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Importing pre existing models in generated clients

John Oss edited this page Jul 26, 2018 · 1 revision

Sometimes you don't want the codegen to make a model for you--you might want to just include one that already exists in your codebase. Say you already have a User object and want to reuse that, which has a different model package from the other generated files:

First, indicate that the class is already included by default. This will keep the codegen from trying to generate the class:

  override def defaultIncludes = super.defaultIncludes ++ Set("User")

This statement will take the existing defaultIncludes and add User to it.

Next, if the User class is a different package, add an importMapping to tell the generator to include that import wherever User is used:

override def importMapping = super.importMapping ++ Map(
    "User" -> "com.yourpackage.existingModels.User")

Now the codegen will know what to import from that specific package.