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Releases: sx4-discord-bot/Sx4


02 Jul 11:10
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Version 3.2.1

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which caused mass move and move to error due to a missing permission check
  • Fixed a bug which caused mystery box to error due to a discord change
  • Fixed a bug which allowed users to buy crates they shouldn't be able to
  • Fixed a bug which meant you couldn't set an advanced message if you included a formatter which later resolved to a url
  • Fixed a bug which caused channel mentions not to resolve in arguments
  • Fixed a bug which caused welcomer messages not to be sent if a server used screening
  • Fixed a bug which caused empty paged results to error
  • Fixed a bug which caused role create to error when supplying a name longer than 100 characters
  • Fixed a bug in whitelist list and blacklist list which caused the mentions to be shown in the select menu
  • Fixed a bug which caused permission override create logs not to send
  • Fixed a bug which caused the MEMBER_TIME_OUT_REMOVED logger event to fire when the user already had a timeout and it was updated instead of removed
  • Fixed a bug which could cause the prefix command to error
  • Fixed a bug which caused mod log messages not to be updated when using the mod log case command


  • Added the server banner command, allows you to view the servers banner
  • Added trigger action set, replaces all other action types with the same type with the new one specified
  • MEMBER_TIMED_OUT and MEMBER_TIME_OUT_REMOVED have been added as events in logs for the new time out feature in discord
  • Added a swipe left button on the ship command, ships the first user provided with a random one in the server
  • Added a swipe right button on the ship command, Providing you are the executor of the command and are included in the ship the button is available and gives a marry prompt to the other user once pressed
  • Added the EXECUTE_COMMAND trigger action, allows the ability to execute any Sx4 command. Supply the command field and arguments field in the trigger action
  • Added a new version of trigger add, allows you to add a trigger template as a trigger using the templates unique name
  • Added input formatters for triggers, allows you to define something a user might provide without knowing the exact content. They are also converted to formatters in order of matching, first input formatter will be named 0, second will be 1 etc and can be used like so {0} in the trigger action
    • Added {text}, matches any text in the trigger. Example: hello there would match hello {text}
    • Added {int}, matches any number in the trigger. Example: hello 50 would match hello {int}
    • Added {prefix}, matches the prefix of the current user. Example: s?command would match {prefix}command providing the user has a prefix of s?
    • Added {member}, matches a search for a member in the current server. Example: member Shea would match member {member} if someone named Shea was in the server
    • Added {role}, matches a search for a role in the current server. Example: role Admin would match role {role} if a role named Admin was in the server
  • Added trigger format, disables formatting of formatters in the trigger
  • Added trigger update, updates a trigger to the latest template version it's connected to
  • Added trigger variable, upload permanent formatters for a specific trigger which are non-viewable in any way making them useful for private information such as API keys, tokens and more
    • Added add, Adds a permanent variable to a trigger to be used within the actions of the trigger
    • Added purge, Deletes all variables from a specific trigger
  • Added trigger template, allows you to upload triggers as templates for all to use
    • Added upload, uploads a trigger from the current server as a template
    • Added update, updates the trigger data of the trigger template if the trigger has since been changed


  • Audit log handling in loggers has been improved, they will be slightly faster but more of an internal improvement
  • The help command will now search for commands based on query rather than looking for direct matches
  • The slowmode command now works in new channels which support it
  • Paged results will now use select menus for choosing an item
  • Improved the handling of function arguments in formatters
  • Old paged results made in the same channel by the same user will still be usable but text commands will not work for them
  • Improved the handling of logs, now they will be more consistently bulked when they manage to fall behind in the queue
  • Webhook based commands such as Free Game notifications, Twitch notifications and YouTube notification can now be set in voice channels and threads.
  • trigger list is now selectable and will give more information on a trigger when selected


24 Jun 17:45
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Version 3.2.0

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which caused the reddit command to not work in non-nsfw channels
  • Fixed a bug which caused youtube notification list to not return the channel or a custom message if set
  • Fixed a bug which caused auction list not to show the correct durability of a tool
  • Fixed a bug which caused a starboard to show the wrong message when someone adds a star to the starboard
  • Fixed a bug which caused youtube notification preview not to work for channels without videos
  • Fixed a bug which could cause formatters to error
  • Fixed a bug which caused auction refund not to respond when you had an expired item
  • Fixed a bug which caused anti regex whitelist add to error if the anti regex wasn't from the current server
  • Fixed a bug which could cause a YouTube channel to not receive notifications
  • Numerous other bug fixes


