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DevSts is a zero-configuration STS for ASP.NET MVC development with OWIN.

Table of Contents


DevSts is derived from the depricated EmbeddedSts project that is part of Thinktecture.IdentityModel. We renamed the project to DevSts because this version is a minimal subset of the original EmbeddedSts project.

Large portions of the code base come from the project That codebase was forked by Bas Lijten at Bas Lijten extended the ThinkTecture.IdentityModel project to include support for FederationMetadata.xml, so the development STS could easily be consumed from OWIN as described in the blog post

See the following blog posts from Bas Lijten:


Download the files in the Installer folder to a folder on your local machine. Open a PowerShell console shell with administrator permissions and run the Powerhell script InstallDevSts.ps1 -SiteName DevSts. If you ommit the -SiteName parameter, the default site name will be DevSts. You can use any site name here.

This script will create a website DevSts where the DevSts server will be running. Open it with http://DevSts.

When you run the script you will see the following output:

Installing DevSts as site 'DevSts'                                                                
Deleting old StsDev folder 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\DevSts'                                            
Unzipping StsDev to 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\DevSts'                                                   
Creating website 'DevSts'                                                                         
Set right to folder 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\DevSts' for application pool 'IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool' 
processed file: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\DevSts                                                         
Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files                                         
Adding hostname 'DevSts' to the hosts file                                                        


This section describes how to use DevSts within your own project when using OWIN.


When using OWIN for athenticating against an STS server we need the following configuration in the appSettings section of your web.config file:

    <add key="ida:ADFSMetadata" value="http://DevSts/FederationMetadata" />
    <add key="ida:Wtrealm" value="urn:Whatever" />
    <add key="ida:ReplyAddress" value="http://DevSts_test"/>

When working with a real STS server the app settings will look something like:

    <add key="ida:ADFSMetadata" value="" />
    <add key="ida:Wtrealm" value="urn:mysite:realm" /> <!-- ask your ADFS administrator for this realm -->
    <add key="ida:ReplyAddress" value=""/>

Note that the url and realm will differ for your company.


In a default generated project by Visual Studio we now also need to modify the file App_Start\Startup.Auth.cs to be as follows:

public partial class Startup
    private static string realm = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:Wtrealm"];
    private static string adfsMetadata = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:ADFSMetadata"];
    private static string replyAddress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:ReplyAddress"];

    public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)

        app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions());

            new WsFederationAuthenticationOptions
                Wtrealm = realm,
                MetadataAddress = adfsMetadata,
                Wreply = replyAddress

Note that the current implementation of DevSts only works over http:// and not over https://. This means that during development your consuming site must run on http:// as well.


For the set of available users and their claims DevSts uses a file DevStsUsers.json. This file lives in the App_Data folder of the DevSts website, so in a default configuration of DevSts at the location c:\inetpub\wwwroot\DevSts\App_Data\DevStsUsers.json.

If this file does not exist, DevSts will generate sample JSon file with the following content:

    "Name": "Alice",
    "Claims": [
        "Type": "",
        "Value": "Alice"
        "Type": "",
        "Value": ""
        "Type": "",
        "Value": "Alice"
        "Type": "",
        "Value": "Doe"
    "Name": "Bob",
    "Claims": [
        "Type": "",
        "Value": "Bob"
        "Type": "",
        "Value": ""
        "Type": "",
        "Value": "Bob"
        "Type": "",
        "Value": "de Bouwer"

Change this file with the set of test users and corresponding cleams as required for your application.

When your application authenticates against DevSts a list box of available users is displayed that you can authenticate with. If there is only one user available in DevStsUsers.json the application automatically authenticated against this user.

Automating DevSts installation for the team

Setting up the web.config and the code as described above is a one time job in your project, all team members check out the project from source control and are done. Setting up DevSts on each of the machines of the team members can be another thing. The following configure-devsts.ps1 PowerShell script can facilitate you in in setting up DevSts on a team member machine. The script creates a DevStsUsers.json configuration file that is configured so that each developer gets a personal set of claims. Modify the returned set of claims dependend on your needs.

