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Configure HTTP server: Using separate FastCGI service

Configure HTTP server: Running separate FastCGI service


  • HTTP server.

    Currently, nginx and Apache HTTP Server (2.4 or later) are reported working.


    • For Apache HTTP Server:

      • Instruction described in this chapter needs mod_proxy_fcgi module introduced by HTTP Server 2.4. See another instruction to know about configuration with HTTP Server prior to 2.4.

      • Sympa prior to 6.2.25b.1 has a bug and doesn't work properly with the method described in this chapter. Upgrading to recent version is recommended, or see another instruction.

  • spawn-fcgi, an implementation of FastCGI server.

  • FCGI, FastCGI interface for Perl.

General instruction

First, install WWSympa FCGI service. And then configure HTTP server if necessary.

Install WWSympa FCGI service



  • Systemd support with FastCGI services was introduced on Sympa 6.2.15.

  1. Register WWSympa FastCGI service.

    Put wwsympa.service file into Systemd system directory (such as /usr/lib/systemd/system).

    • With binary distributions, wwsympa.service file may have already been installed, if that package supports Systemd.


      • With RPM (RHEL/CentOS 7 or Fedora), this file is prepared by sympa-httpd package.

    • If you have installed Sympa from source, and you have given --with-unitsdir=DIR option to configure script, you may find a file wwsympa.service in src/etc/script subdirectory of source tree.


      • On Sympa prior to 6.2.36, you may find a file nginx-wwsympa.service. Use it as wwsympa.service.

    Whichever web server you use, the distributed service file will work. The only thing to take care of is the user defined by the -U option in FCGI_OPTS:

    FCGI_OPTS="-M 0600 -U apache"

    The value of this parameter ('apache' in the example) must be set to the username used by your web server (www-data for Apache HTTP Server in Debian, nginx for nginx on most of distributions, etc.)

    You can keep this parameter by adding the line above to a file /etc/sysconfig/sympa.


    • You can also serve Sympa SOAP interface with this method. Follow the same instructions but with sympasoap.service (or nginx-sympasoap.service) file.

  2. Start WWSympa FastCGI service.

    # systemctl start wwsympa.service
    # systemctl status wwsympa.service
  3. Activate WWSympa FastCGI service.

    # systemctl enable wwsympa.service

FreeBSD ports/package

  1. Configure and activate the spawn-fcgi service (Note: Replace $EXECCGIDIR and $PIDDIR below):

    # sysrc spawn_fcgi_enable="YES"
    # sysrc spawn_fcgi_app="/usr/local/bin/perl"
    # sysrc spawn_fcgi_app_args="$EXECCGIDIR/wwsympa.fcgi"
    # sysrc spawn_fcgi_bindsocket="$PIDDIR/wwsympa.socket"
    # sysrc spawn_fcgi_bindsocket_mode="0600 -U www"
    # sysrc spawn_fcgi_username="sympa"
    # sysrc spawn_fcgi_groupname"sympa"


    • If you also want to serve Sympa SOAP interface with this method, you may have to write an rc script to start another spawn-fcgi service. Contribution by readers will be appreciated.

  2. Start WWSympa FastCGI service.

    # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/spawn-fcgi start

System V init script

  1. If your system supports system V init script, edit example init script as you prefer, and copy it to system V init directory (such as /etc/rc.d/init.d) as the wwsympa file.


    • You can also serve Sympa SOAP interface with this method. Follow the same instructions but with this example init script. Copy it as the sympasoap file.

  2. Start WWSympa FastCGI service.

    # service wwsympa start
    # service wwsympa status
  3. Activate WWSympa FastCGI service.

    # chkconfig wwsympa on

Setup HTTP server

If you have not added configuration for Sympa to HTTP server, follow instruction below.


  1. Add following excerpt to nginx configuration (Note: replace $PIDDIR, $EXECCGIDIR and $STATICDIR below):

    server {
        listen      80;
        server_name localhost.localdomain;  # Change it!
        location /sympa {
            include       /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
            fastcgi_pass  unix:$PIDDIR/wwsympa.socket;
            # If you changed wwsympa_url in sympa.conf, change this regex too!
            fastcgi_split_path_info ^(/sympa)(.*)$;
            fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $EXECCGIDIR/wwsympa.fcgi;
            fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;
        location /static-sympa {
            alias $STATICDIR;

    For the SOAP interface, add this in your server configuration:

        location /sympasoap {
            include       /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
            fastcgi_pass  unix:$PIDDIR/sympasoap.socket;
            fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $EXECCGIDIR/sympa_soap_server.fcgi;
            fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;


    • Some binary distributions ship configuration ready to edit:

      • On RPM, /etc/nginx/conf.d/sympa.conf file is prepared by sympa-nginx package.

  2. Edit it as you prefer.

    Note that server_name directive above should contain host part of wwsympa_url parameter. Because Sympa refers to SERVER_NAME CGI environment variable to determine web host name of the service.

  3. Restart nginx. Then test configuration according to instruction.

Apache HTTP Server

  1. Add following excerpt to httpd configuration (Note: replace $PIDDIR and $STATICDIR below):

    LoadModule alias_module modules/
    LoadModule proxy_module modules/
    LoadModule proxy_fcgi_module modules/
    <Location /sympa>
        SetHandler "proxy:unix:$PIDDIR/wwsympa.socket|fcgi://"
        Require all granted
    <Location /static-sympa>
        Require all granted
    Alias /static-sympa $STATICDIR

    For SOAP interface, add:

    <Location /sympasoap>
        SetHandler "proxy:unix:$PIDDIR/sympasoap.socket|fcgi://"
        Require all granted


    • Some binary distributions ship configuration ready to edit:

      • On RPM (RHEL/CentOS 7 or Fedora), /etc/httpd/conf.d/sympa.conf file is prepared by sympa-httpd package.

  2. Edit it as you prefer.

    Note that ServerName directive above should contain host part of wwsympa_url parameter. Because Sympa refers to SERVER_NAME CGI environment variable to determine web host name of the service.

  3. Restart httpd. Then test configuration according to instruction.