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File metadata and controls

89 lines (71 loc) · 2.7 KB

List of important commands

Stefan Wyder

File and folder manipulation

Command Description
pwd display current folder
ls -l path list files and folders
cd path change folder to path
cd ~ change folder to home folder
mkdir dir_name make folder
rmdir dir_name remove folder
cp source dest copy file/folder and all its contents

File compression and decompression

Command Description
gzip filename compress file with gzip (adds .gz extension)
gunzip filename.gz decompress fildecompress file with gzip (removes .gz extension)
zmore filename.gz
zless filename.gz file decompress display file content of a gzip compressed file
tar xfz filename.tar.gz extract/decompress files from tar.gz archive
tar zcvf archive.tar.gz folder_to_compress creates archive.tar.gz
unzip unzip archive
zgrep pattern filename.gz search text/pattern in a compressed file

Text processing

Command Description
grep pattern filename search text/pattern
cut extract column
tr substitute/delete text/pattern
less display file content
wc count number of lines in file
sort sort lines
uniq remove lines occurring more than once
comm file1 file2 compares files (intersection,union,difference)

Network and file transfer

Command Description
wget URL download file (also html page) and save to current folder
ssh –X username@host remote login to host with username
disconnect by Ctrl+d
sftp username@host remote login to host with username and transfer files
scp source target copy files from/to host
scp username@host:~/path/file .
scp file username@host:~/path*/file*

Permissions and Ownership

These commands also work on directories

Command Description
chmod ug+rx filename Set write and execute permissions to user and group
chown user filename changes user ownership
chgrp group filename changes group ownership
chown user:group filename changes user & group ownership

System information & processes

Command Description
uname -a display system information
df -h list mounted disks with available space
du -h path show space usage
top display running processes
kill pid kill process

vi” editor

Command Description
$ vi filename start editing file with vi
i switch to “insert” mode
ESC switch to “command” mode
:w save
:q quit
:x save and quit
/<pattern> search for pattern, <n> gives you the next match
:q! quit without saving changes