  • Added urlEncode as a variable to the String formatter, encodes the string to URL standard
  • Added epoch as a variable to the DateTime formatter, gets the epoch seconds of a DateTime
  • Added a static function list, allows you to initiate a list like so {list([cat,dog,fish])}
  • Added Response type to formatters, allows you to get fields from a HTTP response
    • Added json, gets the JSON object of the body
    • Added raw, gets the String object of the body
    • Added status, gets the Number status code of the response
  • Added Currency type to formatters which extends Number so every function/variable from Number can also be used on Currency
    • Added currency static function which creates a Currency instance, example {currency(5,EUR)}
    • Added convert function to Currency, example {currency.convert(GBP)}
  • Added Document type to formatters
    • Added get function to JSON, example {json.get(field)}
  • Added formatter, allows you to view formatter types, variables and functions. A useful tool to follow the formatter class hierarchy.
  • Added user banner, shows the banner of a user from their profile if they have one
  • Added status, shows the avatar of a user with a status specified just like in discord
  • Added youtube notification toggle, enables or disables a specific YouTube notification
  • Added steam connect, allows you to link your steam account on Sx4 so you can use steam profile without arguments
  • Added steam inventory, shows the inventory of your profile for a specific game
  • Added trigger action, allows you to perform an action when a trigger is triggers
    • Added add, adds an action to a trigger
    • Added remove, removes an action from a trigger
  • Added the order option to trigger add and trigger advanced add so you can add the order field to the SEND_MESSAGE action
  • Added sticker command, allows you to delete and create stickers
    • Added create, creates a sticker from an image url, sticker in your message, sticker name or id
    • Added delete, deletes a sticker in the current server
  • Added free games, view or add a channel to get free game notifications
    • Added list, allows you to see the current free games on promotion
    • Added upcoming, allows you to see the free games which will come out in the future on Epic Games
    • Added history, shows all the past games announced by the bot
    • Added add, adds a channel to get free game notifications
    • Added remove, removes a channel from getting free game notifications
    • Added toggle, enables or disables a free game channel
    • Added formatters, view the formatters you can use for a custom message
    • Added message, set the message for the free game notifications
    • Added advanced message, set the message for the free game notifications using json
    • Added name, set the name of the webhook that sends free game notifications
    • Added avatar, set the avatar of the webhook that sends free game notifications
    • Added preview, preview your message for free game notifications
    • Added platforms, lets you select what platforms you want free game notifications from
  • Added twitch notification, set up a twitch notification to post when a streamer goes live
    • Added add, adds a notification to a channel for a streamer
    • Added remove, removes a notification by it's id
    • Added toggle, enables or disables a notification by it's id
    • Added list, lists all the notifications in the server
    • Added name, sets the webhook name of the notification
    • Added avatar, sets the webhook avatar of the notification
    • Added message, sets the message of the notification
    • Added advanced message, same as message but allows for more customizability with json
    • Added preview, previews a notification by it's id
    • Added formatters, shows you the formatters you can use for the messages


  • avatar will now show per-server avatars if the user has one
  • Changed the csgo skin command to use SkinPort over SkinBaron
  • All leaderboard commands no longer show the bot in economy
  • You can now view the exact commit the current bot is running on in the info command
  • Improved handling of webhook based commands, including the correct deletion of webhooks once the channel is no longer used


16 Nov 21:46
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Version 3.1.9

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which let you use a upgrade which wasn't meant for the specific tool in rod upgrade and axe upgrade
  • Fixed a bug which could cause time strings to have unnecessary spaces
  • Fixed a bug which could cause blacklist add and whitelist add to blacklist/whitelist more commands than wanted
  • Fixed a bug which caused a logger to attempt to send logs without permission to create a new webhook if the old one was deleted


  • Added change colour, changes the colour of an image using hue
  • Added csgo skin, allows you to look up any csgo skin and its price on SkinBaron
  • Added advent calendar back


