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Tasks List

This directory contains the tasks that are part of this benchmark.

Name Summary Category
task001_quoref_question_generation Writing questions that require tracking entity references. Question Generation
task002_quoref_answer_generation Answering questions that require tracking entity references. Answer Generation
task003_mctaco_question_generation_event_duration Writing questions that involve commonsense understanding of "event duration". Question Generation
task004_mctaco_answer_generation_event_duration Answering questions that involve commonsense understanding of "event duration". Answer Generation
task005_mctaco_wrong_answer_generation_event_duration Writing an implausible answer to the given "event duration" question. Incorrect Answer Generation
task006_mctaco_question_generation_transient_stationary Writing questions that involve commonsense understanding of "transient vs. stationary" events. Question Generation
task007_mctaco_answer_generation_transient_stationary Answering questions that involve commonsense understanding of "transient vs. stationary" events. Answer Generation
task008_mctaco_wrong_answer_generation_transient_stationary Writing an implausible answer to a "transient v. stationary" question. Incorrect Answer Generation
task009_mctaco_question_generation_event_ordering Writing questions that involve commonsense understanding of "event ordering" of events. Question Generation
task010_mctaco_answer_generation_event_ordering Answering questions that involve commonsense understanding of "event ordering". Answer Generation
task011_mctaco_wrong_answer_generation_event_ordering Writing an implausible answers to the given "event ordering" question. Incorrect Answer Generation
task012_mctaco_question_generation_absolute_timepoint Writing questions that involve commonsense understanding of when events typically happen. Question Generation
task013_mctaco_answer_generation_absolute_timepoint Answering questions that involve commonsense understanding of "absolute timepoint" of events. Answer Generation
task014_mctaco_wrong_answer_generation_absolute_timepoint Writing an implausible answer to the provided "absolute timepoint" question. Incorrect Answer Generation
task015_mctaco_question_generation_frequency Writing questions that involve commonsense understanding of events' "frequencies". Question Generation
task016_mctaco_answer_generation_frequency Answering questions that involve commonsense understanding of event "frequency". Answer Generation
task017_mctaco_wrong_answer_generation_frequency Writing an implausible answer to the given event "frequency" question. Incorrect Answer Generation
task018_mctaco_temporal_reasoning_presence Checking the presence of temporal reasoning in a question. Classification
task019_mctaco_temporal_reasoning_category Verifying the temporal reasoning category of a given question. Classification
task020_mctaco_span_based_question Checking whether the given sentence contains answer to the given question. Classification
task021_mctaco_grammatical_logical Checking grammatical and logical correctness of a question. Classification
task022_cosmosqa_passage_inappropriate_binary Identifying inappropriate content in context sentences. Classification
task023_cosmosqa_question_generation Craft one question such that it requires commonsense to be answered. Question Generation
task024_cosmosqa_answer_generation Answering commonsense questions. Answer Generation
task025_cosmosqa_incorrect_answer_generation Writing incorrect answers options for a commonsense question. Incorrect Answer Generation
task026_drop_question_generation Creating complex reasoning questions based on a passage. Question Generation
task027_drop_answer_type_generation Finding the answer type of a reasoning question. Classification
task028_drop_answer_generation Answering a complex reasoning question based on a passage. Answer Generation
task029_winogrande_full_object Creating a pair of fill in the blank question-answer pairs on objects. Long Text Generation
task030_winogrande_full_person Creating a pair of fill in the blank questions on persons. Long Text Generation
task031_winogrande_question_generation_object Writing a fill in the blank question on objects. Question Generation
task032_winogrande_question_generation_person Writing a fill in the blank question on persons. Question Generation
task033_winogrande_answer_generation Answering a fill in the blank question on objects. Answer Generation
task034_winogrande_question_modification_object Modifying a fill in the blank question on objects. Text Modification
task035_winogrande_question_modification_person Modifying a fill in the blank question on persons. Text Modification
task036_qasc_topic_word_to_generate_related_fact Writing a topic word related to a given fact. Text Modification
