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Migarted to KeyUI Select. This repo is not longer maintained.

React Ultra Select

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React Ultra Select is a selection component based on React. It could be good substitutions for HTML select and option tags on mobile platforms.

Basically React Ultra Select works like the select and option tags in HTML, however, it’s platform independent, supports multi-column selection and provides many event callbacks for implementing more powerful features. Very handy.

Version 1.0.x uses iScroll which provides smoother scrolling experience, however, increases file size significantly. Version 1.1.x uses div's scrolling event and removes dependency of iScroll, however, it's hard to make a selection when there are a lot of elements. Still working in progress.


  • Compatible

    Works fine on all platforms, no matter iOS, Android or Desktop browsers.

  • Dynamic

    You can pass groups of data to React Ultra Select. It will handle data automatically and divide them into N columns respectively.

    Also, you can customize the number visible rows and the height of each row, pass images or any React node as an selection other than a string.

  • Extensible

    Supports 6 types of events for composing more powerful components. For example, I write a React Date Picker2 based on this component.

How to use

npm i react-ultra-select --save

Using it in your project:

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import UltraSelect from 'react-ultra-select'

class SomeComponent extends Component {
	render() {
	    var columns = [
                list: [
                    {key: 1, value: 'Male'},
                    {key: 2, value: 'Female'},
                    {key: 3, value: 'Others'},
                defaultIndex: 1,
		return <UltraSelect columns={columns}></UltraSelect>


Required Props

  • columns

    Type: Array

    Description: an array with each element containing one selection list and its default index.


             list: [{
                 key: 1,
                 value: 1
             defaultIndex: 0,

Optional Props

Prop Name Default Value Type Description Sample
rowsVisible 5 Odd Number Visible rows in selection panel 3, 5, 7, 9 etc.
rowHeight 25 Number Height for each row in selection panel
rowHeightUnit px String Height unit for each row, works with rowHeight px, em, rem etc.
backdrop true Boolean Whether to show black backdrop or not
backdropAction 'confirm' 'confirm', 'cancel', or 'none' The behavior when you click on the backdrop. If you pass `confirm`, clicking backdrop is same as clicking confirm button.
confirmButton 'Confirm' String or React Node Used to customize the confirm button label
cancelButton 'Cancel' String or React Node Used to customize the cancel button label
disabled false Boolean Disable selection panel or not
disableCancel false Boolean Disable cancel button and make it invisible
useTouchTap false Boolean Use onTouchTap event instead of `onClick`, work with [react-tap-event-plugin](
isOpen null Boolean or null Whether the selection panel shows up or not by default
getTitle Function A function to set the selection panel's title, will be called with an array of selected values, i.e. [{key, value}, ..]
getStaticText Function A function to set the static text (not in selection panel), will be called with an array of selected values


  • onOpen(selectedValues)

    Will be called when the selection panel shows up with current selected values.

  • onClose(selectedValues)

    Will be called when the selection panel hides with current selected values. Called after onConfirm and onCancel.

  • onConfirm(selectedValues)

    Will be called when the confirm button or backdrop is clicked with current selected values.

  • onCancel(selectedValues)

    Will be called when the cancel button is clicked with current selected values.

  • onDidSelect(index, selectedValue)

    Will be called when scrolling stops, useful for real-time selection. index is the index of scrolling column and selectedValue is the newly selected element.

  • onSelect(index, selectedValue)

    Will be called when scrolling and selected value is changed, useful for playing sound effects or so. index is the index of scrolling column and selectedValue is the newly selected element.


  • selectedValues

    Get the current array of selected values, each element contains a key and a value. Remember to attach ref to <UltraSelect>.




  • div-scroll branch

    1. Smoother scrolling experience with div scrolling event
    2. Hide vertical scroll bars in non-webkit browsers such as Firefox/IE/Opera etc.
  • Transitions

    Add some smooth transitions for backdrop and columns showing up and hiding.

  • Compatibilities & Optimizations