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Releases: swampcoin/swamp

New rebuild wallet v2.0.0.3 for Debian 11/12 Ubuntu 22/23.04

20 Feb 15:23
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New rebuild Linux wallet swamp-v2.0.0.3 compatible with Debian 11/12 & Ubuntu 22/23.04

File name:

New Seeds and Checkpoints

28 Jul 21:00
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This is a recommended but not required update. Added new checkpoints and seeds which will secure the chain more as well as allow for faster chain synchronization

Please compile if your OS version is not available. Adding OSX, Windows, Pi and multiple version of Ubuntu over the day or so. Enjoy!

Edit on 2-21-2021: added new bootstratp (


27 May 01:32
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windows below, Use below if you need to bootstrap. also contains a peer

edit June 1, 2020 - added new with blocks up to height 164967 and 8 peers

edit June 7, 2020 - add raspberry pi arm and Mac OSX versions

New MN Collateral

26 May 10:03
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Masternode collateral changed to 20k SWAMP on block 168650 and about June 7th. Before starting up your new wallet it is best to go ahead and delete peers.dat and mncache.dat. As always, backup your wallet.dat before ever updating to any new version of Swamp Coin.


Q: What if I build and put my 20k node online early?
A: You will be a true Swamp coin supporter!! The node will not get paid until June 7 but will be ready and make the transition much smoother.

Q: Do I need to update my masternode and my local wallet to put it online early?
A: If you manage your collateral from a local wallet, yes, if you send coins to a masternode VPS, no. Only a wallet on the new protocol will recognize 20k as a legitimate collateral.

Q: What if I am a slacker and I never update my old wallets or masternodes?
A: At first you will feel lucky and like a genius, then you will get banned as more nodes are converted. You will eventually be on your own chain and no longer part of our party. Your coins will be lost forever.

Q: Is sounds like some bumpiness may be ahead, is that true?
A: It is possible if people refuse to update their wallets. However, we will be nimble and do what it takes to stay swampy-smooth.

Q: If I update early it sounds like I would miss out on some payments I would have gotten with my 1k node, you should compensate me for my pain because these are tough times!!!
A: We agree, stay engaged and watch the bounty channel. We are willing to toss out loyal supporters a bone.

Q: I had tons of nodes, you are screwing me!
A: Do the math, less nodes = more times each node gets paid. 100 MNs will now be 5, thus getting paid 20x as often.

Q: i updated my wallet on my pc now my masternodes say update required, why?
A: both the wallet you control the nodes with and the nodes have to be the same protocol version. Go back to the old version or you wont be able to control your nodes.

Q: Why all this fuss over collateral anyway?
A: Many of you have been with Swamp Coin from day 1, you may recall our statement when this started, "this is a small project the pool is trying, don't expect to get rich here. Take this journey with us"
We went through a few algos, a few collaterals, tierd nodes etc. and should have taken one more step. 1k is just too low, no value or challenge in that. We should have foreseen that as well as all the
phantom nodes that would pop up but hey, we didn't and now we are righting the ship!

Q: What about services like POSMN and Ihostmn?
A: we will be reaching out to inform them. We don't know their process. What we do know is that all your nodes will be invalid with them and need to be recreated.
So you will have less nodes, but will be paying less monthly as well.

Rebranded Logo and Checkpoint

30 Mar 14:32
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New logo implemented in all themes and splash as well as a checkpoint added at block 100,000

Added 3 New Themes

25 Feb 01:28
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Tools --> Options --> Display Tab

FInal QT Beautification

12 Feb 18:14
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The gui wallet has been updated end to end to maximum eye candy appeal!

v1.2 - Vanity Release

10 Feb 00:15
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This is not a required update. All changes are purely to swampify the Qt wallet. If you want a prettier wallet version 1.2 is for you!


10 Oct 17:05
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