task037_qasc_generate_related_fact Constructing a related fact based on a given topic word. Text Modification
task038_qasc_combined_fact Combining two facts. Text Modification
task039_qasc_find_overlapping_words Finding overlapping words between two sentences. Verification
task040_qasc_question_generation Creating a question based on a given sentence. Question Generation
task041_qasc_answer_generation Writing correct answer to a given question based on a given sentence. Answer Generation
task042_qasc_incorrect_option_generation Writing incorrect answers to a given question based on a given sentence. Incorrect Answer Generation
task043_essential_terms_answering_incomplete_questions Answering incomplete questions. Answer Generation
task044_essential_terms_identifying_essential_words Identifying words or phrases of the question essential for choosing the correct answer. Verification
task045_miscellaneous_sentence_paraphrasing Generating sentence paraphrases. Text Modification
task046_miscellaenous_question_typing Annotating question-answer pairs with their corresponding type(s). Classification
task047_miscellaenous_answering_science_questions Answering simple science questions. Answer Generation
task048_multirc_question_generation Constructing questions based on the information present in the passage. Question Generation
task049_multirc_questions_needed_to_answer Identifying sentences needed to answer a given question. Classification
task050_multirc_answerability Finding answerability of questions based on a given sentence. Classification
task051_multirc_correct_answer_single_sentence Generating correct answer to single-sentence questions. Answer Generation
task052_multirc_identify_bad_question Identifying bad questions. Classification
task053_multirc_correct_bad_question Correcting bad questions. Text Modification
task054_multirc_write_correct_answer Writing A Correct Answer for a Reading Comprehension Task. Answer Generation
task055_multirc_write_incorrect_answer Writing Incorrect Answers for a Reading Comprehension Task. Incorrect AnswerGeneration
task056_multirc_classify_correct_answer Classifying Good Correct Answers. Classification
task057_multirc_classify_incorrect_answer Classifying Good Incorrect Answers. Classification
task058_multirc_question_answering Reading Comprehension Over Multiple Sentences. Classification
task059_ropes_story_generation Generating a story about relations in the given paragraph. Long Text Generation
task060_ropes_question_generation Constructing questions regarding relations in the given paragraph. Question Generation
task061_ropes_answer_generation Answering questions regarding relations in the given paragraph. Answer Generation
task062_bigbench_repeat_copy_logic Generating text that follows simple logical operations such as "repeat", "before", "after" etc. Logic
task065_timetravel_consistent_sentence_classification Choosing the option that makes a given short story consistent. Classification
task066_timetravel_binary_consistency_classification Identifying if the given sentence is consistent with the given story. Classification
task067_abductivenli_answer_generation Generating text that completes a story based on given beginning and ending. Answer Generation
task068_abductivenli_incorrect_answer_generation.json Generating text that modifies a story to be incorrect based on given beginning, middle, and ending. Answer Generation
task069_abductivenli_classification.json Choosing text that completes a story based on given beginning and ending. Classification
task070_abductivenli_incorrect_classification.json Choosing text that incorrectly completes a story based on given beginning and ending. Classification
task071_abductivenli_answer_generation Generating text that completes a story based on given beginning and middle. Answer Generation
task072_abductivenli_answer_generation Generating text that completes a story based on given middle and ending. Answer Generation
task073_CommonsenseQA_answer_generation Answering questions based on commonsense knowledge Answer Generation
task074_squad1.1_question_generation Generating guestions (based on SQuAD 1.1) Question Generation
task075_squad1.1_answer_generation Generating answers to SQuAD 1.1 questions Answer Generation
task076_splash_correcting_sql_mistakes Based on feedback correct the mistake in a given SQL statement. Structured Query Generation, Text Modification
task077_splash_explanation_to_sql Generate an SQL statement based on a description of what the SQL statement does. Structured Query Generation
task078_splash_sql_to_explanation Give a natural language description of what a given SQL statement is doing. Structured Query Classification
task079_conala_concat_strings Given a list of strings concatenate them to form one string Answer Generation.
