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A public-domain IRC bot written in Python 3. This is version 2!

If you are willing to use it, please fill in the proper informations:

  • Your Google API key in the file
  • The username and password of the admin user hashed in SHA-1 in the users/users.ini file
  • Your IRC servers in servers.ini, then the channels and infos in config/<server>.ini

The irc python module is not needed anymore (neither is the six module), if you have it please remove it. Modules needed: beautifulsoup4, requests, forbiddenfruit. Just run pip install beautifulsoup4 requests forbiddenfruit.

To add more commands:

  • Create the function in (you can put it in another file but be sure to import it in, it must look like this:
from functions_core import Function
def my_func(args, source, target):
  """the thing to be printed by the help command"""
  # do something

  yield 'this will be printed back to channel'

  yield 'and this too'

  yield 'yet another line'

  yield '{}this will be bold red{color.reset} and this will have no color'

  # this line is an equivalent of:
  raise StopIteration()

  yield 'this line won't be sent'
  • If the function requires a certain auth level (known, admin or master), specify it in the decorator: @Function('myfunc', authlvl='known').
  • If the function requires the Channel object, specify it in the decorator: @Function('myfunc', requestchans=True) then modify the function header: def my_func(args, source, target, channels). To get the userlist: channels[target].userdict.keys().
  • If the function requires special action of the serv (e.g. notice of private message), specify it in the decorator: @Function('myfunc', requestserv=True) then modify the function header: def my_func(args, source, target, serv).
  • You can use return in a function but this is deprecated. If you want to emulate the behavior of return, just add stop() the line after your yield.


  • You can chain the attributes in whatever order you want, like that: {}. You can specify up to two colors, first will be the text color, and second will be background color. Valid attributes are: bold, underlined, italic, reverse (inverses background and text color), and reset, to reset every attributes. Valid colors could be found in
  • If you're using the serv object directly, and you need colors, you'll need to add .format() after your string.

Note: every command can be sent to the bot via channel msg, or via privmsg

Admin commands

Description Requires Usage
Know if you're authed WHOAMI
To log in AUTH username password (use that only in privmsg..)
Change nick master NICK newnickname
Quit master DIE [reason]
Save configuration master SAVECONFIG
Join a channel admin JOIN #channel
Part a channel admin part #channel [reason] or part [reason] (when on the target channel)
Adjust flood-control (in secs) admin THROTTLE [time]
Saves configuration & triggers admin SAVECONFIG
Notice a user/channel known NOTICE user message
Add a trigger known ADDTRIGGER triggername text
Performs an action on a channel ACT #channel action
Say something on a channel SAY #channel message
Show configuration SHOWCONFIG

User commands

User commands require no authentication, normal user priviledges, and of course: known users, admins and masters can run these commands.

Description Usage
Pongs you PING
Gives you eye cancer EYECANCER
Obtains the first result from Google G query or GOOGLE query
Obtains the first result from YouTube YT query or YOUTUBE query
A command you can hold on to HELP
Tries to determine exactly who/what you are QUISUISJE
Tests how the bot handles exceptions ERROR
Gives you a URL to the source code SOURCE
Gives you the current version of the bot VERSION
Gives you a RAINBOW (color test) :p RAINBOW
Obtains the first result from SoundCloud SC query or SOUNDCLOUD query
Feels the weather at a specified location W city, country or WEATHER city, country

For the WEATHER command If the specified city or country is written in another script instead Latin script, sometimes specifying it in Latin Transliteration helps, instead of เชียงใหม่ , write it as: Chiang Mai.

This is so with characters that are not specified in Basic Latin. Such as: Hafnarfjörður, Iceland; should be transliterated to: Hafnarfjordur, Iceland (Change o with diaeresis to: 'o', and Eth to 'd')