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Test Cases: Components

Adrian V edited this page Sep 26, 2016 · 6 revisions

TC01: Add a component and release with vendor present

Step Action Result
1 Sign In with a known user User successfully signed in and Home page is displayed
2 Click on Components tab Components page is displayed
3 Click Add Component New Component page is displayed with mandatory fields marked with red star
4 Fill in a component Name and Categories and click Add Component The page remain the same and the message You are editing the original document. is displayed
5 Click Add Release The page changes to New Release Edit page
6 Fill in a release Version and CPE ID Values are entered in the fields
7 Click Add Release The page remain the same and the message You are editing the original document. is displayed
8 Click Vendor field Search Vendor dialog is displayed
9 Search for a Vendor, select it and click Select Dialog is closed and selected Vendor is added under Vendor field
10 Click on Attachments link Attachments page is displayed
11 Click on Add Attachment Upload Attachment dialog is displayed
12 Click Browse and select the attachment File name is displayed in the dialog
13 Click Upload button The file is uploaded and dialog is closed. Also the attached file is listed in the Attachment page
14 Change the Attachment type to real type, e.g. Source file if it is a source file Type changed successfully
15 Click Update Release Release updated successfully! message is displayed
16 Click on Components tab The new component should be added to the components list (e.g. filter by Keyword Search)

TC02: Modify a component and release with vendor present

Step Action Result
1 Search for an existing component (e.g. created in TC01) and click Edit You are editing the original document message is displayed
2 Execute steps 5-16 from TC01

TC03: Add and modify a component and release with all fields filled in

Step Action Result
1 Sign In with a known user User successfully signed in and Home page is displayed
2 Click on Components tab Components page is displayed
3 Click Add Component New Component page is displayed with mandatory fields marked with red star
4 Fill in all editable fields under Basic Information Values are entered in the fields
5 Click Add Component The page remain the same and the message You are editing the original document. is displayed
6 Click Add Release The page changes to New Release Edit page
7 Fill in all editable fields under Release Summary and Release Repository Values are entered in the fields
8 Click Add Release The page remain the same and the message You are editing the original document. is displayed
9 Click on Linked Releases link Linked Releases page displayed successfully
10 Click to add Releases Search Release dialog is displayed
11 Click Search by name and Select a release to be added Dialog is closed and selected release is displayed under Linked Releases section
12 Click on Clearing Details link Clearing Details dialog is displayed
13 Fill in all editable fields Values are entered in the fields
14 Click on Attachments link and upload a file File attached successfully
15 Click Update Release Release updated successfully! message is displayed
16 Check all fields of the release under Summary, Linked Releases, Clearing Details and Attachments Values are filled in correctly
17 Click Edit button, modify some fields and Update Release Values are updated successfully

TC04: Delete a component that is first linked to a project and then not, and a project

Step Action Result
1 Create a new component Component is created successfully
2 Add a new release to this component Release is added successfully
3 Create a new project Project is created successfully
4 Add the linked release created above to this project Release linked successfully
5 Go to components, try to delete the newly created component (that is linked to a project) Message I could not delete the component! is displayed.
6 Click OK Component is not deleted
7 Go to Projects, delete the newly created project Project is deleted successfully
8 Go to components, delete the newly created components (not linked anymore to a project) Message Do you want to delete component? is displayed
9 Click OK Component is deleted successfully

TC05: Add new attachments to an existing release and delete attachments

Step Action Result
1 Search for an existing component (e.g. created in TC01) and click Release Overview The list of releases are displayed
2 Click on release version that needs a new attachment Release Summary: name page is displayed for the selected release
3 Click on Edit You are editing the original document. message is displayed
4 Click on Attachments link Attachments page is displayed
5 Click on Add Attachment Upload Attachment dialog is displayed
6 Click Browse and select several attachments File names are displayed in the dialog
7 Click Cancel near some files not to be added File names are removed from the list
8 Click Upload button for the remaining files The files are uploaded and dialog is closed. Also the attached file are listed in the Attachment page
9 Change some Attachment type to real type, e.g. Source file if it is a source file Type changed successfully
10 Click Update Release Release updated successfully! message is displayed
11 Click on Edit You are editing the original document. message is displayed
12 Click on Attachments link Attachments page is displayed
13 Click on Delete icon to delete an attachment Message Do you really want to delete this attachment? is displayed
14 Click OK Attachment is deleted successfully
15 Click Update Release Release updated successfully! message is displayed

TC06: Duplicate an existing release

Step Action Result

TC07: Search for and create a new vendor for a new release

Step Action Result