  • Message deletes will now show who deleted the message for loggers, unless a user deletes their own message or a bot deletes a singular message


13 Sep 12:57
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Version 3.1.8

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which caused region to error when a deprecated voice region was given
  • When a duration string is given and it is 0 seconds it'll now show this rather than being an empty string
  • Fixed a bug which could cause translate not to show the full translation
  • Fixed a bug which allowed people to use commands which required manage roles when they had manage permissions in the current channel


  • Added anti regex formatters, shows the formatters you can use for anti-regex and anti-invite


  • Repeated reminders will now be deleted after 3 failed attempts at sending the reminder to the user
  • minesweeper now exposes a single 0 so you can't lose after your first click, if possible


23 Aug 11:52
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Version 3.1.7

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which caused youtube notification add to give an error rather than a fail message when a duplicate notification was given
  • Fixed a bug which could cause repeated reminders to de-sync when the bot needed a restart


  • Supplying an image attachment for a suggestion will now show the image in the suggestion embed
  • The MEMBER_LEAVE log now shows the roles the member had before leaving
  • youtube notification add now checks if you've given a channel url to make sure it gets the correct channel
  • youtube notification add now gives the YouTube channel name when you add the notification to make sure you added the correct one
  • You no longer need to provide a channel for youtube notification add, it'll default to the current channel
  • The id option is no longer a thing in youtube notification add, it'll be checked automatically whether it's an id or not
  • You can now unset the mod action by using none as an argument for anti regex and anti-invite
  • You can now use buttons on paged messages


  • Added logger blacklist remove, removes a blacklist from a specific logger


23 Aug 11:52
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Version 3.1.6

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which could cause both miners and factories to not display a time when on cooldown
  • Fixed a bug which caused logger events add to not work as expected


  • Changed $5 to get you 31 days of server and user premium to always guarantee a month of premium
  • YouTube notifications now have a new default webhook avatar


  • YouTube channel names will now be shown in youtube notification list to make it easier to manage your notifications


01 Aug 13:21
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Version 3.1.5

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which caused a users gif profile background to not show when the command is used by a non-premium user
  • Fixed a bug which caused times given on their own not to use the next day if needed
  • Fixed a bug with repeated reminders which would remind at an incorrect time after the first reminder if the initial duration was different to the repeat duration


  • Added join position leaderboard, View a leaderboard of users in order of join date


  • You can now use a message argument for suggestion set to help mobile users and people who preferred the old method


24 Jul 13:38
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Version 3.1.4

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which caused youtube notification add to error with the id option


  • Suggestions will dm the user about their suggestion changing state again


  • mov file types are now supported for media mode by default
  • Changed the logger system to hopefully make it more optimized in terms of sending bulk logs


  • Added youtube notification preview, previews a specific youtube notification with their latest video on the channel


14 Jul 11:41
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Version 3.1.3

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which caused using a command to show duplicate of itself if the command wasn't completed
  • Fixed a bug which caused the help menu to error in some cases
  • Fixed a bug which caused arguments to show null instead of their name in the case the error message used the argument name
  • Fixed a bug which caused unban to not respond in some cases when the user wasn't banned
  • Fixed a bug which wouldn't let you provide an argument if it took text but also had options you could give such as all
  • Fixed a bug in shop sell which meant it didn't check for cooldowns on items


  • Added premium perks, view the perks you get when getting premium for a server and yourself
  • Added stats, view statistics about the bot
  • Added anti regex admin toggle, toggles whether administrators should be whitelisted from sending content matching the specific regex


09 Jul 11:15
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Version 3.1.2

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which caused role add to error when giving a user instead of all
  • Fixed a bug which caused auto role fix to think it was giving out a role when it wasn't
  • Fixed a bug which caused role to think it was giving out a role when it wasn't when using the all argument


  • Added welcomer screening, toggles whether the bot should send a welcomer message before or after member screening


  • Auto role now will only give the auto role once a member has passed member screening
  • auto role fix will now check that the users it's giving the role to have passed member screeening
  • steam game now shows 3 in game screenshots on top of the header image of the game


  • Made a change which makes the logger no longer wait for confirmation of the log being sent before parsing the next log in queue, this should hopefully fix the issue which caused the logger to backlog