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Describe the Masks API (#7976)
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* Describe the Masks API

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RomanTsukanov committed Mar 15, 2024
1 parent 4e4e463 commit 6917bb2
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Showing 9 changed files with 211 additions and 4 deletions.
18 changes: 17 additions & 1 deletion docs/sidebar.json
Expand Up @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
"Name": "api",
"Title": "API",
"Title": "Form Library API",
"Items": [
"Name": "surveymodel",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,6 +256,22 @@
"Name": "ICustomQuestionTypeConfiguration",
"Title": "ICustomQuestionTypeConfiguration"
"Name": "inputmasknumeric",
"Title": "InputMaskNumeric"
"Name": "inputmaskcurrency",
"Title": "InputMaskCurrency"
"Name": "inputmaskdatetime",
"Title": "InputMaskDateTime"
"Name": "inputmaskpattern",
"Title": "InputMaskPattern"
"Name": "settings",
"Title": "Global Settings"
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/mask/mask_base.ts
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,11 @@ import { JsonObject, Serializer, property } from "../jsonobject";
import { IInputMask, IMaskedInputResult, ITextInputParams } from "./mask_utils";

export class InputMaskBase extends Base implements IInputMask {
* Specifies whether to store the question value with an applied mask in survey results.
* Default value: `false`
@property() saveMaskedValue: boolean;

public getType(): string {
Expand Down
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions src/mask/mask_currency.ts
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,34 @@ import { Serializer, property } from "../jsonobject";
import { InputMaskNumeric } from "./mask_numeric";
import { IMaskedInputResult, ITextInputParams } from "./mask_utils";

* A class that describes an input mask of the `"currency"` [`maskType`](
* The following code shows how to specify the properties of this class within a survey JSON schema:
* ```
* const surveyJson = {
* "elements": [{
* "name": "textquestion1"
* "type": "text",
* "maskType": "currency",
* "maskSettings": {
* // Specify the properties of a currency input mask here
* }
* }]
* }
* ```
export class InputMaskCurrency extends InputMaskNumeric {
* One or several symbols to be displayed before the currency value.
* @see suffix
@property() prefix: string;
* One or several symbols to be displayed after the currency value.
* @see prefix
@property() suffix: string;

public getType(): string {
Expand Down
27 changes: 26 additions & 1 deletion src/mask/mask_datetime.ts
Expand Up @@ -101,12 +101,37 @@ export function getDateTimeLexems(pattern: string): Array<IDateTimeMaskLexem> {
return result;

* A class that describes an input mask of the `"datetime"` [`maskType`](
* The following code shows how to specify the properties of this class within a survey JSON schema:
* ```
* const surveyJson = {
* "elements": [{
* "name": "textquestion1"
* "type": "text",
* "maskType": "datetime",
* "maskSettings": {
* // Specify the properties of a date-time input mask here
* }
* }]
* }
* ```
export class InputMaskDateTime extends InputMaskPattern {
private turnOfTheCentury = 68;
private lexems: Array<IDateTimeMaskLexem> = [];
private inputDateTimeData: Array<IInputDateTimeData> = [];

* A minimum date and time value that respondents can enter.
* @see max
@property() min: string;
* A maximum date and time value that respondents can enter.
* @see min
@property() max: string;

public getType(): string {
Expand Down
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions src/mask/mask_numeric.ts
Expand Up @@ -26,12 +26,66 @@ export function splitString(str: string, reverse = true, n = 3): Array<string> {
return arr;

* A class that describes an input mask of the `"numeric"` [`maskType`](
* The following code shows how to specify the properties of this class within a survey JSON schema:
* ```
* const surveyJson = {
* "elements": [{
* "name": "textquestion1"
* "type": "text",
* "maskType": "numeric",
* "maskSettings": {
* // Specify the properties of a numeric input mask here
* }
* }]
* }
* ```
export class InputMaskNumeric extends InputMaskBase {
* Specifies whether respondents can enter negative values.
* Default value: `true`
* @see min
* @see max
@property() allowNegativeValues: boolean;
* A symbol used to separate the fractional part from the integer part of a displayed number.
* Default value: `"."`
* @see precision
* @see thousandsSeparator
@property() decimalSeparator: string;
* Limits how many digits to retain after the decimal point for a displayed number.
* Default value: 2
* @see decimalSeparator
@property() precision: number;
* A symbol used to separate the digits of a large number into groups of three.
* Default value: `","`
* @see decimalSeparator
@property() thousandsSeparator: string;
* A minimum value that respondents can enter.
* @see max
* @see allowNegativeValues
@property() min: number;
* A maximum value that respondents can enter.
* @see min
* @see allowNegativeValues
@property() max: number;

private calccaretPosition(leftPart: string, args: ITextInputParams, maskedValue: string) {
Expand Down
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions src/mask/mask_pattern.ts
Expand Up @@ -98,9 +98,52 @@ export function getUnmaskedValueByPattern(str: string, pattern: string | Array<I
return result;

