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Equivariant neural networks and equivarification

This is the implementation of an equivariant neural network on the MNIST data set.

What is an equivariant neural network?

Let M be the space of data (e.g. the space of all rgb pictures of the size 225 * 225 * 3). Let N be the space of all possible configuration of classes. e.g. N = { (animal, angle) | animal = cat or dog, angle = 0, pi/2, pi, 3pi/2}.

Then a neural network is a function f from M to N.

Let G be a group that acts on M. E.g. G has four elements, and denote it by G = {r0,r1,r2,r3}. And ri acts on image in M by rotating it by i * pi/2 in the counterclockwise direction.

We also require that G acts on N (e.g. rk (animal, angle) = (animal, angle + k*pi/2 (mod 2 pi)) for k = 0,1,2,3.

We say the neural network f is G-equivariant, if

f(g m) = g f(m), 

for all m in M and g in G.

How to construct an equivariant neural network?

The idea of achieving an equivariant neural network is the following (the paper deals with more general cases, i.e. an arbitrary group G):

Given function f: M -> N as above.

We modify f and N to: F: M -> N', so that N' is an "enlargement" of N, G acts on N', and F is G-equivariant as follows. Define N' = N^4 = N x N x N x N. (Here we assume as before G is a cyclic group of order 4, please refer to the paper for the general case). We define

F(m) = (h(m), h(r1 m), h(r2 m), h(r3 m)),

where rk m means rotating the image m counterclockwise by k*pi/2. To define a G action on N', we only need to define how r1 acts on N:

r1 (n0, n1, n2, n3) = (n1, n2, n3, n0).

Suppose f:M->N is the first layer of a cnn, then we modify it into F:M->N', and N' now has a G-action. So we build another standard cnn layer starting from N' and then using the same technic we make it equivariant. Alternatively, a less interesting thing that one can do is to use the original next level layer from N, and precompose it with the projection p from N' to N. Here p: N' -> N is given by

p(n0, n1, n2, n3) = n0.

Either way, inductively, we get an equivariant neural network.

Implementation and versions

The code is written in tensorflow. There are two versions. V2 is a better version, and it can handle arbitrary neural networks and arbitrary groups. (V1 is not overwritten due to paper submission requirements).

--to do: clean up the code.