task085_unnatural_addsub_arithmetic Performing Arithmetic with swapped operator symbols. Arithmetic
task086_translated_symbol_arithmetic Performing Arithmetic with translated operator symbols. Arithmetic
task087_new_operator_addsub_arithmetic Performing Arithmetic with newly defined operator symbols. Arithmetic
task088_identify_typo_verification Identifying typo in a sentence. Verification
task089_swap_words_verification Identifying swapped words in a sentence. Verification
task090_equation_learner_algebra Answering based on the given equation. Algebra
task092_check_prime_classification Finding whether the number is prime or not. Mathematics
task079_conala_concat_strings Given a list of strings concatenate them to form one string Answer Generation
task080_piqa_answer_generation Generating solution to a goal regarding physical knowledge about the world Answer Generation
task081_piqa_wrong_answer_generation Generating incorrect solution to a goal regarding physical knowledge about the world Incorrect Answer Generation
task082_babi_t1_single_supporting_fact_question_generation Generating a question, given a collection of facts Question Generation
task083_babi_t1_single_supporting_fact_answer_generation Generating an answer, given a collection of evidence sentences Answer Generatiomn
task084_babi_t1_single_supporting_fact_identify_relevant_fact Given a question and answer, identifying the relevant piece of evidence Supporting Fact Identification
task093_conala_normalize_lists Given a list of numbers normalize the list such that the result adds to 1 Answer Generation, Arithmetic
task094_conala_calculate_mean Given a list of numbers calculate the mean of the list Answer Generation, Arithmetic
task095_conala_max_absolute_value Given a list of numbers calculate the element with the largest absolute value Answer Generation, Arithmetic
task096_conala_list_index_subtraction Given a list of numbers subtract each element by its index in the list Answer Generation, Arithmetic
task097_conala_remove_duplicates Given a list of numbers remove all of the duplicates in the list Text Modification, Arithmetic
task098_conala_list_intersection Given a two lists of numbers find the intersection of the two lists Answer Generation, Arithmetic
task111_asset_sentence_simplification Given a sentence, simplify it so it can be understood by non-native English speakers Generation, Paraphrasing
task112_asset_simple_sentence_identification Given two text pieces, choose the one that is simpler and easier to understand by non-native speakers Answer Generation, Sentence Comparison
task102_commongen_sentence_generation Given a collection of concepts, use them in a coherent sentence. Sentence Generation
task103_facts2story_long_text_generation Given 5 facts, write a story that incorporates them. Long Text Generation
task104_semeval_2019_task10_closed_vocabulary_mathematical_answer_generation Answering multiple choices mathematical problem described with a closed-vocabulary. Answer Generation, Arithmetic
task105_Story_Cloze-ROCStories_sentence_generation Given a four sentences, predict the next (fifth) coherent sentence. Sentence Generation
task106_scruples_ethical_judgment Given two actions choose the one that is considered less ethical. Ethical Judgment
task107_splash_question_to_sql Generate an SQL statement from a question asking for certain data. Structured Query Generation
task108_ContextualAbuseDetection_classification Given a text detect whether it's abusive or not. Classification
task109_SMSspamcollection_SpamSMSdetection Classify SMS into spam or ham Classification
task110_logic2text_sentence_generation.json Generate a natural language interpretation of the given logical operators Sentence Generation
task113_count_frequency_of_letter.json Count Frequency of a letter in the given string Answer Generation
task114_is_the_given_word_longest.json Is the given word longest in the sentence Classification
task115_Help_advice_classification Given a text detect whether it's an advise or not. Classification
task116_com2sense_commonsense_reasoning Decide whether a sentence is plausible and matches commonsense. Commonsense Reasoning
task117_spl_translation_en_de.json Translate English questions to German while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task118_semeval_2019_task10_open_vocabulary_mathematical_answer_generation Answering multiple choices mathematical problem described with an open-vocabulary. Answer Generation, Arithmetic
task119_semeval_2019_task10_geometric_mathematical_answer_generation Answering multiple choices geometric problems. Answer Generation, Geometry
task119_zest_text_modification.json Paraphrasing given question Text Modification
task120_zest_text_modification.json Given a question, Change the answer with minimum changes Text Modification
task121_zest_text_modification.json Given some questions, combine them to have one new question Text Modification
task122_conala_list_index_addition.json Add lists together based on their index Answer Generation, Arithmetic
task123_conala_sort_dictionary.json Sort a list of dictionaries based on a given key Answer Generation, Arithmetic
task124_conala_pair_averages.json Calculate the averages for each two consecutive elements Answer Generation, Arithmetic
