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MHX rQuestData Format

Seth VanHeulen edited this page Apr 9, 2017 · 15 revisions


Note: Descriptions with a question mark are the ones given in the game's code but not entirely helpful

Offset (Hex) Size Description
0000 4 Magic
0004 4 Count
0008 4 Index
000C 4 Quest ID
0010 1 Type (0 = hunt, 1 = slay, 2 = capture, 3 = deliver, 4 = hunt-a-thon, 5 = marathon)
0011 1 Village (options are 1-11)
0012 1 Star (special permit add 0x64)
0013 1 Rank (0 = offline low, 1 = online low, 3 = online high)
0014 1 Map (night add 0x64)
0015 1 Start area
0016 1 Time
0017 1 Defeats
0018 1 Ac equip set no? (not in any quest)
0019 1 BGM type? (1 in nyanter quests, 2 in training quests, 0 in all other quests)
001A 1 Requirement 1
001B 1 Requirement 2
001C 1 Entry type combo? (not in any quest)
001D 1 Urgent
001E 1 Random appear? (not in any quest)
001F 1 Clear random appear? (not in any quest)
0020 1 Intruder
0021 1 Repel
0022 1 Clear when time up
0023 1 Return after 20 seconds
0024 1 No count quest? (gathering and training quests set to 1)
0025 1 Veggie Elder
0026 1 Transpurrter
0027 1 Permanent urgent
0028 1 Repel only
0029 1 Clear type (0 = normal?, 1 = hunt X and Y, 2 = hunt X and deliver paw pass)
002A 1 Repel HP percent
002B 1 Main objective type 1
002C 2 Main objective target ID 1
002E 2 Main objective count 1
0030 4 Main objective type 2
0034 2 Main objective target ID 2
0036 2 Main objective count 2
0038 4 Subquest type
003C 2 Subquest target ID
003E 2 Subquest count
0040 1 Monster carve/drop level
0041 1 Mining level
0042 1 Fishing level
0043 4 Fee
0047 4 Village points
004B 4 Main objective reward
004F 4 Subquest reward
0053 4 Main objective academy points
0057 4 Failed academy points? (not in any quest)
005B 4 Subquest academy points
005F 4 Main objective HR points
0063 4 Subquest HR points
0067 1 Rem add frame 1?
0068 1 Rem add frame 2?
0069 1 Rem add lot max?
006A 1 Supply delivery 1 label
006B 1 Supply delivery 1 type (0 = none, 1 = timed, 2 = hunt, 3 = deliver, 4 = subquest)
006C 4 Supply delivery 1 target ID
0070 4 Supply delivery 1 target count
0074 1 Supply delivery 2 label
0075 1 Supply delivery 2 type
0076 4 Supply delivery 2 target ID
007A 4 Supply delivery 2 target count
007E 21 Boss monster 1
0093 21 Boss monster 2
00A8 21 Boss monster 3
00BD 21 Boss monster 4
00D2 21 Boss monster 5
00E7 4 Small monster HP
00EB 4 Small monster attack
00EF 4 Small monster other
00F0 1 No small monsters
00F4 1 Enemy set 2 condition type
00F5 4 Enemy set 2 condition target ID
00F9 4 Enemy set 2 condition target count
00FD 1 Enemy set 3 condition type
00FE 4 Enemy set 3 condition target ID
0102 4 Enemy set 3 condition target count
0106 1 Boss rush type? (0 = normal, 2 = ???, 4 = ???, 5 = ???, 7 = ???, 8 = ???)
0107 1 Boss monster 1 condition type
0108 4 Boss monster 1 condition target ID
010C 4 Boss monster 1 condition target count
0110 1 Boss monster 2 condition type
0111 4 Boss monster 2 condition target ID
0115 4 Boss monster 2 condition target count
0119 1 Chance of intruder
011A 1 Extra start time?
011B 1 Extra start random?
011C 1 Extra limit 3?
011D 1 Extra limit 4?
011E 1 Extra limit 5?
011F 1 Chance of boss monster 3 intruding
0120 1 Chance of boss monster 4 intruding
0121 1 Chance of boss monster 5 intruding
0122 1 Dragonator
0123 1 Arena fence
0124 1 Arena fence start
0125 2 Arena fence open time
0127 2 Arena fence start time
0129 2 Arena fence reuse time
012B 2 Dragonator start time
012D 2 Dragonator reuse time
012F 1 Quest icon 1
0130 1 Quest icon 2
0131 1 Quest icon 3
0132 1 Quest icon 4
0133 1 Quest icon 5
0134 4 Prog number? (not in any quest)
0138 68 File reference to messages
017C 68 File reference to boss monster 1
01C0 68 File reference to boss monster 2
0204 68 File reference to boss monster 3
0248 68 File reference to boss monster 4
028C 68 File reference to boss monster 5
02D0 68 File reference to small monsters 1
0314 68 File reference to small monsters 2
0358 68 File reference to small monsters 3
039C 68 File reference to reward box 1
03E0 68 File reference to reward box 2
0424 68 File reference to reward box 3
0468 68 File reference to reward box 4
04AC 68 File reference to reward box 5
04F0 68 File reference to supply box
0534 4 Special permit count

Quest ID

If you convert the quest ID to a decimal number it will be in this format ABCDDEE

Section Description
A DLC (0 = normal, 1 = DLC)
B Palico (0 = normal, 1 = nyanter)
C Type (0 = offline, 1 = online, 2 = arena, 3 = training, 4 = special permit)
DD Star or special permit monster
EE Quest number or special permit level

Boss monster

Offset (Hex) Size Description
000 4 Type
004 4 Sub type
008 1 Aura type
009 4 Restore count
00D 1 Vital table number
00E 1 Attack table number
00F 1 Other table number
010 1 Difficulty
011 2 Scale
013 1 Scale table
014 1 Stamina table

File Reference

Offset (Hex) Size Description
0000 4 File type code
0004 64 File path
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