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SF Symbol

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@swhitty swhitty released this 25 Aug 07:53
· 82 commits to main since this release

Renames SwiftDraw.Image -> SwiftDraw.SVG avoiding name collisions with SwiftUI.Image.

Updates command line tool:

  • officially support SF Symbol creation using --format sfsymbol
  • add ability to crop or align images with --insets 10,0,0,10
  • adds AppKit support with --format swift --api appkit
  • fixes PDFs rendering with unsupported transparency
copyright (c) 2022 Simon Whitty

usage: swiftdraw <file.svg> [--format png | pdf | jpeg | swift | sfsymbol] [--size wxh] [--scale 1x | 2x | 3x]

<file> svg file to be processed

 --format      format to output image: png | pdf | jpeg | swift | sfsymbol
 --size        size of output image: 100x200
 --scale       scale of output image: 1x | 2x | 3x
 --insets      crop inset of output image: top,left,bottom,right
 --precision   maximum number of decimal places

 --hideUnsupportedFilters   hide elements with unsupported filters.

Available keys for --format swift:
 --api                api of generated code:  appkit | uikit

Available keys for --format sfymbol:
 --insets             alignment of regular variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto
 --ultralight         svg file of ultralight variant
 --ultralightInsets   alignment of ultralight variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto
 --black              svg file of black variant
 --blackInsets        alignment of black variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto