status is complete

  • -B <seconds> : the maximum amount of time in seconds to let the job run
  • -P <seconds> : amount of time to wait between polling servers

Example of Aynchronous:

# yum
ansible multi -s -B 3600 -m yum -a "name=* state=latest"

ansible <group> -s -B 3600 -m apt -a "upgrade=dist"

Fire and Forget tasks

ansible multi -B 3600 -P 0 -a "/path/to/"
Checking log files

tail, cat, grep, less, etc

Continuously monitoring operations like tail -f won't as ansible only displays output after an operation is complete. Also Ctrl-C won't be able to send.

if you want to filter the messages log with something like grep , you can’t use Ansible’s default command module, but instead, shell

ansible multi -s -m shell -a "tail /var/log/messages | \ grep ansible-command | wc -l"

Managing Cron Jobs

Periodic tasks run via cron are managed by a system’s crontab. Normally, to change cron job settings on a server, you would log into the server, use crontab -e under the account where the cron jobs reside, and type in an entry with the interval and job.

Ansible apparently makes it easier, if you want to run a cronjob everyday at 4.

ansible multi -s -m cron -a "name='daily-cron-all-servers' \
hour=4 job='/path/to/'"

Ansible will assume * for all values you don’t specify (valid values are day , hour , minute , month , and weekday ). You could also specify special time values like reboot , yearly , or monthly using special_time=[value] .

Deleting a cronjob

ansible multi -s -m cron -a "name='daily-cron-all-servers' state=absent"

Deploy a Version-Controlled Application

Seems like you need to install git first:

# yum
ansible app -s -m yum -a "name=git state=installed"
ansible app -s -m apt -a "name=git state=installed"

The theory is you can specify a version which is a tag or branch. To force an update use update=yes

ansible app -s -m git -a "repo=git:// \
dest=/opt/myapp update=yes version=1.2.4"

Ansible and SSH connection History

Ansible use no extra daemons or apps, nor does it use any proprietary protocol. It uses SSH. The process is: ansible transfers a few files or plays to the server, tuns them and the deletes the files.

Ansible used to use paramiko an open source SSH2 implementation for python. The problems were is didn't keep pace with openSSH and performance is slightly worse. OpenSSH is now the standard for all servers supporting controlpersist

ControlPersist allows SSH connections to persist so frequent commands run over SSH don’t have to go through the initial handshake over and over again

Also there is something called Accelerated Mode, which connects with SSH initially then uses the AES key (on port 5099) for future transfers. There is an extra package required to use the accelerated mode called python-keyczar.

There are 2 exceptions:

  • The sudoers files needs requiretty disabled

  • must disable sudo passwords by setting NOPASSWD in sudoers file

    • hosts: all accelerate: true [...]

Need a port (default of 5099) open or port specified by accelerate_port

Another improvement sends commands directly over ssh, only available in ansible 1.5+ by setting: pipelining=True under [ssh_connection] of ansible.cfg
