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Swarm YAML schema

YAML conventions

Objects (key-value mappings) are described below using tables. Note that a blank "Default?" column means the key is required; other keys are optional and take on the indicated default value when they are not present. The order of keys in a key-value mapping does not matter.

YAML is untyped, but we try to give a more precise idea of the expected types in the tables below.

  • foo list means a list where all the elements are of type foo.
  • Some values are tuples. The types and meaning of such tuple element are presented in tables with an "Index" column.

Top level

At the top level, a scenario file contains a key-value mapping described by the following table.

Key Default? Type Description
attrs attribute list A list of local attribute definitions
author string The author of the scenario (optional). Typically this is a person's name, but it can be any string. It is displayed under the scenario description in the new game menu.
creative False boolean Whether the scenario should start out in creative mode.
description string A short description of the scenario. This shows up next to the new game menu when the scenario is selected.
entities [] entity list An optional list of custom entities, to be used in addition to the built-in entities.
known [] string list A list of names of standard or custom entities which should have the Known property added to them; that is, robots should know what they are without having to scan them.
name string The name of the scenario. For official scenarios, this is what shows up in the new game menu.
objectives [] objective list An optional list of objectives, aka winning conditions. The player has to complete the objectives in sequence to win.
recipes [] recipe list An optional list of custom recipes, to be used in addition to the built-in recipes. They can refer to built-in entities as well as custom entities.
robots robot list A list of robots that will inhabit the world.
seed number An optional seed that will be used to seed the random number generator. If a procedurally generated world is used, the seed hence determines the world. Hence, if the seed is specified, the procedurally generated world will be exactly the same every time, for every player. If omitted, a random seed will be used every time the scenario is loaded.
solution string The (optional) text of a Swarm program that, when run on the base robot, completes all the objectives. For scenarios which are officially part of the Swarm repository, such a solution will be tested as part of CI testing.
stepsPerTick number When present, this specifies the maximum number of CESK machine steps each robot is allowed to take per game tick. It is rather obscure and technical and only used in a few automated tests; most scenario authors should not need this.
structures named-structure list Structure definitions
subworlds world list A list of subworld definitions
version number The version number of the scenario schema. Currently, this should always be 1.
world world


Scenario-local attribute definitions

Key Default? Type Description
bg string Background color
fg string Foreground color
name string Name of attribute
style string list Style properties list


Description of an entity in the Swarm game

Key Default? Type Description
capabilities [] string list A list of capabilities provided by entity, when it is equipped as a device. See Capabilities.
combustion combustion Properties of combustion.
description string list A description of the entity, as a list of paragraphs.
display display Display information for the entity.
growth array For growable entities, a 2-tuple of integers specifying the minimum and maximum amount of time taken for one growth stage. The actual time for one growth stage will be chosen uniformly at random from this range; it takes two growth stages for an entity to be fully grown.
name string The name of the entity. This is what will show up in the inventory and how the entity can be referred to.
orientation array A 2-tuple of integers specifying an orientation vector for the entity. Currently unused.
plural string An explicit plural form of the name of the entity. If omitted, standard heuristics will be used for forming the English plural of its name.
properties [] string list A list of properties of this entity.
yields string The name of the entity which will be added to a robot's inventory when it executes grab or harvest on this entity. If omitted, the entity will simply yield itself.

Entity properties

The properties an entity may possess are listed below. Each entity may possess any number of properties.

  • unwalkable: robots cannot move into a cell containing this entity. If they try, the move command will throw an exception.

  • portable: robots can pick this up using grab or harvest. Trying to execute grab or harvest on an entity that is not portable will throw an exception.

  • growable: when harvested, the entity will regrow from a seed.

  • infinite: when grabbed or harvested, the entity will immediately respawn.

  • known: robots know what this is without having to scan it first, hence it does not show up as a question mark.


Each capability enables the evaluation of execution of one or more commands or language constructs. Rather than listing all possible capabilities here, which would be annoying to keep up-to-date, see the (automatically generated) Commands cheat sheet on the Swarm wiki.


