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Swyx module

An experimental sugar module to integrate the NERDS (Node, Express, ReDux, and SQL) stack for rapidly setting up fullstack JS Single Page Apps.

There was a big breaking change from 0.1.17 onward, please note the API change if you used it from before

const app = require('swyx')().app
app.get('/hello', (req, res) => res.send('Hello World'))
app.start() // visit http://localhost:3000/hello to see 'Hello World'

In this 3-line Hello World example, here is the included functionality configured by default:

  • body-parser
  • morgan
  • express.static to the /public folder
  • app.use('*', ...) catchall route to serve /public/index.html for SPAs
  • uses port 3000 by default unless you specify the PORT env variable (e.g. PORT=1337 node index.js)

Simply pass a callback function io => socket => {...} to app.start to set up on the backend.


npm install swyx

Example Usage with sockets (and annotated options)

index.js for the server:

const server = require('swyx')({
  // userApp,    // supply an express instance if you want, will set one up for you if you don't have one
  // bodyParser, // supply `bodyParser: null` to turn off the default json and urlencoded config
  // morgan,     // supply `morgan: null` to turn off. defaults to `morgan('dev')`, supply string to change logging type or supply `morgan` object to avoid default morgan logging
  // staticRouting, // supply `staticRouting: null` to turn off. defaults to `/public`.
const app =
app.get('/api', (req, res) => res.send('this is api route'))
app.use(server.finalHandler) // optional error handling
const socketCallback = io => socket => {
  console.log(`A socket connection to the server has been made: ${}`)
  socket.on('disconnect', () => {
    console.log(`Connection ${} has left the building`)
  socket.on('client', val => {
    console.log('client received', val);
    socket.broadcast.emit('server', val) // or `io.sockets.emit('server', val)` to send to all including sender
  // htmlSPA, // catchall to render single page apps. supply `htmlSPA: null` to turn off. defaults to `/public/index.html`.
  socketCallback // off by default. supply a callback fn `io => socket => {socket.on('event', ()=>console.log('event'))}` to turn on
}) is implemented for you on the server side, but is up to you to implement on client side. Sample socket connection on the client:

import io from ''

const socket = io(window.location.origin)
socket.on('connect', () => {
  console.log('Socket Connected!')
  socket.on('server', val => console.log('server', val))

Documentation to be completed

Tests (not maintained yet as this is still in alpha testing)

npm test


In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.


NPM Package notes
