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Sandboxing Duktape


Sandboxed environments allow execution of untrusted code with two broad goals in mind:

  1. Security: prevent untrusted code from doing unsafe operations such as accessing memory directly, causing segfaults, etc.
  2. Availability: prevent untrusted code from hogging resources, e.g. consuming all available memory or entering an infinite loop.

For some sandbox environments it's sufficient to protect against accidents, e.g. user code accidentally entering an infinite loop. In other environments the executed code may be potentially hostile, which is of course much more challenging to secure against.

Duktape provides mechanisms to allow these goals to be achieved for running untrusted Ecmascript code. All C code is expected to be trusted and must be carefully written with these sandboxing goals in mind.

This document describes best practices for Duktape sandboxing.


This document is in a rough draft state. Duktape 1.0 does not yet have full support for sandboxing, e.g. there is no bytecode execution timeout yet. Sandboxing shortcomings will be fixed in later versions.

Suggested measures

Isolation approaches

There are two basic alternatives to sandboxing Ecmascript code with Duktape:

  • Use a separate Duktape heap for each sandbox
  • Use a separate Duktape thread (with a separate global environment) for each sandbox

Pros and cons of using a Duktape heap for sandboxing:

  • Duktape heaps cannot exchange values or object references except through explicit serialization, so values or references don't accidentally leak from one heap to another.
  • Each Duktape heap can be assigned its own memory pool, which allows separate memory limits to be placed for each sandbox.
  • Multiple native threads can be used in parallel to execute code in different heaps. Only one native thread may be active at a time for each particular heap, however.
  • One downside is that there is some per-heap overhead which accumulates for each sandbox. If the memory pool for a heap is pre-allocated, some of the pool will be unused. If memory is not pre-allocated, actual memory usage is quite tightly bound because of reference counting.

Pros and cons of using a Duktape thread for sandboxing:

  • Duktape threads can exchange values and object references. This can be useful at times, but is also a risk for sandboxing.
  • If you create a thread with a separate global environment (duk_push_thread_new_globalenv()), two threads can be isolated to a large extent. It's still possible to leak values and references between threads through Duktape/C functions, carelessly written finalizers, and so on.
  • All threads in a certain heap share the same memory pool which means that one sandbox can starve other sandboxes of memory.
  • Only a single native thread can execute Ecmascript code at a time.

These two approaches can of course be mixed: you can have multiple heaps, each with one or more sandboxed threads.

Replace the global object

The first thing you should do is replace the global object with a minimal replacement, providing only those bindings that are absolutely necessary for the sandboxed environment. Sometimes this means the full E5 bindings; sometimes it means just a few bindings that sandboxed code is expecting.

In general you should be confident that every exposed binding is safe from both security and availability viewpoints.

Risky bindings:

  • The Duktape object provides access to Duktape internals in several ways which is not ideal. It may also gain new properties in new Duktape versions, which may be easy to accidentally overlook, so the safest default is to hide it from sandboxed code. You can still cherry pick individual functions to be exposed directly or through a wrapper.
  • Duktape.Buffer allows creation of buffers and internal keys (through buffer-to-string coercion) and thus provides access to internal properties. See separate section on internal properties.
  • Duktape.dec() allows decoding of string data into a buffer value and thus provides access to internal properties.
  • Duktape.act() provides access to calling functions which may matter to some sandboxing environments.
  • Duktape.fin() provides access to setting and getting a finalizer. Since a finalizer may run in a different thread than where it was created, finalizers are a sandboxing risk.

You should also:

  • Remove the require module loading function in the global object. If you need module loading in the sandbox, it's better to write a specific, constrained module loader for that environment.

Restrict access to internal properties

Internal properties are intended to be used by Duktape and user C code to store "hidden properties" in objects. The mechanism currently relies on using strings with an invalid UTF-8 encoding which cannot normally be created by Ecmascript code. Such properties should be non-writable and non-configurable when possible, but it's still a risk to let user code access them.

If Ecmascript code has access to buffer values, it can easily create internal keys and then access internal properties, e.g.:

// With access to Duktape.dec: decodes to \xFFfoo, invalid UTF-8 data
var key = Duktape.dec('hex', 'ff666f6f');

// With an arbitrary buffer value 'buf' (with length >= 1)
buf[0] = 0xff;  // create invalid utf-8 prefix
var key = String(buf).substring(0, 1) + 'foo';

The risk in being able to access a certain internal property depends on the internal property in question. Some internal properties are non-writable and non-configurable, so the sandboxed code can only read the property value; quite often this is not an issue by itself. If the value of an internal property can be modified, concrete security issues may arise. For instance, if an internal property stores a raw pointer to a native handle (such as a FILE *), changing its value can lead to a potentially exploitable segfault.

To prevent access to internal keys:

  • Ensure that sandboxed code has no direct access to buffer values, either by creating one using Duktape.Buffer or through some C binding which returns a buffer value in some way.
  • Ensure that sandboxed code has minimal access to objects with potentially dangerous keys like raw pointers.
  • If user code needs to deal with buffers, provide access through an accessor object without giving direct access to the underlying buffer.

The fact that access to buffer values provides access to internal properties is not ideal. There are several future work issues to improve this situation, e.g. to prevent access to internal properties from Ecmascript code even with the correct internal string key.

Restrict access to function instances

In some environments giving the user code access to calling functions can be dangerous. For instance, if user code gets access to a function it cannot normally see through bindings in the global object, it can call that function and perhaps sidestep sandboxing.

