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React Test App

You can test the app via this link:

Setup & Running:

  • npm i
  • npm start
  • In order to create production build: npm run build

(Production build will be in the build folder)


I have used "Container-Presentational Pattern". Because I love this pattern as it seperates the business logic from the UI part.

I have also separated services & constants & config variables as separate files.

Let me show the folder structure:

├── __tests__ => unit tests
│   └── components
│   └── screens
├── app_constants => global constant variables
│   └── api.js
│   └── breakpoint.js
│   └── colors.js
│   └── general.js
├── assets
│   └── styles => scss files
├── components => shared, reusable components
│   └── Card
│   └── ErrorBoundary
│   └── Footer
│   └── index.js
│   └── Layout
│   └── LoadingIndicator
│   └── Navbar
│   └── ScrollTop
│   └── Section
├── pages => routes
│   └── Home
│   └── MovieDetails
│   └── index.js
├── services => api calls
│   └── movie.ts
├── store => state management
│   └── actions
│   └── reducers
│   └── constants.js
│   └── index.js
├── utils => helper functions
│   └── api.ts
│   └── breakpoints.ts
│   └── general.ts
│   └── parsing.ts
│   └── testing.ts
│   └── ui.ts
├── app_config.js => global config variables
├── mocks.js => mocks for the tests
├── router.tsx => global router
├── types.ts => global types


I tried to follow DRY, SOLID principles.

I have used caching in a lot of parts with the help of useMemo, useEffect hooks.

Common(shared) types are in the types.ts file. Component specific types are directly in the component files.

App is responsive. You can test it on mobile screens :)

I have used slug values in the url for better SEO.

I have added a global Error Boundary to catch some possible errors in the component tree.

There is an helper component called ScrollTop.tsx which scrolls the page to top then the route changes.

I have created a Loading Indicator component while the data is being loaded behind the scenes. For example backdrop images are too big in size, therefore I have created an helper function called imageAsyncLoader which waits for the image to be rendered on DOM(It is an async function which returns a promise). Therefore that will prevent flickering etc. in slow networks. You can check it here: utils/general/general.ts

In order to run the tests:

npm run test

I have added --silent flag to hide possible unwanted warnings. If you want to run a single test, you can do this:

jest filename.test.js


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