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Core contributor guide

Simon Ser edited this page Apr 8, 2021 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the project! Please read this scatterbrained collection of wisdom gathered by other core contributors.

Golden rules

  • Breaking the rules is okay, but only if you are prepared to justify it to everyone else (and they agree with you).
  • Edit this wiki page

Submitting your patches

Avoid merging or directly committing your own patches, unless they're small and limited to documentation or something. For most changes, submit the patch normally.

Triaging patches

If you see a patch which doesn't have any reviewers assigned (including ones you submit yourself): triage it. Add some labels if you like, and assign some reviewers. Follow these steps until you have a number of reviewers proportional to the complexity of the change:

  1. Assign people who work a lot in the domain of the patch
  2. Assign a selection from everyone else with a roughly even distribution

If you get assigned to a patch you don't think is in your domain and/or you don't have time to review, assign someone else.

Reviewing patches

  • Don't be too shy to complain about code style issues
  • Ask for a test plan if you don't know how to test it

Merging patches

Wait for the continuous integration build to complete before merging.

  • If it's small-to-medium and in your domain, merge it whenever you feel comfortable with it
  • If it's medium-to-large, merge it when it has 2 approving reviews
  • If it's large-to-huge, Simon will merge it

Generally just use your common sense here.

Don't forget to thank the contributor.

Releasing a new version

  1. Create an annotated tag and push it: git tag $version -ase and then git push --follow-tags
  2. Create an archive: git archive --prefix="wlroots-$version/" -o wlroots-$version.tar.gz $version
  3. Sign the archive: gpg --detach-sign wlroots-$version.tar.gz
  4. Create the release on GitHub
  5. Bump the project version and SONAME in for the next release
  6. Commit the changes