task125_conala_pair_differences.json Calculate the absolute difference for each two consecutive elements Answer Generation, Arithmetic
task126_scan_structured_text_generation_command_action_all.json Given a natural language command, provide its sequence of actions. Structured Text Generation
task127_scan_long_text_generation_action_command_all.json Given a sequence of actions, provide its natural language command. Long Text Generation
task128_scan_structured_text_generation_command_action_short.json Given a short natural language command, provide its sequence of actions. Structured Text Generation
task129_scan_long_text_generation_action_command_short.json Given a short sequence of actions, provide its natural language command. Long Text Generation
task130_scan_structured_text_generation_command_action_long.json Given a long natural language command, provide its sequence of actions. Structured Text Generation
task131_scan_long_text_generation_action_command_long.json Given a long sequence of actions, provide its natural language command. Long Text Generation
task133_winowhy_reason_plausibility_detection.json Detect if a reason explaining an answer to a pronoun coreference resolution question is correct or not Classification
task134_winowhy_reason_generation.json Giva a reason that explains the answer to a pronoun coreference resolution question Answer Generation
task135_winowhy_wrong_reason_generation.json Giva an reason that can not explain the answer to a pronoun coreference resolution question Wrong Answer Generation
task136_winowhy_knowledge_categorization.json Categorize the knowledge required to answer a pronoun coreference resolution question Classification
task137_detoxifying-lms_classification_toxicity.json Given a prompt and two completions, determine which completion is less toxic. Classification
task138_detoxifying-lms_classification_fluency.json Given a prompt and two completions, determine which completion is more fluent. Classification
task139_detoxifying-lms_classification_topicality.json Given a prompt and two completions, determine which completion is more topical. Classification
task140_detoxifying-lms_classification_style.json Given a prompt and two completions, determine which completion is stylistically more similar. Classification
task145_afs_argument_similarity_death_penalty.json Given two arguments, determine if they are similar or not. Binary Classification
task146_afs_argument_similarity_gun_control.json Given two arguments, determine if they are similar or not. Binary Classification
task147_afs_argument_similarity_gay_marriage.json Given two arguments, determine if they are similar or not. Binary Classification
task148_afs_argument_quality_gay_marriage.json Given an argument, determine if it's valid. Binary Classification
task149_afs_argument_quality_death_penalty.json Given an argument, determine if it's valid. Binary Classification
task150_afs_argument_quality_gun_control.json.json Given an argument, determine if it's valid. Binary Classification
task141_odd-man-out_classification_category.json Given a category and set of words, select the word that least belongs. Classification
task142_odd-man-out_classification_no_category.json Given a set of words, select the word that least belongs. Classification
task143_odd-man-out_classification_generate_category.json Given a set of words, select the category that represents the words. Classification
task144_subjqa_question_answering.json Given a review and a question, give a span of the review that answers the question. Answer Generation
task151_tomqa_find_location_easy_clean.json Given an easy story, answer the question regarding the location of an object. Answer Generation
task152_tomqa_find_location_easy_noise.json Given an easy story with distractor sentences, answer the question regarding the location of an object. Answer Generation
task153_tomqa_find_location_hard_clean.json Given a hard story, answer the question regarding the location of an object. Answer Generation
task154_tomqa_find_location_hard_noise.json Given a hard story with distractor sentences, answer the question regarding the location of an object. Answer Generation
task155_count_nouns_verbs.json Count number of nouns/verbs in the given sentence Answer Generation
task110_logic2text_sentence_generation.json Generate a natural language interpretation of the given logical operators Sentence Generation
task161_count_words_containing_letter.json Count number of words in the sentence that contain the given letter Counting
task162_count_words_starting_with_letter.json Count number of words in the sentence that start with the given letter Counting
task163_count_words_ending_with_letter.json Count number of words in the sentence that end with the given letter Counting
task158_count_frequency_of_words.json Count number of occurrences of a word in the given sentence Counting
task159_check_frequency_of_words_in_sentence_pair.json Check the frequency of a word in the two sentences Counting, Classification
task156_codah_classification_adversarial.json Given a prompt, select the completion that is the most plausible. Classification
task183_rhyme_generation.json Given an input word, generate a list of words that rhyme exactly with the input Answer Generation
task178_QuaRTz_question_answering Given a question, select correct answer from the given options using an Explanation. Answer Generation
