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File metadata and controls

334 lines (238 loc) · 15.8 KB


Optimus is usable with a command line tool to build pages, create new projects or enter in a watch mode that automatically rebuilds pages when their templates has been changed.

It works a little bit like Django as you create a project with a settings file containing all useful global settings to build your pages and manage your assets.


This is where your environment configuration resides, generally the is the default settings used in development, and the file is used for a production environment that it inherits from the default settings and only sets a DEBUG = False to avoid the debug mode and minify the assets.

Optimus command line actions always accept a settings option to specify a settings file, by default this is the that is used but if you want to use another settings file like you have to specify it in command line like a Python path :

optimus-cli [ACTION] --settings=prod_settings

If you just want to use the default settings, you don't need to specify it with settings option.

Below is a list of all available settings, but not all are created in the settings file when you create a new project with Optimus, only the useful ones. Optionnal settings that are undefined will be set with a default value. When the default value is not defined in the list, you can assume than they are empty.

When actived (True) Optimus will not try to compress asset bundles. It is useful to avoid to re-compress them after any changes, this is the preferred method when developping your templates and CSS, this is why it is the default behavior in the default settings file. Disable it for production settings (this is already done in the production settings file provided in project templates. You can also access this variable from your templates if needed.
Absolute path to the project directory. The settings files provided in project templates already fills them automatically, you should not need to edit it.
The project name to use in your templates.
The project hostname (without http protocol prefixe) to use in your templates.
Absolute path to the project sources (templates, assets, etc..) directory.
Absolute path to the project templates directory.
Absolute path to the directory where to publish pages and assets. Don't use the same path for different settings file.
Absolute path where will be moved all the static files (from the sources), usually this is a directory in the PUBLISH_DIR
Absolute path to the i18n translation catalogs directories.
The directory where webassets will store his cache. You can set this to False to not use the cache, or set it to True to use the default directory from webassets.
Language locale name to use as the default for Pages that don't define it, see

A list of locale name for all available languages to manage with PO files. Remember to add it the locale name for the default language from LANGUAGE_CODE.

Sample :


This will add the default language and French to the known languages to manage.

Sometime it is also needed to have a label for these languages or some other associated parameters, so your languages entries can be tuples but their first item must be the locale name. Here is a sample :

    (LANGUAGE_CODE, "International"),
    ('fr_FR', "France"),

Note that Optimus didn't care about other items in tuples of languages entries, you can add everything you want. But take care that Optimus will allways assume the first item is the locale name it needs.

The static url to use in templates and with webassets. This can be a full URL like http://, a relative path or an absolute path.

ReSTructuredText parser settings to use when building a RST document. This is only useful if you use RST documents in your pages.

Default value is :

    'initial_header_level': 3,
    'file_insertion_enabled': True,
    'raw_enabled': False,
    'footnote_references': 'superscript',
    'doctitle_xform': False,
This setting name is deprecated and will be removed in futur release. This was the previous name for BUNDLES setting.

Custom bundles to use for managing assets.

Sample :

    'my_css_bundle': Bundle(
    'my_js_bundle': Bundle(
Key names of enabled bundles to use, by default all known bundles (from setting BUNDLES) are enabled. If you don't want to enable them all, just define it with a list of bundle names to enable.

Sources files or directories to synchronize within the published static directory. This is usually used to put on some assets in the static directory like images that don't need to be compressed with assets bundles.

Note that you should be carefull to not conflict with files targeted by webassets bundles.


Comment, uncomment or add new extension path to use with Jinja here.

Default value is :


Note that you don't need to manually define the webassets extension if you use it, it is automatically appended within the build process if it detects bundles.

Python path to the file that contains pages map, this is relative to your project, default value is pages, meaning this will search for file in your project directory.

Map for translation rules extraction with Babel.

Default value is :

    ('', 'python'),
    ('*', 'python'),
    ('**/templates/**.html', 'jinja2'),

So the default behavior is only to search for translations in template sources, and all common settings files.


List of path to search for translation to extract. In these paths, a scan will be done using the rules from I18N_EXTRACT_MAP.

Default value is :


So it will search recursively in the project directory.


Options for translation rules extraction with Babel.

Default value is :

    '**/templates/**.html': {
        'extensions': 'webassets.ext.jinja2.AssetsExtension',
        'encoding': 'utf-8'


The templates are rendered to pages using template engine Jinja2.

For each template the default context variables are :

  • debug : A boolean, his value comes from settings.DEBUG;
  • SITE : A dict containing some variables from the settings;
    • name : the value from settings.SITE_NAME;
    • domain : the value from settings.SITE_DOMAIN;
    • web_url : the value from settings.SITE_DOMAIN prefixed by http://;
  • STATIC_URL : A string, containing the value from settings.STATIC_URL;

Read the Jinja2 documentation for more details on the available template markups.


