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@github-actions github-actions released this 03 Sep 05:54
· 521 commits to main since this release

Issues | Pull Requests | v0.6.2...v0.6.3 | Base revision


#1106 test: Support enabling Trivy and disabling tflint and tfsec




test action ever ran tflint and tfsec.
From this release, test action supports running Trivy and stop running tflint and tfsec.
The default behaviour isn't changed, so test action runs tflint and tfsec and doesn't run Trivy by default.

To run Trivy, you need to install Trivy by aqua.

aqua g -i aquasecurity/trivy

You can enable or disable Trivy, tfsec, and tflint with tfaction-root.yaml.

  enabled: false # By default, this is true
  enabled: true # By default, this is false
# tflint:
#   enabled: true # By default, this is true

⚠️ For now, these settings can be configured only at the root of tfaction-root.yaml.
We will consider allowing to configure these setting at tfaction-root.yaml's target_groups and tfaction.yaml too if necessary.


tfsec maintainers encourage the tfsec community to transition over to Trivy.
So tfaction needed to support migrating tfsec to Trivy.

tfsec doesn't support Terraform import block and the issue was closed because maintainers encourage to migrate to Trivy.

So you should migrate tfsec to Trivy in near future.

Scaffold working directories

If you want to use Trivy instead of tfsec in new working directories, you should skip creating aqua.yaml following to the guide.


  skip_adding_aqua_packages: true

And please add aqua.yaml to templates.

aqua init
aqua g -i open-policy-agent/conftest terraform-linters/tflint aquasecurity/trivy hashicorp/terraform

Known issues

test-module action doesn't support Trivy and doesn't support enabling and disabling linters.
We will work on it.


#1102 test: Enable tfsec's --ignore-hcl-errors to prevent the parse error of Terraform's import block

You don't need to do anything.
tfsec is always run with --ignore-hcl-errors to prevent the parse error of Terraform's import block.

tfsec doesn't support Terraform's import block, but --ignore-hcl-errors can be used for workaround.