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DIY control

Sven edited this page Sep 7, 2018 · 3 revisions

DIY control

  • Open connection window via menu [Machine control - DIY control] or enable "Open serial port on prog. startup" on Setup - Control.

  • Connect your DIY control pad / pendant via serial connection.

  • Send grbl conform commands to your machine (regular G-Code and grbl related commands), terminated by 'CR', 'LF' or 'CR LF'.

    • commands will be blocked if streaming is in progress.
  • Send grbl specific real time commands - will be forwarded directly.

    • commands will be blocked if streaming is in progress. <- perhaps should be passed through?
  • No need to send '?', GRBL-Plotter is requesting the status frequntly and forwards only if report content changes.

  • Messages send by GRBL-Plotter can also be checked without serial connection:
    DIY control