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Zipper based text editor library that attempts to make inefficient operations visible

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PLEditor - Experimental

This package exports datastructures and functions for building a text editor. It is intended to be used with PL. It's gimics are briefly described below.

Data Structures


A Line is a single line of Text which may be appended and taken from. A Line encodes the horizontal direction it's text flows at the type-level like:

newtype Line (hDir :: HDir) = Line Text

This is used to force the consumer of the API to be explicit about performing operations with high time-complexity. For example, as a Line is represented as a string of Text, taking the first character is O(1) while taking the last is O(n). The API therefore only exports functions for taking the first character of a LeftToRight Line and the last character of a RightToLeft Line.

firstCharacter :: Line 'LeftToRight -> Maybe (Char, Line 'LeftToRight)
lastCharacter :: Line 'RightToLeft -> Maybe (Char, Line 'RightToLeft)

This aims to encourage using the datastructure in a performant manner. To take the last character of a LeftToRight Line (or vice-versa), the caller must first explicitly reverse the line:

reverseLine :: Line hDir -> Line (ReverseH hDir)
reverseLine :: Line 'LeftToRight -> Line 'RightToLeft
reverseLine :: Line 'RightToLeft -> Line 'LeftToRight


Lines extend Line into two dimensions and are an ordered collection of Lines which may be appended together with Lines able to be inserted or removed. As with single Lines which have a horizontal direction, a collection of Lines have a vertical direction encoded in their type. This looks like:

data Lines (vDir :: VDir) (hDir :: HDir) = Lines [Line hDir]

The API for Lines guides against inefficient operations in the same way as Line. For example, the first and last line can only be taken from TopToBottom and BottomToTop oriented lines, respectively.

firstLine :: Lines 'TopToBottom hDir -> Maybe (Line hDir, Lines 'TopToBottom hDir)
lastLine  :: Lines 'BottomToTop hDir -> Maybe (Line hDir, Lines 'BottomToTop hDir)


CurrentLine encodes a single Line with a cursor position at which characters can be inserted or deleted. To make these operations efficient, a 'zipper' like encoding is used. In short we break the line into two, with the first half RightToLeft and the second half LeftToRight. Inserting and deleteing characters are a cons or uncons to the first half. Moving left or right is an uncons followed by a cons in the respective direction. Internally, the structure looks something like:

newtype CurrentLine = CurrentLine
  { _unCurrentLine :: ( Line 'RightToLeft -- First half of line ordered right-to-left. The cursor is considered on the first character.
                      , Line 'LeftToRight -- Second half of line ordered left-to-right.

Movement functions cannot currenly fail. For example, if we are at the leftmost side of a line and try and move left, the function will not fail and no movement will be performed. This behavior is chosen as it appears to be a good default for a text-editor.


An Editor is a collection of Lines with a notion of a CurrentLine. This line has a cursor position where characters may be inserted or deleted. The cursor may be moved within and across Lines.

This structure is represented as 'zipper' over Lines using CurrentLine as it's focussed Line. I.E. it looks like

data Editor = Editor
  { _priorLines  :: Lines 'BottomToTop 'LeftToRight -- Previous lines ordered bottom-to-top.
  , _currentLine :: CurrentLine                     -- Current line with cursor.
  , _afterLines  :: Lines 'TopToBottom 'LeftToRight -- Lines after the current line ordered top-to-bottom.


A View is a two-dimensional view with a width and height that can be increased and decreased to zero or greater. A View can be used to focus on a 'visible' portion of an Editors Lines with viewEditor :: View -> Editor -> (Lines 'TopToBottom 'LeftToRight, (Int,Int)). This function returns the postion the cursor was in as a character offset from the top-left.


Zipper based text editor library that attempts to make inefficient operations visible







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