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DEPRECATED, this will no longer be used since I moved the project to: GLRDiscordBot. Reason behind this is so I could use This Template to build off of. This will make development easier long-term wise.


If you want the bot in your server, without hosting it yourself, click on either link below.

Link with required permissions

Link with all permissions (recommended)

Install & Use

If you want to host the bot yourself locally, so you can add custom commands and have a custom name / avatar, you can follow the steps below.


  • VPS / local server
  • commandline access (preferably admin/sudo access)
  • dotnet installed
  • git installed
  • screen installed (if more experienced, set it up as a service)


First, you'll need to clone the github repo:

git clone

This will be cloned wherever your commandline was, change your commandline location by doing cd location/to/go/to and then clone

Once this is done, you'll have a folder called GLR-bot with all the source files in there. After cloning, head in to the folder by executing

cd GLR-bot

Now, you can edit the code freely, though if you want to do that it's best to fork and then clone, but I'm not explaining that.

No we will publish the app so it's in a single file, and easy to run. To publish, execute this command:

dotnet publish src/GLR.Core/GLR.Core.csproj -c Release -r <RuntimeID> /p:PublishSingleFile=true

Maybe I'll one day make it so you don't have to do this and can just download the release file. Might be better.

You have to replace <RuntimeID> with whatever you want to publish the bot on. A list of <RuntimeID's> can be found here.

Your files are outputted to ./src/GLR.Core/bin/release/netcoreapp3.1/<RuntimeID>/publish

I'd move the files to a different folder by using the
mv from/path to/path
command, however that isn't necessary.

On linux, you need to give the output file called GLR.Core execution permission, by executing chmod +x path/to/GLR.Core

Once that's done you can run it by doing ./path/to/GLR.Core and all is done, however, if you want to logout of your remote session tahat you use to connect to your server, you need to use screen or something that can do the same.

Once you have screen installed, just do:

screen -dmS GLR-bot ./path/to/GLR.Core

I recommend watching a tutorial on screen to figure out how it works exactly.

On Windows / mac: Install linux and follow the steps above.
This is a very brief explanation and I didn't spend too much time on it, you'll probably have to look a few things up, but the gist is there. I also don't think it is necessary to build the bot yourself, since it is still in development and not the most stable.
Also, yes, this paragraph is only done so this file has 69 lines of 'code'.


Discord bot for GLR







No releases published


No packages published
