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Releases: swashdev/SwashRL

Prerelease Version 0.035

13 Apr 23:28
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Version 0.035 features a number of small fixes and additions but primarily focuses on refining the inventory system.

Monsters, including the player, now have two character attributes, Strength and Endurance, which are randomly generated when the monster is spawned (the player gets 3d6 in both). Items now also have variables which allow them to impart modifiers on these attributes. These features haven't been fully implemented yet.

The number of equipment slots available to the player has been simplified down to this list:

  • Weapon-hand
  • Off-hand
  • Helmet
  • Armor
  • Shield
  • Boots
  • Left ring
  • Right ring
  • Necklace
  • Clothes

A monster's equipment list is no longer stored in the same array as their open inventory. Instead, the equipment list is an associative array that's ordered by the equipment slots from the above list. The inventory is a dynamic array (different monsters may now have different numbers of inventory slots) and the wallet is a non-dynamic array (containing stacks of coins in 5 denominations).

Monster inventories will now be saved when the level is saved, and loaded when the level is loaded. This also goes for their wallet and equipment.

The color palette for the SDL terminal interface has been changed to a variation on the Tango color palette, so the colors are less garish and stand out more against the black background. Several colors have been adjusted or removed.

SwashRL now incorporates a default font, bd-font from Bad Diode, which is used if it doesn't find a valid TTF font file.

The player can now specify a random seed for the map generator, and the map generation functions now use a separate random number generator from the rest of the game to allow players to share level gens they think are particularly interesting.

Other minor fixes include preventing the player from getting a free festive hat if they are already wearing a hat (thus keeping the festive hat from overwriting any armor they might be wearing) and fixing sessile monsters so that they can no longer move.

Version 0.034

29 Jan 04:40
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Version 0.034 Pre-release

This is a minor release largely to correct some mistakes I made while documenting version 0.033, namely correcting the year in the license notice and having deleted the wrong screenshot in the readme file.

This version does represent the official deprecation of the OpenDyslexic Mono font and the settings used to activate it, however. It was a good idea, but in the end it just didn't work very well. Hopefully in a future version I'll be able to find a better way to implement it.

Version 0.033

28 Jan 01:21
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Version 0.033 Pre-release

Version 0.033's original goal was to implement the ability to drop an item that the player is holding. This was surprisingly difficult to do, and resulted indirectly in a massive list of changes to the source code, even compared to 0.032, making this quite possibly the most significant update to the game since the translation into D in version 0.022.

In addition to the player now being able to drop items, some items can now stack in the player's inventory, and stacks will be indicated on the inventory and equipment screens.

Items dropped on the ground will "bounce" off of items and stacks below them until they find an empty square they can land on. This may result in items being lost forever if, for example, they land on a water tile.

The list of bug fixes in this version of the game is also quite extensive, and includes the player picking up items in the appropriate hand, not drowning if they attack a monster which happens to be on a water tile, and not causing a range error by killing a monster. Monster movement has also been greatly improved, making it no longer possible for a terrestrial monster to exploit poor collision detection to walk across water diagonally.

The style guide was also updated for version 0.033, following feedback from a certain French honey badger I know who had a number of complaints about my use of whitespace, naming conventions, the ham-fisted way that the code was transferred from C to D, and the way I smelled.

So long was the delay between versions that I was seriously considering changing the version number to 0.∞ and treating the game as an "infinite alpha" project that would never be completed. However, inspired by my passion for game development and simply having more fun with discrete version numbers leading up to an eventual release, I decided to keep to the course with SwashRL, because it may have been downgraded to a hobby in the face of other projects but it's still tons of fun to work on.

Revision 0.032

13 Sep 02:21
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Revision 0.032 Pre-release

Revision 0.032 represents significant changes to the way that SwashRL handles colors in order to make them substantially easier to store but also much more compatible between the curses and SDL terminal interfaces. Several issues with the way that the SDL interface interprets color codes were fixed by using this method, and even save files are notably smaller as a result.

As an experimental extra feature, a configuration option was added which allowed the user to compile a copy of SwashRL that uses the OpenDyslexic Mono font rather than the standard DejaVu Sans Mono font. This should hopefully make it easier for people with dyslexia to distinguish characters on the screen.

v0.031-christmas-update: Revision 0.031 Christmas Update

13 Apr 23:54
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The 2019 Christmas Update fixes an error in which items were being
permitted in inappropriate item slots due to a casting error in the
function which checks equipment types against equipment slots.

Additionally, the Christmas Update adds a small feature in which the
game will greet the player if they start the game on a particular
holiday, namely New Year's Eve/Day, Christmas Eve/Day, Halloween, or
Hanamatsuri, referred to in-game as Hanami.

The player will also receive a "festive hat" if they start the game
during the month of December.  The "festive hat" is a special item which
causes the player character to be drawn in red rather than gray.

v0.031: Revision 0.031

13 Apr 23:54
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Development version 0.031 is a relatively small update which fixes a bug
in the map generation algorithm from version 0.030-1, connecting rooms
in generated maps in random rather than linear order and thus allowing
for more interesting generated maps.

v0.030-1: Revision 0.030-1

05 Oct 15:24
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This revision corrects an error I made while copying the text of the BSD
3-clause license into the repository; the warranty and liability
disclaimer had been altered to have the name of the author of another
project, which resulted in every single copy of this notice also having
his name.  This has been fixed.

Profound apologies are offered to my good friend if he ever finds out I
screwed up and associated his name with my screw-up.

v0.029-1: Revision 0.029-1

05 Oct 15:29
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This is a minor release which corrects some errors in the documentation
caused by failing to update certain items while finalizing the previous
release or as a result of the documentation not being updated for some

v0.028: Revision 0.028

05 Oct 15:37
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Version 0.028 is largely a bugfix release.  The version number now
includes the git commit ID, using this as the "patch" number.  I have
made it easier for derivative developers to change the name of the

Cheat modes have been added which can be activated from the command

The wording of the special exceptions to the normal Apache License 2.0
has been updated to make the exceptions stronger and aid in their
intended effect.

v0.027: Revision 0.027

13 Apr 23:51
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Revision 0.027 consists solely of decorative additions to the dungeon
generation code, introducing mold which grows randomly on floors and
walls and blood splatters which appear when a monster or player is hit
in combat.