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Projects using SymEngine

Isuru Fernando edited this page Apr 16, 2017 · 21 revisions


  • pycftboot - A free frontend for the conformal bootstrap
  • supercft - Superconformal bootstrap in 2<d<4.
  • pyodesys - Straightforward numerical integration of symbolically defined ODE systems
  • pyneqsys - Solve symbolically defined systems of non-linear equations numerically.
  • chempy - Python package useful for (physical) chemistry
  • sym - Unified interface to symbolic manipulation libraries in Python
  • pyProximation - Solve systems of integro-differential equations
  • sympy - A computer algebra system written in pure Python
  • FloBaRoID - Framework for dynamical system identification of floating-base rigid body tree structures
  • pymbolic - A simple package to do symbolic math (focus on code gen and DSLs)
  • RT1 - bistatic scattering model for first order scattering of random media



  • SYMSCI - Symbolic Math Toolbox for Scilab (SYMSCI)