Prevent access to function references in the call stack:

  • Prevent access to Duktape.act() which provides programmatic access to the call stack and its function references.
  • If DUK_OPT_NONSTD_FUNC_CALLER_PROPERTY is enabled, the caller property provides access to calling functions. Don't use this option with sandboxing, or at least carefully control the caller property values seen by the sandboxed code.
  • The _Tracedata internal property of error objects contains references to calling functions. Because this property is internal, sandboxed code has no access to it as long as access to internal properties is prevented in general.

Restrict access to finalizers

Allowing user to code to run a finalizer is dangerous: a finalizer can execute in another thread than where it was created, so it can potentially breach sandboxing.

Suggestions for sandboxing:

  • Don't give user code access to Duktape.fin().
  • Don't give user code access to internal properties: with access to internal properties, user code can read/write the internal finalizer reference directly.
  • Write finalizers very carefully. Make minimal assumptions on which thread they run, i.e. which global object they see.
  • For sandboxed environments it may be sensible to make all finalizers native code so that they can access the necessary thread contexts regardless of the finalizer thread.

Sanitize built-in prototype objects

Plain values inherit implicitly from built-in prototype objects. For instance, string values inherit from String.prototype, which allows one to access string methods with a plain base value:


Duktape 1.0 will use the original built-in prototype functions in these inheritance situations. There is currently no way to replace these built-ins so that the replacements would be used for instead (see test-dev-sandbox-prototype-limitation.js).

As a result, sandboxed code will always have access to the built-in prototype objects which participate in implicit inheritance:

  • Boolean.prototype: through plain booleans such as true
  • Number.prototype: through numbers such as 123
  • String.prototype: through strings such as "foo"
  • Object.prototype: through object literals such as {}
  • Array.prototype: through array literals such as []
  • Function.prototype: through function expressions and declarations, such as function(){}
  • RegExp.prototype: through RegExp literals such as /foo/
  • Error.prototype and all subclasses like URIError.prototype: through explicit construction (if constructors visible) or implicitly through internal errors, e.g. /foo\123/ which throws a SyntaxError
  • Duktape.Buffer.prototype: through buffer values (if available); since there is no buffer literal, user cannot construct buffer values directly
  • Duktape.Pointer.prototype through pointer values (if available); since there is no pointer literal, user cannot construct pointer values directly

It's not sufficient to avoid exposing these prototype objects in a replacement global object: Duktape will use the original built-in prototype objects regardless when dealing with plain value inheritance. It is possible, however, to delete individual properties of the prototype objects, e.g.:

delete String.prototype.toUpperCase

This will cause the original example to fail:

delete String.prototype.toUpperCase
print("foo".toUpperCase());  // TypeError: call target not an object

Suggestions for sandboxing:

  • Be aware that user code can access built-in prototypes through implicit inheritance through various plain values.
  • Sanitize built-in prototype objects by deleting unnecessary methods.

XXX: This will probably need improvement. There may need to be API to replace all built-in values. They are kept in an internal array so perhaps just exposing a primitive to set arbitrary values in the array would be sufficient (though cryptic).

Use the bytecode execution timeout mechanism

XXX: Bytecode execution timeout not yet implemented in Duktape 1.0.

The bytecode execution timeout mechanism allows a user callback to interact with the bytecode executor to forcibly abort execution if a script has been running for too long. The mechanism relies on Duktape/C functions always returning to the bytecode executor within a reasonable time so that the execution timeout check can be done from time to time. (Because there is only one execution thread, the executor cannot interrupt on-going Duktape/C calls otherwise.)

Duktape tries to place execution time and recursion depth limits on risky internal operations. For instance, there is a sanity limit on the number of operations executed during regexp matching. When these internal limits are hit, a RangeError is thrown. User code can catch such an error and continue execution. However, the error will return control to the bytecode executor so that the execution timeout mechanism can kick in if necessary.

Use a fixed size memory pool for the sandbox

You should usually restrict the amount of memory that the sandbox can use.

One common approach is to use a pooled memory allocator to impose a hard limit on the memory available to the sandbox. The memory can be split into memory areas of a fixed size or a free-list based approach can be used.

Another approach is to use wrappers around standard malloc, realloc, and free and keep track of total allocated memory. One difficulty with this is that realloc calls are not given the original allocation size so you need to track that separately e.g. by prepending a small header to every allocated memory block.

Review your C bindings for safety

Review every C binding exposed to the sandbox. There should be no way to violate the safety goals through the C binding. In particular:

  • It shouldn't be possible to cause memory unsafe behavior.
  • It shouldn't be possible to execute for an unreasonable amount of time within the C binding.
  • It shouldn't be possible to access internal properties indirectly through the C binding.

Particular issues to look out for:

  • Check typing of all arguments. Avoid NULL pointers by using the "require" variants of getters (e.g. duk_require_lstring() instead of duk_require_string()).
  • Check every loop for termination. Add a sanity termination limit if a loop is suspect. Your goal is to return to the bytecode executor so that bytecode execution timeout can happen.
  • When creating buffer values, avoid returning them to the caller and avoid using the buffer values e.g. as property lookup keys (which could accidentally access an internal property).
  • When calling platform APIs, ensure they can never block indefinitely.
  • Also ensure that native code doesn't compromise sandboxing goals at a higher level. For instance, an API call must not allow sandboxed code to perform unauthenticated database writes or breach memory safety through file I/O on a Unix device file.