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HMI nodes for rviz

These nodes creates particular interactive markers in rviz which control a robot pose and movements or can be used for debugging purposes. Markers are intended to use with Sweetie Bot motion control subsystem so they uses SetOperation actions to activate different controllers.

  • robot_pose_marker controls overall pose of the robot (legs and
  • destination_marker invokes gait generator to move robot to desired position.
  • generic_pose_marker is general-purpose marker which publishes PoseStamped message on specified topic if it is active.
  • object_detection_marker imitates object detection by publishing DetectionArray messages,

robot_pose_marker node

This node adds 6-DOF composite InteractiveMarker publishes to rviz and publishes pose as geometry_msgs::PoseStamped message. Main marker allows you to controll robot stance by using SetOperational action interface for corresponding controller. Selecting resouces in context menu activates corresponding limb markers which can be dragged to set position of individual limbs. User can also controll markers positions by normalizing them and moving them to predescribed positions. robot_pose_marker is fully customizable by the ROS parameters, where you can add/remove limb markers with their PoseStamped and SetOperational topic names.

ROS interface

Published topics

  • pose (PoseStamped) --- publish pose on marker position change (if it is enabled in context menu).
  • update, update_full (visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkers)

Subscribed topics

  • tf, tf_static
  • feedback (visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkersFeedback)


  • Client: stance_set_operational_action (SetOperational) --- activate or deactivate corresponding controller with resource set selected in context menu.


  • ~name (string) --- displayed stance marker name. Default: ''
  • ~world_frame (string) --- world frame string id. Default: 'odom_combined'
  • ~scale (double) --- stance marker scale. Default: 1.0. Original marker is a 16cm x 8cm x 3cm size box.
  • ~normalized_z_level (double) --- if user select Normalize pose in context menu, marker will be oriented parallel to the XY plane and placed at normalized_z_level along Z axis. Default: 0.0.
  • ~frame (string) --- "home" frame where marker should be automatically placed before activation. Empty string means no automatic placement. Default: ''.

These parameters are describing main marker. But the same pattern applies to the limb markers as well. Both limbs and legs markers described in ~inner_markers/ namespace:

  • ~inner_markers/legs/list --- describes dictionary of leg parameters . Must contain all 4 entries.
  • ~inner_markers/legs/list/legX/resource (string) --- name of resource (kinematic chain) associated with legX. No default value.
  • ~inner_markers/legs/list/legX/frame (string) --- name of "home" frame associated with legX. Default: ''.
  • ~inner_markers/legs/normalized_z_level (double) --- same as above for main marker but shared between all legs markers. Default: 0.0
  • ~inner_markers/legs/scale (double) --- same as above for main marker but shared between all legs markers. Default: 1.0

~inner_markers/limbs/ contains list of parameter namespaces related to corresponding configurable limb markers. Each of these namespaces has all parameters that the main marker have (name, scale, normalized_z_level, frame), but also contains additional ones:

  • ~inner_markers/limbs/limb_name/is_sphere (bool) --- flag that indicates what shape the marker should be: sphere or parallelepiped. Default: true
  • ~inner_markers/limbs/limb_name/frame (string) --- "home" frame, associated with limb_name. Default: ''.
  • ~inner_markers/limbs/limb_name/resource (string) --- controllable resource (kinematic chain), associated with limb_name. Default: ''.
  • ~inner_markers/limbs/limb_name/pose_topic (string) --- name of topic where PoseStamped message for this marker should be published. Default: limb_pose
  • ~inner_markers/limbs/limb_name/activation_action (string) --- name of the action server topic where SetOperational message for this marker sending out. Default: limb_set_operational_action

generic_pose_marker node

This node implements generic pose marker architecture, which intended for debugging purposes. Upon activation it activates corresponding controller via SetOperational action and starts publishing PoseStamped messages.

ROS interface

Publish topics

  • pose (PoseStamped) --- publish pose on marker position change (if it is enabled in context menu).
  • update, update_full (visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkers)

Subscribe topics

  • tf, tf_static
  • feedback (visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkersFeedback)


  • Client: set_operational_action (SetOperational) --- activate or deactivate corresponding controller with resource set selected in context menu.


