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Rogerio Petruki edited this page Jan 22, 2020 · 2 revisions


Switcher API is an online Feature Flag API used to toggle features over different applications simultaneously.


  1. Backlog

Main features:

  • It is a remote toggle API. No fixed or immutable configuration files.
  • You no longer only toggle code, but business features. You can set up your eco-system to share switchers between applications.
  • Cross environment. You are still working on your feature but want to keep the production environment safe from whatever change you make.
  • Parallel strategies for the same switcher. Your test environment does not have the same variable as production. You can set up different strategies for the same switcher for two different environments.
  • Create teams with different roles of access.
  • It keeps track of every configuration change.
  • Produce relevant metrics.
  • High-security flow using OAuth 2.0 flow and different levels of credentials for administrators.
  • Client URIs exposed in REST and GraphQL.
  • Generate a snapshot from your domain/environment to use with the offline mode of your Switcher Client.

Switcher API:

NodeJs lib:

Java lib:

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