Properties of entity combustion

Key Default? Type Description
duration [100, 200] range For combustible entities, a 2-tuple of integers specifying the minimum and maximum amount of time that the combustion shall persist.
ignition 0.5 number Rate of ignition by a neighbor, per tick.
product "ash" string or null What entity, if any, is left over after combustion


Description of a robot in the Swarm game

Key Default? Type Description
description string A description of the robot. This is currently not used for much, other than scenario documentation.
devices [] string list A list of entity names which should be equipped as the robot's devices, i.e. entities providing capabilities to run commands and interpret language constructs.
dir [0, 0] array An optional starting orientation of the robot, expressed as a vector. Every time the robot executes a move command, this vector will be added to its position. Typically, this is a unit vector in one of the four cardinal directions, although there is no particular reason that it has to be. When omitted, the robot's direction will be the zero vector.
display "default" display Display information for the robot. If this field is omitted, the default robot display will be used.
heavy False boolean Whether the robot is heavy. Heavy robots require tank treads to move (rather than just treads for other robots).
inventory [] inventory A list of [count, entity name] pairs, specifying the entities in the robot's starting inventory, and the number of each.
loc cosmic-loc or planar-loc An optional starting location for the robot. If the loc field is specified, then a concrete robot will be created at the given location. If this field is omitted, then this robot record exists only as a template which can be referenced from a cell in the world palette. Concrete robots will then be created wherever the corresponding palette character is used in the world map.
name string The name of the robot. This shows up in the list of robots in the game (F2), and is also how the robot will be referred to in the world palette.
program string This is the text of a Swarm program which the robot should initially run, and must be syntax- and type-error-free. If omitted, the robot will simply be idle.
system False boolean Whether the robot is a "system" robot. System robots can do anything, without regard for devices and capabilities. System robots are invisible by default.
unwalkable [] string list A list of entities that this robot cannot walk across.

Base robot

There must be at most one base robot in the world. Since concrete robots can be created either via the loc attribute or via the map and palette, use the following guide to ensure the base robot is the one you intended:

  1. Always list the intended base as the first robot definition in your scenario.
  2. The first robot with a loc attribute will become the base, even if other robots are defined earlier.
  3. Without any located robots, if multiple robots are instantiated on the map from the first robot definition, the first robot in row-major order shall be the base.

Cosmic location

Planar location plus subworld

Key Default? Type Description
loc planar-loc
subworld string Name of subworld


Swarm entity display. A display specifies how an entity or a robot (robots are essentially special kinds of entities) is displayed in the world. It consists of a key-value mapping described by the following table.

Key Default? Type Description
attr "entity" string The name of the attribute that should be used to style the robot or entity. A list of currently valid attributes can be found here.
char " " string The default character that should be used to draw the robot or entity.
curOrientation array Currently unused
invisible False boolean Whether the entity or robot should be invisible. Invisible entities and robots are not drawn, but can still be interacted with in otherwise normal ways. System robots are by default invisible.
orientationMap fromList [] orientation-map
priority 1 number When multiple entities and robots occupy the same cell, the one with the highest priority is drawn. By default, entities have priority 1, and robots have priority 10.


Recipe describes a process that takes some inputs and produces some outputs, which robots can access using make and drill.

Key Default? Type Description
in inventory A list of ingredients consumed by the recipe. Each ingredient is a tuple consisting of an integer and an entity name, indicating the number of copies of the given entity that are needed.
out inventory A list of outputs produced by the recipe. It is a list of [count, entity name] tuples just like in.
required [] inventory A list of catalysts required by the recipe. They are neither consumed nor produced, but must be present in order for the recipe to be carried out. It is a list of [count, entity name] tuples just like in and out.
time 1 number The number of ticks the recipe takes to perform. For recipes which take more than 1 tick, the robot will wait for a number of ticks until the recipe is complete. For example, this is used for many drilling recipes.
weight 1 number Whenever there are multiple recipes that match the relevant criteria, one of them will be chosen at random, with probability proportional to their weights. For example, suppose there are two recipes that both output a widget, one with weight 1 and the other with weight 9. When a robot executes make "widget", the first recipe will be chosen 10% of the time, and the second recipe 90% of the time.


