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Legacy Manual Install Instructions for Swirl Courses

Sean Kross edited this page Jan 24, 2019 · 1 revision

Install and run a course manually

If the automatic course installation method outlined above does not work for you, then there's a simple alternative.

  1. Click here to download the file

  2. Enter the following from the R console, substituting the correct file path to your downloaded file and the name of your desired course:

install_course_zip("path/to/file/here/", multi=TRUE, 
                   which_course="Course Name Here")

For example, if you download the zip file to ~/Downloads/, then the following command will install the R Programming course.

install_course_zip("~/Downloads/", multi=TRUE, which_course="R Programming")

Please note that course names are case sensitive!

Although we recommend you install one course at a time, if you omit the which_course argument, then all available courses from this repository will be installed:

install_course_zip("~/Downloads/", multi=TRUE)
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