You can simply put your assets where you want in the sources directory and add your assets directories in settings.FILES_TO_SYNC, they will be copied to your build directory.

But with Optimus this is only required for real static assets like images. For CSS and Javascript you should manage them with webassets that is already installed with Optimus.

With webassets you manage your assets as packages named Bundle, like a bundle for your main CSS, another for your IE CSS hacks/patchs and another for your Javascripts files. You will have to register your custom bundles in settings.BUNDLES and enable them in settings.ENABLED_BUNDLES.

The benefit of webassets is that it can pre and post process all your assets. This is usually used to minify and pack multiple files in one final file. Read the webassets documentation for more details how to use this and to manage bundle assets in your templates.


The pages to build are registred in a file in your project, it must contains a PAGES variable that is a list containing optimus.builder.pages.PageViewBase instances.

A default project created from the init (:ref:`usage-project-label`) command is already shipped with a containing some samples pages, you can change them, inherit them or add another to build various pages.

Page context

Default PageViewBase instance adds some variables to its template context (:ref:`basics-templates-label`) :

  • page_title that contains the value of PageViewBase.title attribute;
  • page_destination that contains the value of PageViewBase.destination attribute;
  • page_relative_position that contains the relative path position from the destination file to the root of the publish directory;
  • page_lang that contains the value of PageViewBase.page_lang attribute;
  • page_template_name that contains the value of PageViewBase.template_name attribute;

See optimus.builder.pages to see more detail on how it works.

Defining your pages

There are three required arguments for a PageViewBase object :

The title of your page, can be anything you want, it's just a context variable that you can use in your templates.
Destination file path where the page will be builded, the path is relative to the setting PUBLISH_DIR. You can use multiple subdirectory levels if needed, the builder will create them if it does not allready exists.
File path for the template to use, the path is relative to the setting TEMPLATES_DIR.

The short way is like so :

from optimus.builder.pages import PageViewBase
# Enabled pages to build
    PageViewBase(title="My page", template_name="mypage.html", destination="mypage.html"),

But it is more likely you need to build more than one pages and generally you want to share some attributes like templates or title. So instead of directly using PageViewBase, you should make your own page object like this :

from optimus.builder.pages import PageViewBase

class MyBasePage(PageViewBase):
    title = "My base page"
    template_name = "mypage.html"

# Enabled pages to build
    MyBasePage(title="My index", destination="index.html"),
    MyBasePage(title="My Foo page", destination="foo.html"),
    MyBasePage(title="My Bar page", destination="bar.html"),

Extending PageViewBase

You can override some methods to add logic or change some behaviors in your PageViewBase object.

Set the page_title context variable.
Set the page_destination context variable.
Set the page_relative_position context variable.
Set the page_lang context variable.
Set the page_template_name context variable.

Set the context page to add variables to expose in the templates. The method does not attempt any argument and return the context.

To add a new variable foo in your context you may do it like this :

class MyPage(PageViewBase):
    title = "My page"
    template_name = "mypage.html"
    destination = "mypage.html"

    def get_context(self):
        # This line set the default context from PageViewBase
        super(MyPage, self).get_context()
        # Add your new variables here
            'foo': 'bar',
        return self.context


Marked strings with the {% trans %} template tag in your templates (see Jinja2 template documentation) will be translated from the page locale name and its associated translation catalog. They will be extracted and stored in catalog files where you will have to fill the translations. Then compile your catalog files and then, the page building will replace strings with the translation accordingly to the page language.

The recommended way is to use the Optimus command po see this in :ref:`usage-translations-label`.

Pages language

By default, Pages use a default locale language that is en_US, for each language you will need to make a page view with the wanted language. You can specify it in the lang page attribute, or in a lang argument when you instanciate your PageViewBase.

Managing translation catalog with the raw way

The raw way is to directly use Babel command line tool, you will have many more option to manage your catalogs but you will have to use many different commands and paths.

Before building your internationalized Pages, you will have to create a messages catalog for each needed language. Put all your {% trans %} tags in your templates, then make a catalog from the extracted string.

To correctly extract all your strings to translate, Babel will need some rules to know what and where it should search. This is done in a Babel mapping file, generally as a babel.cfg in the root directory of your project.

At least, you will need the Jinja2 integration rule :

[jinja2: sources/templates/**.html]
encoding = utf-8
extensions = webassets.ext.jinja2.AssetsExtension

The last line is needed if you use webassets tags {% assets %}...{% endassets %} in your templates, otherwise the extraction will fail. See the Jinja2 integration documentation for more details.

Extracting first the reference POT file :

pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o locale/messages.pot .

Initialize the language files (repeat this for each needed language with his correct locale key) :

pybabel init -l en_US -d locale -i locale/messages.pot

Compile all your language files :

pybabel compile -f -d locale

Update them when you make changes in your template strings (after this, you'll need to re-compile them) :

pybabel update -l en_US -d locale -i locale/messages.pot