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Datatypes and Indexed Datatypes

Today we'd like to add datatypes and erasable arguments to pi-forall. The code to look at is the "complete" implementation in soln.

Unfortunately, datatypes are both:

  • Really important (you see them everywhere when working with languages like Coq, Agda, Idris, etc.)
  • Really complicated (there are a lot of details.)

Unlike the prior two lectures, where we could walk through all of the details of the specification of the type system, not to mention its implementation, we won't be able to do that here. There is just too much! My goal is to give you enough information so that you can pick up the Haskell code and understand what is going on.

Even then, realize that the implementation that I'm giving you is not the complete story! Recall that we're not considering termination. That means that we can think about eliminating datatypes merely by writing recursive functions; without having to reason about whether those functions terminate. Coq, Agda and Idris include a lot of machinery for this termination analysis, and we won't cover any of it.

We'll work up the general specification of datatypes piece-by-piece, generalizing from features that we already know to more difficult cases. We'll start with "simple" datatypes, and then extend them with both parameters and indices.

"Dirt simple" datatypes

Our first goal is simple. What do we need to get the simplest examples of non-recursive and recursive datatypes working? By this I mean datatypes that you might see in Haskell or ML, such as Bool, Void and Nat.


For example, one homework assignment was to implement booleans. Once we have booleans then we can

  data Bool : Type where

In the homework assignment, we used if as the elimination form for boolean values.

 not : Bool -> Bool
 not = \ b . if b then False else True

For uniformity, we'll have a common elimination form for all datatypes, called case that has branches for all cases. (We'll steal Haskell syntax for case expressions, including layout.) For example, we might rewrite not with case like this:

 not : Bool -> Bool
 not = \ b . 
    case b of 
       True -> False
       False -> True


The simplest datatype of all is one that has no constructors!

data Void : Type where {}

Because there are no constructors, the elimination form for values of this type doesn't need any cases!

false_elim : (A:Type) -> Void -> A
false_elim = \ A v . case v of {} 

Void brings up the issue of exhaustiveness in case analysis. Can we tell whether there are enough patterns so that all of the cases are covered?


Natural numbers include a data constructor with an argument. For simplicity in the parser, those parens must be there.

data Nat : Type where
   Succ of (Nat)

In case analysis, we can give a name to that argument in the pattern.

is_zero : Nat -> Bool
is_zero = \ x . case x of 
   Zero -> True
   Succ n -> False

Dependently-typed data constructor args

Now, I lied. Even in our "dirt simple" system, we'll be able to encode some new structures, beyond what is available in functional programming languages like Haskell and ML. These structures won't be all that useful yet, but as we add parameters and indices to our datatypes, they will be. For example, here's an example of a datatype declaration where the data constructors have dependent types.

data SillyBool : Type where      
   ImTrue  of (b : Bool) (_ : b = True)
   ImFalse of (b: Bool)  (_ : b = False)

Specifying the type system with basic datatypes

Datatype declarations, such as data Bool, data Void or data Nat extend the context with new type constants (aka type constructors) and new data constructors. It is as if we had added a bunch of new typing rules to the type system, such as:

   G |- Nat : Type

   G |- Void : Type
   G |- Zero : Nat
     G |- n : Nat
   G |- Succ n : Nat

   G |- a1 : Bool    G |- a2 : a1 = True
   G |- ImTrue a1 a2 : SillyBool

In the general form, a simple data type declaration includes a name and a list of data constructors.

   data T : Type where
      K1        -- no arguments
      K2 of (A)    -- single arg of type A
      K3 of (x:A)  -- also single arg of type A, called x for fun
      K4 of (x:A)(y:B) -- two args, the type of B can mention A.

In fact, each data constructor takes a special sort of list of arguments that we'll call a 'telescope'. (The word 'telescope' for this structure was coined by de Bruijn to describe the scoping behavior of this structure. The scope of each variable overlaps all of the subsequent ones, nesting like an expandable telescope.)