task223_QuaRTz_explanation_generation Given a question and its answer, generate an explanation statement. Sentence Generation
task171_spl_translation_en_es.json Translate English questions to Spanish while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task172_spl_translation_en_fa.json Translate English questions to Farsi while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task173_spl_translation_en_it.json Translate English questions to Italian while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task174_spl_translation_en_ja.json Translate English questions to Japanese while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task175_spl_translation_en_pl.json Translate English questions to Polish while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task179_participant_extraction Given a sentence from a medical study paper, select the tokens representing information about participants Entity Detection
task180_intervention_extraction Given a sentence from a medical study paper, select the tokens representing information about intervention in the study Entity Detection
task181_outcome_extraction Given a sentence from a medical study paper, select the tokens representing information about outcome of the study Entity Detection
task157_count_vowels_and_consonants.json Count number of vowels/consonants in the given sentence Counting
task160_replace_letter_in_a_sentence.json Replace a letter in the sentence with another given letter Text Modification
task132_DAIS_text_modification.json Given a sentence, generate a sentence with same meaning and different grammatical structure Text Modification
task164_MCScript_question_answering_text.json Reading Comprehension Task (Multiple Choice Question Answering). Answer Generation
task165_MCScript_question_answering_commonsense.json Reading Comprehension Task using Commonsense (Multiple Choice Question Answering). Answer Generation
task166_ClariQ_sentence_generation Provide clarification on the given query which is written in natural language Sentence Generation
task167_strategyqa_question_generation Given a term, write questions based on two or more facts Question Generation
task168_strategyqa_question_decomposition Given a yes/no question, its answer, and additional information, decompose the question Question Decomposition
task169_strategyqa_sentence_generation Given a question, write the facts one needs to know in order to answer the question Sentence Generation
task176_break_decompose_questions Break a question into the steps needed to answer the question. Question Decomposition
task177_para-nmt_paraphrasing Given a sentence, rephrase it using another words while retaining meaning same as input. Text Modification
task178_QuaRTz_question_answering Given a question, select correct answer from the given options using an Explanation. Answer Generation
task182_duorc_question_generation Writing a question based on a given plot Question Generation
task170_hotpotqa_answer_generation.json Given a set of context and supporting facts, answer the question asked based on them. Answer Generation
task184_snli_entailment_to_neutral_text_modification.json Given two sentences that agree with each other, modify the second sentence so that they do not clearly agree or disagree Answer Generation
task185_snli_contradiction_to_neutral_text_modification.json Given two sentences that don't agree with each other, modify the second sentence so that they do not clearly agree or disagree Answer Generation
task186_snli_contradiction_to_entailment_text_modification.json Given two sentences that don't agree with each other, modify the second sentence so that they clearly agree with each other Answer Generation
task187_snli_entailment_to_contradiction_text_modifcation.json Given two sentences that agree with each other, modify the second sentence so that they clearly do not agree Answer Generation
task188_snli_neutral_to_entailment_text_modification.json Given two sentences that do not clearly agree or disagree with each other, modify the second sentence so that they clearly agree Answer Generation
task189_snli_neutral_to_contradiction_text_modification.json Given two sentences that do not clearly agree or disagree with each other, modify the second sentence so that they clearly do not agree Answer Generation
task190_snli_classification.json Given two sentences choose whether they agree/disagree/neither with each other Classification
task191_hotpotqa_question_generation.json Given a set of context, supporting facts and an answer, generate the question asked based on them. Question Generation
task192_hotpotqa_sentence_generation.json Given a context paragraph, question and corresponding answer, generate the supporting facts that helps in answering question. Sentence Generation
task184_break_generate_question Generate a question based on the given steps used to answer it. Question Generation
task170_hotpotqa_answer_generation.json Given a set of context and supporting facts, answer the question asked based on them. Answer Generation
task191_hotpotqa_question_generation.json Given a set of context, supporting facts and an answer, generate the question asked based on them. Question Generation
task192_hotpotqa_sentence_generation.json Given a context paragraph, question and corresponding answer, generate the supporting facts that helps in answering question. Sentence Generation