  • ~name (string) --- displayed marker name. Default: ''.
  • ~world_frame (string) --- world frame string id. Default: 'odom_combined'
  • ~scale (double) --- marker scale. Default: 1.0. Original marker is a 16cm x 8cm x 3cm size box.
  • ~resources (string[]) --- the set of resources (kinematic chains) to display in context menu. Default: ['leg1', 'leg2', 'leg3', 'leg4', 'nose']
  • ~frames (string[]) --- the list of frames to be displayed in "Move to frame" context submenu. User can easily move marker to any of it. Default: ['bone15', 'bone25', 'bone35', 'bone45', 'bone55', 'base_link']
  • ~resources_select_only_one (bool) --- only one resource can be active at time. Default: false.
  • ~normalized_z_level (double) --- if user select Normalize pose in context menu marker is oriented parallel XY plane and placed at normalized_z_level along Z axis. Default: 0.0.
  • ~select_only_one_resource (bool) --- flag that indicates whether user allowed to select only one resource or multiple. Default: false.

destination_marker node

This node contains InteractiveMarker which invoke MoveBase action allowing you to control the gait generator (gait_generator) by publishing sweetie_bot_gait_generator::MoveBaseGoal message. Marker itself can be placed in desired gait target position. Arrow above the marker points in the direction of the robot gaze after it reaches the goal. Every time when gait gets executed, resulting trajectories recorded into saved_msgs/step_sequence/recorded_trajectory and saved_msgs/move_base/recorded_trajectory ROS parameters. It happens by calling gait_generator/save_trajectory service with sweetie_bot_gait_generator::SaveTrajectory message. Context menu contains gait_generator settings (type of gait, number of steps, gait duration), allows to change name of recorded trajectory, as well as invoke gait_generator.

ROS interface

Published topics

  • update, update_full (visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkers)

Subscribed topics

  • tf, tf_static
  • feedback (visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkersFeedback)

Called services

  • Client: /gait_generator/save_trajectory (SaveTrajectory) --- service which saves last executed gait as trajectories in ROS parameters.


  • Client: move_base_action (MoveBase) --- invokes gait_generator with end effectors described in parameters.


  • ~name (string) --- displayed marker name. Default: ''.
  • ~world_frame (string) --- world frame string id. Default: 'odom_combined'
  • ~scale (double) --- marker scale. Default: 1.0.
  • ~gait_type_options (string[]) --- list of the gait type options contained in corresponding submenu. No default value.
  • ~gait_type_default_idx (int) --- gait type list index selectable by default. Default: 0.
  • ~n_steps_options (int[]) --- list of the gait steps number options contained in corresponding submenu. No default value.
  • ~n_steps_default_idx (int) --- number of steps list index selectable by default. Default: 0.
  • ~duration (double) --- duration of the gait in seconds. User can change its value in context menu. Default: 4.0.
  • ~nominal_height (double) --- target height of the robot base after reaching the position. Default: 0.1825.
  • ~recorded_trajectory_name (string) --- default recorded trajectory name. Default: 'recorded_trajectory'
  • ~ee_names (string[]) --- the set of gait_generator end effector names. Default: []

object_detection_maker node

This node creates interactive markers which publish sweetie_bot_text_msgs/DetectionArray messages when they are active.

ROS interface

Published topics

  • detections (sweetie_bot_text_msgs::DetectionArray)
  • update, update_full (visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkers)

Subscribed topics

  • tf, tf_static
  • feedback (visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkersFeedback)


  • ~names (string[]) --- names of interactive markers, Node creates marker for every name in this list. Default: [ Object Detection ]
  • ~period (double) --- period which specifies how often DetectionArray message is sent. Default: 0.1.
  • ~world_frame (string) --- world frame string id. Default: 'odom_combined'
  • ~scale (double) --- marker scale. Default: 1.0.
  • labels (string[]) --- list of label field values for Detection messages. User can select desired label in marker context menu.
  • types (string[]) --- list of type field values for Detection messages. User can select desired type in marker context menu.
  • ~normalized_z_level (double) --- nominal position of marker over z plane. Default: 0.40.
  • ~is6DOF (bool) --- if it is true then marker orientation can be changed. Default: false.