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Mint ViewBinder GitHub issues License

  • Validate using annotations and keep your code clean with repetitive if-else checks or Utility calls.
  • Add validation markers (annotations) for checks like empty, length, email, or password combinations on EditText.
  • You can even provide your own Regex to validate EditText data.


Available Version: 1.0.0 on jcenter

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Getting Started


Minimum API Level is 21.

Adding the library

In your app level gradle (4.0+), add:

    implementation 'net.crystalapps:mint-validator:1.0.0'

for gradle versions below 4.0 use:

    compile 'net.crystalapps:mint-validator:1.0.0'

Using in your project

  • Consider an EditText for email validation:
    @NotEmpty(order = 1, message = R.string.empty_email_message)
    @ValidEmail(order = 2, message = R.string.invalid_email_message)
    private EditText emailEditText;

    @NotEmpty(order = 1, message = R.string.password_empty_message)
    @MinLength(order = 2, value = 6, message = R.string.password_min_message)
    @MaxLength(order = 3, value = 20, message = R.string.password_max_message)
    private EditText passwordEditText;
  • @BindView is must to use these validations, see ViewBinder library for more.

  • Top level @Order annotation describe which EditText will be validated in order number you provide, here, emailEditText will be verified first then passwordEditText.

  • @ValidEmail runs email regex on input, message variable in annotation takes a message string resource, which will be shown when validation fails.

  • @NotEmpty checks EditText shoud not be empty.

  • Use @Regex annotation to provide your own regex implementation.

  • order variable in annotation sets in which order annotations on a view will be validated. If a view like email has multiple validations, this order will be used to describe in which sequence these validations will be executed on that single view.

  • value variable in annotation will describe any value if the given annotation needs anything, like @MinLength will specify minimum length in this variable, similarly @MaxLength will specify maximum length in integer.

  • To start validating you must call following methods

    // "this" reference to the current class in which these annotations are used in.
    FieldValidator.validateWithCurrentClass( this, new ValidationListener() {
            public void validateSuccess() {
                // if all validations go well

            public void validateFailed(@NonNull ValidationError validationError, @NonNull FilterChain filterChain) {
                validationError.getMessage(); // the message you provided
                validationError.getView(); // on which view the validation failed
                // if you want to stop validation process here you need nothing to do and show errors etc in your flow.
                // if you want to show errors, but also continue validating other views
                // in cases where you want to validate all views and show errors in all of them in the end
                // call this to continue validating next view, this sequence was specified by @Order(1), @Order(2)...
                filterChain.doFiter(); // continue validation

Other annotaions available:

  • @LengthRange : defines length range, with minumum value and a maximum value.
  • @ConfirmPassword : Compares the text in this EditText with specified EditText to confirm password entry.


Contributions are welcomed as long as they dont break the code. Please create an issue and have a discussion before pull request.


Hosted at JCenter:



This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the file for details.

Sources from Android and Android APIs are subject to the licensing terms as per Android Open Source Project (AOSP).


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