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A generic <Provider /> for preact. It exposes any props you pass it into context.


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A generic <Provider /> for preact. It exposes any props you pass it into context. Also provides a merging variant <MergingProvider />, and utility functions provide and mergingProvide


Install it via npm:

npm install --save preact-context-provider

# or, for Preact X support
npm install --save preact-context-provider@preactx

Then import it and use:

import Provider from 'preact-context-provider';

let OBJ = { a: 'b' };

const App = (props, context) => {
	// now it's exposed to context!
	console.log(context.obj === OBJ) // true

	<Provider obj={OBJ}>
		<App />

Preact Version Support

By default, the master branch of this repo supports preact 9 and below, and is published in normal patch/minor/major releases to the latest tag in npm. Support for preact X (versions 10+ of preact) is handled in the preactX branch and are always published to the preactx tag in npm. When preact X obtains widespread adoption, the master branch of this project will support preact X and a new major version under latest tag will be published to in npm.


Table of Contents


Adds all passed props, children into context, making them available to all descendants.

To learn about context, see the React Docs.


  • props Object All props are exposed as properties in context, except children


const Demo = (props, context) => {
  console.log(context);  // "{ a: 'b' }"
  <Provider a="b">
    <Demo />
//	"{ a: 'b' }"

// lower-level providers override higher providers for any keys that they define
  <Provider a={key1: 'foo'} b={key2: 'bar'}>
    <Provider a={key3: 'buz'} >
      <Demo />
// "{ a: { key3: 'buz' }, b: { key2: 'bar' } }"


Similar to Provider, but allows a special mergeProps prop to allow parent supplied context keys with the same name as those provided by the current MergingProvider to be deep merged, instead of replaced.

To learn about context, see the React Docs.


  • props Object All props are exposed as properties in context, except children and mergeProps
    • props.mergeProps Array? If not supplied, all supplied props will be merged with keys already in context. If supplied as an array of strings, it will deep merge any prop names that are present in the array, and missing prop names be overriden by the child like Provider.


import Provider, { MergingProvider } from 'preact-context-provider';
const Demo = (props, context) => {
  console.log(context);  // "{ a: 'b' }"

// with mergeProps unspecified, all parent context keys are merged with the ones presently supplied, parent values taking precedence
  <Provider a={key1: 'foo'}>
    <MergingProvider a={key2: 'bar'}>
      <Demo />
// "{ a: { key1: 'foo', key2: 'bar' } }"

 // when mergeProps is an array, only specified keys are merged, non-specified keys get their value from current node
// in this example, only the 'a' context key is merged.  'b' is overwritten by the lower node
  <Provider a={key1: 'foo'} b={key2: 'bar'}>
    <MergingProvider mergeProps={['a']} a={key3: 'baz'} b={key4: 'buz'}>
      <Demo />
// "{ a: { key1: 'foo', key3: 'baz' }, b: {key4: 'buz'} }"


Higher Order Component that wraps components in a Provider for the given context.



import {provide} from 'preact-context-provider';
const Demo = (props, context) => {
  console.log(context.a);  // "b"
const ProvidedDemo = provide({a: "b"})(Demo);

ProvidedDemo.getWrappedComponent() === Demo; // true

render( <ProvidedDemo /> );

Returns Function A function that, given a Child component, wraps it in a Provider component for the given context.


Higher Order Component that wraps components in a MergingProvider for the given context.



import {mergingProvide} from 'preact-context-provider';
const Demo = (props, context) => {
const ProvidedDemo = mergingProvide({a: "b"})(Demo);

ProvidedDemo.getWrappedComponent() === Demo; // true

render( <ProvidedDemo /> ); // "b"

Returns Function A function that, given a Child component, wraps it in a MergingProvider component for the given context.