# PowerShell v3

$DevStsSiteName = 'DevSts'

$tmpInstallDevSts = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath tmpInstallDevSts
$InstallDevSts_ps1 = "$tmpInstallDevSts\InstallDevSts.ps1"
$DevSts_zip = "$tmpInstallDevSts\"
$DevStsUsers_json = Join-Path -Path c:\inetpub\wwwroot -ChildPath "$DevStsSiteName\App_Data\DevStsUsers.json"

New-Item -Path $tmpInstallDevSts -type directory -force | out-null

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile $InstallDevSts_ps1
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile $DevSts_zip
if (!((Test-Path -Path $InstallDevSts_ps1) -and (Test-Path -Path $InstallDevSts_ps1))) {
    "Failed to download InstallDevSts.ps1 or Retry!"
    Remove-Item -Path $tmpInstallDevSts -Recurse
    exit -1

PowerShell -Command "$InstallDevSts_ps1 -SiteName $DevStsSiteName" 

if (!(Test-Path -Path $DevStsUsers_json)) {
    $username = Get-Content -Path env:username
    $userdomain = Get-Content -Path env:userdomain
    $userprops = ([adsisearcher]"(samaccountname=$env:USERNAME)").FindOne().Properties
    $json = @"
    "Name": "$($userprops.givenname)",
    "Claims": [
        "Type": "",
        "Value": "$($"
        "Type": "",
        "Value": "$($userprops.mail)"
        "Type": "",
        "Value": "$($userprops.givenname)"
        "Type": "",
        "Value": "$($"
        "Type": "",
        "Value": "$userdomain"
        "Type": "",
        "Value": "$username"
    new-item -force -path $DevStsUsers_json -value $json -type file

Remove-Item -Path $tmpInstallDevSts -Recurse
exit 0


DevSts is a project developed in Visual Studio 2015 with ASP.NET MVC and the .Net 4.6 framework.

The DevSts folder contains the implementation of the Development STS server. The DevStsOwinVanillaVisualStudio2015 folder contains a vanilla Visual Studio 2015 sample project that connects to DevSts server using OWIN. When you authenticate against DevSts from the dample application you can see the claims of currently authenticated user under the About tab.

Creating websites in IIS Manager

When developing on DevSts we need to configure our development environment as follows:

  • Create a website in IIS Manager with name DevSts and hostheader DevSts and point it to ....\DevSts\DevSts
  • Create a website in IIS Manager with name DevSts_test and hostheader DevSts_test and point it to ....\DevSts\DevStsOwinVanillaVisualStudio2015
  • Add DevSts to file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
  • Add DevSts_test to file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
  • Set both projects as startup project and start from within Visual Studio

Creating an installation package

  • Right-click DevSts project

  • Select Publish...

  • On Profile:

    • Select the profile "Publish site for IIS"
  • On Connection:

    • Publish method: File System
    • Target location: ....\DevSts\Installer\Files
  • Settings:

    • Configuration: Release
    • File Publish Options:
      • Precompile during publishing (configure: Merge all outputs to a single assembly - DevStsSite)

Now zip the contents of the folder Installer\Files to the file Installer\

Test the installation package

To test the installation package:

  • Open a PowerShell console shell with administrator permissions and run the Powerhell script InstallDevSts.ps1 -SiteName DevStsTest.

  • Configure your web.config as follows:

        <add key="ida:ADFSMetadata" value="http://DevStsTest/FederationMetadata" />
        <add key="ida:Wtrealm" value="urn:Whatever" />
        <add key="ida:ReplyAddress" value="http://DevSts_test"/>

The test site http://DevSts_test will now use the DevSts instance installed from the installation package.


See the LICENSE file for the copyright information.


DevSts is a zero-configuration STS for ASP.NET MVC development with OWIN







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