* A class that describes an input mask of the `"pattern"` [`maskType`](
* The following code shows how to specify the properties of this class within a survey JSON schema:
* ```
* const surveyJson = {
* "elements": [{
* "name": "textquestion1"
* "type": "text",
* "maskType": "pattern",
* "maskSettings": {
* // Specify the properties of a pattern input mask here
* }
* }]
* }
* ```
export class InputMaskPattern extends InputMaskBase {
private literals: Array<IMaskLiteral> = [];

* A pattern for the input value.
* If you set the [`maskType`]( to `"pattern"`, the mask can contain string literals and the following placeholders:
* - `9` - A digit.
* - `a` - An upper- or lower-case letter.
* - `#` - A digit or an upper- or lower-case letter.
* Use backslash `\` to escape a character.
* Example: `+1(999)-999-99-99`
* If you set the [`maskType`]( to `"datetime"`, the mask can contain separator characters and the following placeholders:
* - `m` - Month number.
* - `mm` - Month number, with leading zero for single-digit values.
* - `d` - Day of the month.
* - `dd` - Day of the month, with leading zero for single-digit values.
* - `yy` - Last two digits of the year.
* - `yyyy` - A four-digit year.
* Example: `mm/dd/yyyy`
* @see [settings.maskSettings](
@property() pattern: string;

protected updateLiterals(): void {
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24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions src/question_text.ts
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,18 @@ export class QuestionTextModel extends QuestionTextBase {

* Specifies the type of a mask applied to the input.
* Possible values:
* - `"none"` (default)
* - `"numeric"`
* - `"currency"`
* - `"datetime"`
* - `"pattern"`
* @see maskSettings
onSet: (newValue: string, target: QuestionTextModel) => { target.onSetMaskType(newValue); }
}) maskType: string;
Expand All @@ -53,6 +65,18 @@ export class QuestionTextModel extends QuestionTextBase {
return this.maskType === "none";

* An object with properties that configure the mask applied to the input.
* Available properties depend on the specified [`maskType`]( and belong to corresponding classes. Refer to the class APIs for a full list of properties:
* | `maskType` | Class |
* | ---------- | ----- |
* | `"numeric"` | [`InputMaskNumeric`]( |
* | `"currency"` | [`InputMaskCurrency`]( |
* | `"datetime"` | [`InputMaskDateTime`]( |
* | `"pattern"` | [`InputMaskPattern`]( |
public get maskSettings(): InputMaskBase {
return this.getPropertyValue("maskSettings");
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16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion src/settings.ts
Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ export var settings = {
* Nested properties:
* - `useLocalTimeZone`: `boolean`\
* Disable this property if you want internal SurveyJS functions to use methods that work with UTC date and time (`setUTCDate()` `setUTCHours()`, etc.) instead of methods that work with local date and time (`setYear`, `setHours()`, etc.). Default value: `true`.
* Disable this property if you want internal SurveyJS functions to use methods that work with UTC date and time (`setUTCDate()` `setUTCHours()`, etc.) instead of methods that work with local date and time (`setYear()`, `setHours()`, etc.). Default value: `true`.
* - `defaultLocaleName`: `string`\
* A property key that stores a translation for the default locale. Default value: `"default"`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -731,6 +731,20 @@ export var settings = {
legacyProgressBarView: false,
* An object with properties that configure input masks.
* Nested properties:
* - `patternPlaceholderChar`: `string`\
* A symbol used as a placeholder for characters to be entered in [pattern masks]( Default value: `"_"`.
* - `patternEscapeChar`: `string`\
* A symbol used to insert literal representations of special characters in [pattern masks]( Default value: `"\\"`.
* - `patternDefinitions`: `<{ [key: string]: RegExp }>`\
* An object that maps placeholder symbols to regular expressions in [pattern masks]( Default value: `{ "9": /[0-9]/, "a": /[a-zA-Z]/, "#": /[a-zA-Z0-9]/ }`.
maskSettings: {
patternPlaceholderChar: "_",
patternEscapeChar: "\\",
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/survey.ts
Expand Up @@ -2616,7 +2616,7 @@ export class SurveyModel extends SurveyElementCore
* - `"belowHeader"` - Displays the progress bar below the survey header.
* - `"bottom"` - Displays the progress bar below survey content.
* - `"topBottom"` - Displays the progress bar above and below survey content.
* - `"auto"` - Automatically selects between `"aboveHeader"` and `"belowHeader"`.
* - `"auto"` - Displays the progress bar below the survey header if the header has a [background image]( or color. Otherwise, the progress bar is displayed above the header.
* - `"top"` - *(Obsolete)* Use the `"aboveHeader"` or `"belowHeader"` property value instead.
* - `"both"` - *(Obsolete)* Use the `"topBottom"` property value instead.
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