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efisek edited this page Mar 20, 2023 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the SWE574 Homepage!

Welcome to the GitHub Wiki homepage for our semester project for SWE 574 class of Boğaziçi University on Spring 2023! This project is supervised by Suzan Üsküdarlı.

Project Description

Our project aims to develop a web-based application that will help users to store their interested links more efficiently while making it easy for them to create communities around them. The application will have a user-friendly interface and will allow users to create, view, and edit posts that includes these links. The project goal is to achieve below steps:

  • Implement a post creation feature that enables users to easily save links with descriptions they are interested in.
  • Allow users to create spaces where they can share their saved links with others.
  • Ability to follow other users and see their saved links.
  • Integrate a rating system that allows users to rate the links they save.
  • Implement a search feature that allows users to easily search for saved links.
  • Provide a recommendation system that suggests links based on the user's interests.
  • Allow users to categorize and tag their saved links for easier organization.
  • Implement a comment system that allows users to discuss the links they've saved.
  • Integrate social media sharing buttons to allow users to share links on various social media platforms.
  • Implement an annotation feature that allows users to add notes and comments to the links they save and highlight the desired texts.

Team Members

Project Timeline

Here is the timeline for our project:

  • Week 1-2: Brainstorming and ideation
  • Week 3-4: Requirements gathering and documentation
  • Week 5-6: Design and prototyping
  • Week 7-10: Development and testing
  • Week 11-12: Deployment and final testing


We will be using the following technologies for our project:

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React
  • Backend: Django, Python, PostgreSQL
  • Other tools: Git, GitHub, VS Code


We will be communicating via the following channels:

  • Email: [your email address]
  • Slack: [your Slack channel]
  • GitHub


We would like to thank Suzan Üsküdarlı for supervising our project and providing us with valuable feedback and guidance throughout the semester. We would also like to thank Boğaziçi University for providing us with the opportunity to work on this project and improve our software engineering skills.

Further information can be accessed through current pages: