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#Task 1: ImagesPreviewer

  • Given the HTML index.html write JavaScript function createImagesPreviewer(selector, items) in file scripts.js

    • The function accepts two parameters:

      • Selector
        • The selector of the DOM element, where the previewer must be generated in
        • It can be any CSS3 selector (#id, .class, NODE_NAME)
      • Items
        • An array of objects
        • Every object in the array has two mandatory properties:
          • title - the title of the image
          • url - a path to the image (JPG/PNG)
    • The execution of the createImagesPreviewer(selector, items) function should result as follows:

      • All images from the items collection must be displayed on the right
        • With their title above them
      • Above the images on the right, there must be a filter box
        • For filtering images
      • The first item from the items collection should be displayed bigger on the left
        • With its title on top
      • Example:
    • Images in the list (on the right) have some properties:

      • The title and the image must have a parent with class image-container
      • When hovered
        • They should change their background color
        • Example:
      • When unhovered
        • They should return to their default background color
      • When clicked
        • The bigger image and its title (on the left) are replaced with the clicked image on the left
        • Example:
    • The big image and title on the left must have a parent with class image-preview

    • The filter should provide functionality for filtering the images on the list of images (on the right)

      • When the text in the box changes
        • The list of images should be filtered only to those that have a title containing the pattern
        • The pattern matching is case-insensitive
      • When the text in the box is empty
        • All images should be visible
      • Example:
    • Constraints:

      • You are allowed only to edit the contents of the file "scripts.js"
      • You are NOT allowed to edit the contents of the HTML and/or the CSS files


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