We can represent this structure in our implementation by adding a new form of declaration (some parts have been elided compared to soln, we're building up to that version.)

 -- | type constructor names
 type TCName = String

 -- | data constructor names
 type DCName = String

 data Decl = ...
   | Data    TCName [ConstructorDef]

 -- | A Data constructor has a name and a telescope of arguments
 data ConstructorDef = ConstructorDef DCName Telescope
       deriving (Show)

 data Telescope = Empty
                | Cons TName Term Telescope
                     deriving (Show)

For example, a declaration for the Bool type would be

   boolDecl :: Decl 
  boolDecl = Data "Bool" [ConstructorDef "False" Empty, 
	                        ConstructorDef "True" Empty]

Checking (simple) data constructor applications

When we have a datatype declaration, that means that new data type T of type Type will be added to the context. Furthermore, the context should record all of the type constructors for that type, Ki, as well as the telescope, written Di for that data constructor. This information will be used to check terms that are the applications of data constructors. For simplicity, we'll assume that data constructors must be applied to all of their arguments.

So our typing rule looks a little like this. We have as as representing the list of arguments for the data constructor Ki.

  Ki : Di -> T  in G
  G |- as : Di
	------------------------ simpl-constr
	G |- Ki as : T

We need to check that list against the telescope for the constructor. Each argument must have the right type. Furthermore, because of dependency, we substitute that argument for the variable in the rest of the telescope.

	G |- a : A       G |- as : D { a / x }
	--------------------------------------- tele-arg
	G |- a as : (x:A) D

When we get to the end of the list (i.e. there are no more arguments) we should also get to the end of the telescope.

	----------- tele-empty
	G |-  : 

In TypeCheck.hs, the function tcArgTele essentially implements this judgement. (For reasons that we explain below, we have a special type Arg for the arguments to the data constructor.)

 tcArgTele :: [Arg] -> Telescope -> TcMonad [Arg]

This function relies on the following substitution function for telescopes:

 doSubst :: [(TName,Term)] -> Telescope -> TcMonad Telescope

Eliminating dirt simple datatypes

In your homework assignment, we used if to eliminate boolean types. Here, we'd like to be more general, and have a case expression that works with any form of datatype. What should the typing rule for that sort of expression look like? Well, the pattern for each branch should match up the telescope for the corresponding data constructor.

 G |- a : T
  Ki : Di -> T  in G       
  G, Di |- ai : A
  G |- A : Type
  branches exhaustive
 ------------------------------------- case-simple
 G |- case a of { Ki xsi -> ai } : A

Note that this version of case doesn't witness the equality between the scrutinee a and each of the patterns in the branches. To allow that, we can add a substiution to the result type of the case:

 G |- a : T
  Ki : Di -> T  in G       dom(Di) = xsi
  G, Di |- ai : A { Ki xsi / x }
  G |- A : T -> Type
  branches exhaustive
 -------------------------------------------- case
 G |- case a of { Ki xsi -> ai } : A { a / x}

How do we implement this rule in our language? The general for type checking a case expression Case scrut alts of type ty is as follows:

  1. Infer type of the scrutinee scrut
  2. Make sure that the inferred type is some type constructor (ensureTCon)
  3. Make sure that the patterns in the case alts are exhaustive (exhausivityCheck)
  4. For each case alternative:
  • Create the declarations for the variables in the pattern (declarePat)
  • Create defs that follow from equating the scrutinee a with the pattern (equateWithPat)
  • Check the body of the case in the extended context against the expected type

Datatypes with parameters

The first extension of the above scheme is for parameterized datatypes. For example, in pi-forall we can define the Maybe type with the following declaration. The type parameter for this datatype A can be referred to in any of the telescopes for the data constructors.

data Maybe (A : Type) : Type where
	 Just of (A)

Because this is a dependently-typed language, the variables in the telescope can be referred to later in the telescope. For example, with parameters, we can implement Sigma types as a datatype, instead of making them primitive:

data Sigma (A: Type) (B : A -> Type) : Type
    Prod of (x:A) (B)

The general form of datatype declaration with parameters includes a telescope for the type constructor, as well as a telescope for each of the data constructors.

data T D : Type where
   Ki of Di 

That means that when we check an occurrence of a type constructor, we need to make sure that its actual arguments match up the parameters in the telescope. For this, we can use the argument checking judgement above.

