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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 11, 2022. It is now read-only.


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This repo is no longer under development, as the functionality is now available in Alertmanager!


alertmanager-filter receives webhooks from Prometheus Alertmanager, filters and forwards them by a ruleset.
These rules can consist of labels and/or the time when the webhook was received.


We wanted time based routing without introducing additional tools which have their own state about alerts.
There is a proposed time-based muting of alerts in alertmanager#2393, which time interval parser this tool uses.
We dislike the proposed muting because we more wanted a ruleset of who is oncall and as of writing this the PR is not merged.

Docker image

Docker image is available on Docker Hub, and GitHub

docker pull swoga/alertmanager-filter
docker pull
docker pull

You just need to map your config file into the container at /etc/alertmanager-filter/config.yml
docker run -v config.yml:/etc/alertmanager-filter/config.yml swoga/alertmanager-filter

Command line flags

alertmanager-filter requires a path to a YAML config file supplied in the command line flag --config.file=config.yml.

--debug can be used to raise the log level.

Configuration file

listen: <string> | default = :9776
metrics_path: <string> | default = /metrics
alerts_path: <string> | default = /alerts

  # map key is the name of the time interval
  <string>: [ <time_interval>, ... ]

  # map key is the name of the alertmanager receiver
  <string>: <receiver>


years: ['2019', '2021:2025', ... ]
months: ['1', '3:5', 'august', 'september:december', ... ]
days_of_month: ['1', '3:5', ... ]
weekdays: ['monday', 'wednesday:friday', ... ]
  - start_time: 'HH:MM'
    end_time: 'HH:MM'
  - ...


see <http_config>

  url: <string>
  http_config: <http_config>

rules: [ <rule>, ... ]


Evaluates true if any match and no not_match evaluated true.
Please see example.yml for some pseudo code on how the evaluation is performed.

match: [ <match>, ... ]
not_match: [ <match>, ... ]


Evaluates true if all labels and the time match one of their array values.

  <string>: [ <string>, ... ]
# must be defined in time_intervals map
times: [ <string>, ... ]


You can either build with go build ./cmd/alertmanager-filter/ or to build with promu use make build