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Swaarm SDK (iOS)

Swaarm SDK is tiny and only uses one library for gzip. Including libraries, it's only 64K. To use the SDK is as simple as following these 3 steps:

1 Add Package to XCode

The SDK can be added as a swift-package, simply search it by URL in File/Add Packages, upper right corner search box.

To manually integrate the SDK go to and download the latest framework version.

2 Import & Initialize the SDK

Initialize the SDK with host and token, as received by our team. This should be done in the startup method of your app, e.g. the init of your swiftui app, or the willFinishLaunchingWithOptions or didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, as it automatically fires the __open event and - on first start - the intial event. The SDK determines if an app was installed before by checking and setting a keychain flag on first start. if it's indeed a reinstall, the __reinstall event is sent in lieu of the initial one.

To get additional debug output, set debug to true.

sent events will automatically be enriched with some userdata, e.g. os_version, vendorId and - if available - idfa. On devices using ios14 and up, tracking needs to be specifically requested to be able to get a non-zero idfa. To enable the idfa, tracking needs to be requested from a visible app, as per

purchase is a special form of event, where you can supply revenue, currency and the receipt/transactionId to verify the purchase instead of supplying the usual aggregatedValue and customValue.


    import SwaarmSdk
    SwaarmAnalytics.configure(token: "123456", host: "", debug: true)
    SwaarmAnalytics.event(typeId: "event_type_id", aggregatedValue: 123D, customValue: "custom value")
    SwaarmAnalytics.purchase(typeId: "event_type_id", revenue: 12.0, currency: "USD", receipt: "base64 receipt or transactionId")


    @import SwaarmSdk;
    [SwaarmAnalytics configureWithToken: @"123456" host: @"" batchSize:10 flushFrequency: 10 maxSize: 50 debug: YES];
    [SwaarmAnalytics eventWithTypeId:@"eventTypeId" aggregatedValue:0.0 customValue:@"custom"];
    [SwaarmAnalytics purchaseWithTypeId:@"eventTypeId" revenue:0.0 currency:@"USD" receipt:@"base64 receipt or transactionId"];

3 Build your App and Publish it

Yes, of course you still need to build and distribute your app. but apart from that, we're done! simple as that 🤩 👍