  T : D -> Type in G
	G |- as : D
  --------------------   tcon
  G |- T as : Type

We modify the typing rule for data constructors by marking the telescope for type constructor in the typing rule, and then substituting the actual arguments from the expected type:

  Ki : D . Di -> T  in G
  G |- as : Di { bs / D }
	------------------------ param-constr
	G |- Ki as : T bs

For example, if we are trying to check the expression Just True, with expected type Maybe Bool, we'll first see that Maybe requires the telescope (A : Type). That means we need to substitute Bool for A in (_ : A), the telescope for Just. That produces the telescope (_ : Bool), which we'll use to check the argument True.

In TypeCheck.hs, the function

substTele :: Telescope -> [ Term ] -> Telescope -> TcMonad Telescope

implements this operation of substituting the actual data type arguments for the parameters.

Note that by checking the type of data constructor applications (instead of inferring them) we don't need to explicitly provide the parameters to the data constructor. The type system can figure them out from the provided type.

Also note that checking mode also enables data constructor overloading. In other words, we can have multiple datatypes that use the same data constructor. Having the type available allows us to disambiguate.

For added flexibility we can also add code to infer the types of data constructors when they are not actually parameterized (and when there is no ambiguity due to overloading).

Datatypes with indices

The final step is to index our datatypes with constraints on the parameters. Indexed types let us express inductively defined relations, such as beautiful from Software Foundations.

Inductive beautiful : nat → Prop :=
  b_0 : beautiful 0
| b_3 : beautiful 3
| b_5 : beautiful 5
| b_sum : ∀n m, beautiful n → beautiful m → beautiful (n+m).

Even though beautiful has type nat -> Prop, we call nat this argument an index instead of a parameter because it is determined by each data constructor. It is not used uniformly in each case.

In pi-forall, we'll implement indices by explictly constraining parameters. These constraints will just be expressed as equalities written in square brackets. In otherwords, we'll define beautiful this way:

data Beautiful (n : Nat) : Type where
    B0 of [n = 0]
	 B3 of [n = 3]
	 B5 of [n = 5]
	 Bsum of (m1:Nat)(m2:Nat)(Beautiful m1)(Beautiful m2)[m = m1+m2]

Constraints can appear anywhere in the telescope of a data constructor. However, they are not arbitrary equality constraints---we want to consider them as deferred substitutions. So therefore, the term on the left must always be a variable.

These constraints interact with the type checker in a few places:

  • When we use data constructors we need to be sure that the constraints are satisfied, by appealing to definitional equality when we are checking arguments against a telescope (in tcArgTele).

      G |- x = b      G |- as : D
      --------------------------------------- tele-constraint
      G |- as : (x = b) D		
  • When we substitute through telescopes (in doSubst), we may need to rewrite a constraint x = b if we substitute for x.

  • When we add the pattern variables to the context in each alternative of a case expression, we need to also add the constraints as definitions. (see declarePats).

For example, if we check an occurrence of B3, i.e.

threeIsBeautiful : Beautiful 3
threeIsBeautiful = B3

this requires substituting 3 for n in the telescope [n = 3]. That produces an empty telescope.

Homework: Parameterized datatypes and proofs: logic

Translate the definitions and proofs in Logic chapter of Software Foundations to pi-forall. See Logic.pi for a start.

