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Accessibility User Stories

Bill Vasilopoulos edited this page Oct 16, 2017 · 7 revisions

Story 1: As a user, I want to be able to use my accessibility software so that I can navigate the website without a mouse.

Estimated Size: med

Acceptance Criteria:

  • A skip navigation link is available to the user to utilize to skip to content.
  • All images will have alt text to allow for the user to understand what is being presented.
  • Site will utilize :focus so that the user knows where they are on the page at any time.

Story 2: As a user, I want to be able to use search so that I may locate what I am looking for easier.

Estimated Size: lg

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Search window is easily accessible to users
  • Search will provide results that are the closest to the users search terms first, then results that are related.

Story 3: As a user, I want to be able to adjust the size of font on my screen so that I may read it easier.

Estimated Size: lg

Acceptance Criteria:

  • User is able to enlarge font on the screen using an easy to identify + or - option on the page.
  • Text will automatically adjust to present in the best format to the user.

Story 4: As a user, I want to be able to enlarge and shrink content on my screen using keyboard commands such as Command+ and Command- shortcuts.

Estimated Size: lg

Acceptance Criteria:

  • User is able to use the Command + and Command - keys on their keyboard to enlarge or shrink content on the page.
  • The page will adjust layout and content appropriately to present the user based on size they have zoomed in on.

Story 5: As a JAWS from Freedom Scientific and VoiceOver (OSX) screen-reader user, I want to be able to hear the text equivalent for each image that conveys information about the image.

Estimated Size: med

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Alt tags shall be used for all images with simple, short descriptions that do not interfere with similar text that appears on the page.
  • Alt tags are to be left blank if proper image context is written near the image (ex: alt=“”)

Story 6: As a visually-impaired user who cannot see colors, I want to be able to locate all links so that I am able to navigate the site effectively.

Estimated Size: med

Acceptance Criteria: In order to meet the WCAG2.0 AA rating we shall use the following color guidelines:

  • A 3:1 contrast between the link text color and the surrounding non-link text color.
  • A 4.5:1 contrast between the link text color and the background.
  • A 4.5:1 contrast between the non-link text color and the background.

Story 7: As hearing-impaired user, I want to have access to any and all transcripts of spoken audio so no information is missed.

Estimated Size: large

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Provide links to transcripts of any and all spoken audio located near the audio source
  • Provide embedded captions to any and all spoken audio in video or presentation

Story 8: As a JAWS from Freedom Scientific screen-reader user, I want to be able to know what each form label is for each form field so I can enter the correct information in the correct field within the form.

Estimated Size: med

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Labels shall be provided to identify all form controls, including text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and drop-down menus.
  • label elements shall be used to associate text with the corresponding form elements. The for attribute of the label must accurately match the id of the form control.