List of entity-count

Entity count

One row in an inventory list

Index Type Description
0 number Quantity
1 string Entity name


Description of the world in the Swarm game

Key Default? Type Description
default string list Default world cell content
dsl string A term in the Swarm world description DSL. The world it describes will be layered underneath the world described by the rest of the fields.
map "" string A rectangular string, using characters from the palette, exactly specifying the contents of a rectangular portion of the world. Leading spaces are ignored. The rest of the world is either filled by the default cell, or by procedural generation otherwise. Note that this is optional; if omitted, the world will simply be filled with the default cell or procedurally generated.
name string Name of this subworld
offset False boolean Whether the base robot's position should be moved to the nearest "good" location, currently defined as a location near a tree, in a 16x16 patch which contains at least one each of tree, copper ore, bit (0), bit (1), rock, lambda, water, and sand. The classic scenario uses offset: True to make sure that the it is not unreasonably difficult to obtain necessary resources in the early game (see code).
palette object The palette maps single character keys to tuples representing contents of cells in the world, so that a world containing entities and robots can be drawn graphically. See Cells for the contents of the tuples representing a cell.
placements placement list Structure placements
portals portal list A list of portal definitions that reference waypoints.
scrollable True boolean Whether players are allowed to scroll the world map.
structures named-structure list Structure definitions
upperleft [0, 0] array A 2-tuple of int values specifying the (x,y) coordinates of the upper left corner of the map.
waypoints explicit-waypoint list Single-location waypoint definitions


Each cell of the world is specified by a list of terrain, optional entity and robots present (if any). For example, [grass], [grass, tree], or [grass, null, base].

  • The first (required) item specifies the terrain. Currently, valid terrain values are stone, dirt, grass, ice, or blank.

  • The second item (if present) specifies the name of an entity which should be present in the cell. This may be a built-in entity, or a custom entity specified in the entities section. null may be used to explicitly specify no entity in the cell.

  • The third item and later (if present) specifies the names of the robots which should be present in the cell. These must be names of robots specified in the robots section. A copy of each robot will be created at each location in the map where it is drawn.

    Although multiple robots may be in a single location in general, there is currently no way to specify more than one robot for a cell in the world description.

If a 1-tuple is used, it specifies a terrain value with no entity or robot. A 2-tuple specifies a terrain value and entity, but no robot.

Named structure

Structure definitions

Key Default? Type Description
name string Name of this substructure
structure structure


Structure properties

Key Default? Type Description
map string Cell-based representation of the structure using palette entries
mask string A special palette character that indicates that map cell should be transparent
palette object Structure properties
placements placement list Structure placements
structures named-structure list Nested structure definitions
waypoints explicit-waypoint list Single-location waypoint definitions


Explicit waypoint definition

Key Default? Type Description
loc planar-loc
name string Waypoint name


Scenario goals and their prerequisites. The top-level objectives field contains a list of objectives that must be completed in sequence. Each objective has a goal description and a condition.

Key Default? Type Description
condition string A swarm program that will be hypothetically run each tick to check if the condition is fulfilled.
goal string list The goal description as a list of paragraphs that the player can read.
hidden boolean Whether this goal should be suppressed from the Goals dialog prior to achieving it
id string A short identifier for referencing as a prerequisite
optional boolean Whether completion of this objective is required to achieve a 'Win' of the scenario
prerequisite prerequisite
teaser string A compact (2-3 word) summary of the goal

Orientation map

Mapping from cardinal directions to display characters

Key Default? Type Description
east string
north string
south string
west string


Structure placement

Key Default? Type Description
offset planar-loc
orient structure-orient
src string Name of structure definition

Planar location

x and y coordinates of a location in a particular world

Index Type Description
0 number X coordinate
1 number Y coordinate


Portal definition

Key Default? Type Description
consistent boolean Whether this portal is spatially consistent across worlds
entrance string Name of entrance waypoint
exitInfo portal-exit
reorient string Passing through this portal changes a robot's orientation

Portal exit

Properties of a portal's exit

Key Default? Type Description
exit string Name of exit waypoint
subworldName string Name of exit subworld


Prerequisite conditions for an objective.

Numeric range

Min/max range of a value

Index Type Description
0 number minimum
1 number maximum

Structure orientation

Structure orientation properties

Key Default? Type Description
flip boolean
up string