task197_mnli_domain_answer_generation.json Given two sentences, write a single word describing the common genre to which they belong Answer Generation
task198_mnli_domain_classification.json Given two sentences and 10 genre choices, determine the genre to which the sentences belong. Classification
task199_mnli_classification.json Given 2 sentences, determine if they clearly agree or disagree with each other, or if this cannot be answered at all. Classification
task200_mnli_entailment_classification.json Given a context statement and 3 sentences as choices, choose the sentence that clearly agrees with the context statement. Classification
task201_mnli_neutral_classification.json Given a context statement and 3 sentences as choices, choose the sentence that neither clearly agrees nor disagrees with the context statement. Classification
task202_mnli_contradiction_classification.json Given a context statement and 3 sentences as choices, choose the sentence that clearly disagrees with the context statement. Classification
task203_mnli_sentence_generation.json Given a context statement, genre, and label indicating agree/disagree/neither with respect to the context statement, generate a sentence that follows the genre and label specifications. Answer Generation
task204_mnli_same_genre_classification.json Given two sentences and the genre they should belong to, determine if they belong to the same genre or not. Classification
task225_English_language_Answer_Generation.json Given a basic english language related question generate the answer with proper context, definitions, and examples. Answer Generation
task226_English_language_Answer_Relevance_Classification.json Given a question and answer pair, detect whether the answer is acceptable or not. Classification
task193_duorc_question_generation Writing a question based on a given plot Question Generation
task194_duorc_answer_generation Given a plot and a question, answer the question based on the plot Answer Generation
task195_sentiment140_classification.json Given a tweet text, classify it into positive or negative Classification
task196_sentiment140_answer_generation.json Given a tweet text and boolean question, generate answer yes or no Answer Generation
task205_remove_even_elements.json Given a list of integers remove all elements that are even Answer Generation, Arithmetic
task206_collatz_conjecture.json Given a list of integers compute the next number in the 3n+1 problem Answer Generation, Arithmetic
task207_max_element_lists.json Given a list of lists of integers compute the max value for each list Answer Generation, Arithmetic
task208_combinations_of_list.json Given a list of integers of length n find all possible combinations,without replacement, of length n-1 Answer Generation, Combinatorics
task209_StanceDetection_classification.json Given a topic and an argument detect whether topic is in favor or against in the argument. Classification
task210_logic2text_structured_text_generation.json Given a natural language interpretation, generate a command using logical operations Structured Text Generation
task211_logic2text_classification.json Given a command and corresponding interpretation, classify whether it's right interpretation or not Classification
task212_logic2text_classification.json Given a command (in the form of logical operators), classify command in one of seven logic types Classification
task224_scruples_anecdotes_ethical_judgment Given an anecdotes, judge whether the author is ethically correct or not. Ethical Judgment
task223_QuaRTz_explanation_generation Given a question and its answer, generate an explanation statement. Sentence Generation
task224_scruples_anecdotes_ethical_judgment Given an anecdotes, judge whether the author is ethically correct or not. Ethical Judgment
task227_ClariQ_classification Given a query and its clarification, classify whether clarification is proper or not by providing 'Yes' or 'No' Classification
task228_ARC_answer_generation_easy.json Given a science question (easy-level), provide answer based on scientific facts and reasoning. (Multiple Choice Question Answering) Answer Generation
task229_ARC_answer_generation_hard.json Given a science question (hard-level), provide answer based on scientific facts and reasoning. (Multiple Choice Question Answering) Answer Generation
task239_TweetQA_answer_generation.json Given a context paragraph of the tweet and question, generate a right answer Answer Generation
task240_TweetQA_question_generation.json Given a context paragraph of the tweet and answer, generate a right question Question Generation
task241_TweetQA_classification.json Given a context paragraph of the tweet, question and corresponding answer, generate a label whether the answer is right or wrong Classification
task242_TweetQA_classification.json Given a context paragraph of the tweet, question and corresponding answer, generate a label whether the context is helpful in answering question or not Classification
task243_count_elements_in_set_intersection.json Count number of elements in the intersection of two given sets Counting
task244_count_elements_in_set_union.json Count number of elements in the union of two given sets Counting