Homework: Indexed datatypes: finite numbers in Fin1.pi

The module Fin1.pi declares the type of numbers that are drawn from some bounded set. For example, the type Fin 1 only includes 1 number (called Zero), Fin 2 includes 2 numbers, etc. More generally, Fin n is the type of all natural numbers smaller than n, i.e. of all valid indices for lists of size n.

In Agda, we might declare these numbers as:

data Fin : ℕ → Set where
   zero : {n : ℕ} → Fin (suc n)
   suc  : {n : ℕ} (i : Fin n) → Fin (suc n)

In pi-forall, this corresponding definition makes the constraints explicit:

data Fin (n : Nat) : Type where
   Zero of (m:Nat)[n = Succ m] 
   Succ of (m:Nat)[n = Succ m] (Fin m)

The file Fin1.pi includes a number of definitions that use these types. However, there are some TRUSTMEs. Replace these with the actual definitions.


Erasure (aka forall types)


Last thing, let's talk about erasure. In dependently typed languages, some arguments are "specificational" and only there for proofs. For efficient compilation, we don't want to have to "run" these arguments, nor do we want them taking up space in data structures.

Functional languages do this all the time: they erase type annotations and type arguments before running the code. This erasure makes sense because of parametric polymorphic functions are not allowed to depend on types. The behavior of map must be the same no matter whether it is operating on a list of integers or a list of booleans.

In a dependently-typed language we'd like to erase types too. And proofs that are only there to make things type check. Coq does this by making a distinction between Prop and Set. Everything in Set stays around until runtime, and is guaranteed not to depend on Prop.

We'll take another approach.

In pi-forall we have new kind of quantification, called "forall" that marks erasable arguments. We mark forall quantified arguments with brackets. For example, we can mark the type argument of the polymorphic identity function as erasable.

id : [x:Type] -> (y : x) -> x
id = \[x] y. y

When we apply such functions, we'll put the argument in brackets too, so we remember that id is not really using that type.

t = id [Bool] True

However, we need to make sure that erasable arguments really are eraseable. We wouldn't want to allow this definition:

id' : [x:Type] -> [y:x] -> x
id' = \[x][y]. y

Here id' claims that its second argument is erasable, but it is not.

How do we rule this out?

We need to make sure that x is not "used" in the body.

G |- A : Type
G, x:A |- a : B
 << x is not used in a >>
---------------------------- erased-lam
G |- \[x].a : [x:A] -> B

What is a use? Does a type annotation count? Does it change the runtime behavior of the program?

m : [x:Type] -> (y:x) -> x
m = \[x] y . (y : x)

What about putting it in data structures? We should be able to define datatypes with "specificational arguments". For example, see Vec.pi.

Note: we can only erase data constructor arguments, not types that appear as arguments to type constructors. (Parameters to type constructors must always be relevant, they determine the actual type.) On the other hand, datatype parameters are never relevant to data constructors---we don't even represent them in the abstract syntax.

Homework: Erasure and Indexed datatypes: finite numbers in Fin1.pi

Now take your code in Fin1.pi and see if you can mark some of the components of the Fin datatype as eraseable.

ERASURE and equality

We've been alluding to this the whole time, but now we'll come down to it. We're actually defining equality over "erased" terms instead of the terms themselves. Note how the definition of equate ignores 'eraseable' elements like type annotations, erasable arguments, etc.

Why is this important?

  • faster comparison: don't have to look at the whole term when comparing for equality. Coq / Adga look at type annotations
  • more expressive: don't have to prove that those parts are equal (proof irrelevance!)
  • this gets really crazy with heterogeneous equality
  • and it is sound: see Miquel (ICC), Barras

What next?

  • Termination checking
  • Pattern match compilation
  • Univalence


Miquel. Implicit Calculus of Constructions Barras and Bernardo. he Implicit Calculus of Constructions as a Programming Language with Dependent Types Linger and Sheard. Erasure and Polymorphism in Pure Type Systems Frank Pfenning. Intensionality, extensionality, and proof irrelevance in modal type theory