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Releases: svilupp/PromptingTools.jl


07 Jan 21:02
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PromptingTools v0.7.0

Diff since v0.6.0


  • Added new Experimental sub-module AgentTools introducing AICall (incl. AIGenerate), and AICodeFixer structs. The AICall struct provides a "lazy" wrapper for ai* functions, enabling efficient and flexible AI interactions and building Agentic workflows.
  • Added the first AI Agent: AICodeFixer which iteratively analyzes and improves any code provided by a LLM by evaluating it in a sandbox. It allows a lot of customization (templated responses, feedback function, etc.) See ?AICodeFixer for more information on usage and ?aicodefixer_feedback for the example implementation of the feedback function.
  • Added @timeout macro to allow for limiting the execution time of a block of code in AICode via execution_timeout kwarg (prevents infinite loops, etc.). See ?AICode for more information.
  • Added preview(conversation) utility that allows you to quickly preview the conversation in a Markdown format in your REPL. Requires Markdown package for the extension to be loaded.
  • Added ItemsExtract convenience wrapper for aiextract when you want to extract one or more of a specific return_type (eg, return_type = ItemsExtract{MyMeasurement})


  • Fixed aiembed to accept any AbstractVector of documents (eg, a view of a vector of documents)


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24 Dec 19:04
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PromptingTools v0.6.0

Diff since v0.5.0


  • @ai_str macros now support multi-turn conversations. The ai"something" call will automatically remember the last conversation, so you can simply reply with ai!"my-reply". If you send another message with ai"", you'll start a new conversation. Same for the asynchronous versions aai"" and aai!"".
  • Created a new default schema for Ollama models OllamaSchema (replacing OllamaManagedSchema), which allows multi-turn conversations and conversations with images (eg, with Llava and Bakllava models). OllamaManagedSchema has been kept for compatibility and as an example of a schema where one provides the prompt as a string (not dictionaries like OpenAI API).


  • Removed template RAG/CreateQAFromContext because it's a duplicate of RAG/RAGCreateQAFromContext


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23 Dec 13:59
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PromptingTools v0.5.0

Diff since v0.4.0


  • Experimental sub-module RAGTools providing basic Retrieval-Augmented Generation functionality. See ?RAGTools for more information. It's all nested inside of PromptingTools.Experimental.RAGTools to signify that it might change in the future. Key functions are build_index and airag, but it also provides a suite to make evaluation easier (see ?build_qa_evals and ?run_qa_evals or just see the example examples/building_RAG.jl)


  • Stricter code parsing in AICode to avoid false positives (code blocks must end with "```\n" to catch comments inside text)
  • Introduced an option skip_invalid=true for AICode, which allows you to include only code blocks that parse successfully (useful when the code definition is good, but the subsequent examples are not), and an option capture_stdout=false to avoid capturing stdout if you want to evaluate AICode in parallel (Pipe() that we use is NOT thread-safe)
  • OllamaManagedSchema was passing an incorrect model name to the Ollama server, often serving the default llama2 model instead of the requested model. This is now fixed.
  • Fixed a bug in kwarg model handling when leveraging PT.MODEL_REGISTRY


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13 Dec 22:15
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PromptingTools v0.4.0

Diff since v0.3.0


  • Improved AICode parsing and error handling (eg, capture more REPL prompts, detect parsing errors earlier, parse more code fence types), including the option to remove unsafe code (eg, Pkg.add("SomePkg")) with AICode(msg; skip_unsafe=true, vebose=true)
  • Added new prompt templates: JuliaRecapTask, JuliaRecapCoTTask, JuliaExpertTestCode and updated JuliaExpertCoTTask to be more robust against early stopping for smaller OSS models
  • Added support for MistralAI API via the MistralOpenAISchema(). All their standard models have been registered, so you should be able to just use model="mistral-tiny in your aigenerate calls without any further changes. Remember to either provide api_kwargs.api_key or ensure you have ENV variable MISTRALAI_API_KEY set.
  • Added support for any OpenAI-compatible API via schema=CustomOpenAISchema(). All you have to do is to provide your api_key and url (base URL of the API) in the api_kwargs keyword argument. This option is useful if you use,, or any other similar services.

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10 Dec 14:30
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PromptingTools v0.3.0

Diff since v0.2.0



  • Introduced a set of utilities for working with generate Julia code (Eg, extract code-fenced Julia code with PromptingTools.extract_code_blocks ) or simply apply AICode to the AI messages. AICode tries to extract, parse and eval Julia code, if it fails both stdout and errors are captured. It is useful for generating Julia code and, in the future, creating self-healing code agents
  • Introduced ability to have multi-turn conversations. Set keyword argument return_all=true and ai* functions will return the whole conversation, not just the last message. To continue a previous conversation, you need to provide it to a keyword argument conversation
  • Introduced schema NoSchema that does not change message format, it merely replaces the placeholders with user-provided variables. It serves as the first pass of the schema pipeline and allow more code reuse across schemas
  • Support for project-based and global user preferences with Preferences.jl. See ?PREFERENCES docstring for more information. It allows you to persist your configuration and model aliases across sessions and projects (eg, if you would like to default to Ollama models instead of OpenAI's)
  • Refactored MODEL_REGISTRY around ModelSpec struct, so you can record the name, schema(!) and token cost of new models in a single place. The biggest benefit is that your ai* calls will now automatically lookup the right model schema, eg, no need to define schema explicitly for your Ollama models! See ?ModelSpec for more information and ?register_model!for an example of how to register a new model


  • Changed type of global PROMPT_SCHEMA::AbstractPromptSchema for an easier switch to local models as a default option

Breaking Changes

  • API_KEY global variable has been renamed to OPENAI_API_KEY to align with the name of the environment variable and preferences

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29 Nov 10:58
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PromptingTools v0.2.0

Diff since v0.1.0


  • Add support for prompt templates with AITemplate struct. Search for suitable templates with aitemplates("query string") and then simply use them with aigenerate(AITemplate(:TemplateABC); variableX = "some value") -> AIMessage or use a dispatch on the template name as a Symbol, eg, aigenerate(:TemplateABC; variableX = "some value") -> AIMessage. Templates are saved as JSON files in the folder templates/. If you add new templates, you can reload them with load_templates!() (notice the exclamation mark to override the existing TEMPLATE_STORE).
  • Add aiextract function to extract structured information from text quickly and easily. See ?aiextract for more information.
  • Add aiscan for image scanning (ie, image comprehension tasks). You can transcribe screenshots or reason over images as if they were text. Images can be provided either as a local file (image_path) or as an url (image_url). See ?aiscan for more information.
  • Add support for's local models. Only aigenerate and aiembed functions are supported at the moment.
  • Add a few non-coding templates, eg, verbatim analysis (see aitemplates("survey")) and meeting summarization (see aitemplates("meeting")), and supporting utilities (non-exported): split_by_length and replace_words to make it easy to work with smaller open source models.

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09 Nov 19:17
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