task245_check_presence_in_set_intersection.json Check presence of an element in the intersection of two given sets Answer Generation
task281_points_of_correspondence Find the entity or event that is in common between the given three sentences Entity Detection
task246_dream_question_generation Given a conversation, generate a multiple-choice question based on it Question Generation
task247_dream_answer_generation Given a conversation and a question, answer the question based on the conversation Answer Generation
task248_dream_classification Given a conversation and a question, classify the question Classification
task283_dream_incorrect_answer_generation Given a conversation and a question, write an incorrect answer to the question Incorrect Answer Generation
task249_enhanced_wsc_pronoun_disambiguation Given a sentence and a pronoun, decide which one of the choices is the pronoun referring to Answer Generation, Pronoun Disambiguation
task250_spl_translation_en_ar.json Translate English questions to Arabic while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task251_spl_translation_en_fi.json Translate English questions to Finnish while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task252_spl_translation_en_tr.json Translate English questions to Turkish while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task253_spl_translation_en_zh.json Translate English questions to Chinese while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task254_spl_translation_fi_en.json Translate Finnish questions to English while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task255_spl_translation_it_en.json Translate Italian questions to English while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task256_spl_translation_de_en.json Translate German questions to English while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task257_spl_translation_ar_en.json Translate Arabic questions to English while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task258_spl_translation_fa_en.json Translate Farsi questions to English while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task259_spl_translation_tr_en.json Translate Turkish questions to English while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task260_spl_translation_zh_en.json Translate Chinese questions to English while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task261_spl_translation_es_en.json Translate Spanish questions to English while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task262_spl_translation_ja_en.json Translate Japanese questions to English while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task263_spl_translation_pl_en.json Translate Polish questions to English while preserving named entities in the original language Translation
task268_casehold_legal_answer_generation Given a prompt from a judicial decision and multiple potential holdings, choose the correct option Legal , Answer Generation
task271_europarl_translation.json Translate bulgarian sentence into english language Translation
task272_europarl_translation.json Translate english sentence into bulgarian language Translation
task273_europarl_classification.json Given bulgarian sentence and corresponding english translation, verify that the translation is right or wrong Classification
task274_overruling_legal_classification Given a sentence, classify it into overruling or non-overruling Legal , Classification
task275_enhanced_wsc_paraphrase_generation Given a sentence and an aspect, paraphrase the sentence changing that aspect Text Modification
task276_enhanced_wsc_classification Given a sentence and its paraphrase, decide what is the difference between them. Classification
task277_StereoSet_sentence_generation_stereotype.json Generate sentences with stereotype given context Sentence Generation
task278_StereoSet_sentence_generation_antistereotype.json Generate sentences with anti-stereotype given context Sentence Generation
task279_StereoSet_classification_stereotype.json Classify sentences into stereotype, anti-stereotype, and unrelated Classification
task280_StereoSet_classification_stereotype_type.json Classify sentences into four kinds of stereotype, including gender, profession, race, and religion Classification
task282_scruples_event_time Given an anecdotes, find whether it has already happened or it may happen in the future Answer Generation
task286_olid_offense_judgment.json Given a tweet judge whether its offensive or not Classification
task287_casehold_legal_incorrect_answer_generation Given a prompt from a judicial decision and multiple potential holdings, choose one of the incorrect options Legal , Incorrect Answer Generation
task290_TELLMYWHY_question_answerability Given a story and a question, decide whether or not the question is answerable Classification
task301_record_question_generation Given a passage, generate a fill-in-the-gap question based on it Question Generation
task302_record_classification Given a passage and a question, classify the answer to the question based on the options Classification
task303_record_incorrect_answer_generation Given a passage and a question, write an incorrect answer for the question Incorrect Answer Generation
task339_record_answer_generation Given a passage and a question, answer the question based on the passage Answer Generation