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This project requires JVM version of at least 1.7

Table of Contents top

javaSample top

An example gradle plugin written in Java

Initial Build top

The first thing that is going to happen when you try to build the project is that it is going to fail:

gradle build

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'javaSample'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'.
   > Could not find synapticloop:javaSample:1.0.0.
     Searched in the following locations:
     Required by:

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


Total time: 2.429 secs

This is due to the fact that it cannot find the plugin, since you haven't built the plugin yet, so it is expecting the dependency which hasn't been built, to exist before it can build the extension - kind of a catch-22 situation.

you need to do this:

gradle -b build-initial.gradle build pTML

the pTML above is a short form of publishToMavenLocal, so you could also have done:

gradle -b build-initial.gradle build publishToMavenLocal

This will publish the plugin to maven local, which means that you can now do a:

gradle build

The Source Files top

Here is a list of the within this project

├── .gitignore  // this is git ignore file - generated from,eclipse,java
├── build-initial.gradle  // this is the initial build file - invoked by gradle -b build-initial build pTML
├── build.gradle  // the main build.gradle file
├── gradle
│   └── wrapper
│       ├── gradle-wrapper.jar
│       └──
├── gradlew  // gradle invoker script
├── gradlew.bat  // windows gradle invoker script
├── settings.gradle // settings for the gradle build
└── src
    ├── docs
    │   └──  // documentation
    ├── main
    │   ├── java
    │   │   └── synapticloop
    │   │       └── gradle
    │   │           └── plugin
    │   │               ├──  // the goodbye task
    │   │               ├── // the hello task
    │   │               ├── // the plugin registration
    │   │               └── // the extension point for configuration
    │   └── resources
    │       └── META-INF
    │           └── gradle-plugins
    │               └── // the properties file to register the plugin
    └── test
        └── java

Adding in the extension top

The extension allows the user of your plugin to set or over-ride defaults. You should always set sensible defaults for all options.

Updating Versions - Catch-22 top

There is a little bit of back and forth with the plugin development. For example if you wish to update the version, you will need to build the version first, then update the registration, then run the plugin. E.g updating to version 1.0.1.

Step 1 - update the build version number top

in the build.gradle file - the lines

// textual information for this project
group = 'synapticloop'
archivesBaseName = 'javaSample'
description = """An example gradle plugin written in Java"""

version = '1.0.0'

change the version = '1.0.0' to version = '1.0.1'

Step 2 - build and publish the new version locally top

gradle build pTML

Step 3 - update the included plugin version top

then in the build.gradle file:

buildscript {
	repositories {
		maven {
			url ""

	dependencies {
		classpath 'synapticloop:javaSample:1.0.0'

change the line classpath 'synapticloop:javaSample:1.0.0' to classpath 'synapticloop:javaSample:1.0.1' and you may then invoke the task with the updated version number.

Step 4 - invoke the new task top

gradle javaSampleHello


Since gradle caches the plugin - it is best to NOT use --daemon in your build file if you do not update the plugin version number.

Gradle 3.0+ top

From Gradle 3.0 onwards, --daemon is defaulted to be on all of the time, you need to disable the daemon (see for instructions on how to disable it.

In a nutshell, there are two ways to disable the daemon:

  1. Via environment variables: add the flag -Dorg.gradle.daemon=false to the GRADLE_OPTS environment variable
  2. Via properties file: add org.gradle.daemon=false to the «GRADLE_USER_HOME»/ file

Publishing the Plugin top

Step 1 - Register your plugin group top

Go to and fill in the details:

NOTE: Your username will become the group - i.e. if your username is synapticloop then your plugins will be registered under the synapticloop group and will reside here

Step 2 - Get your API key top

Click on the API Keys link in the tabbed section, which will list your api keys:


Copy them to your HOME_DIR/.gradle/ (~/.gradle/ file:

Step 3 - install the gradle plugin publishing plugin top

In your build.gradle file in the plugins section, make sure you have included the com.gradle.plugin-publish plugin:

// list all of the plugins for this project
plugins {

	id 'com.gradle.plugin-publish' version '0.9.3'


Step 4 - Set up the plugin publishing task top

Include all of the following in your build.gradle file

 * Below is everything that you need to publish your plugin

// The fatJar tasks assembles all of the output files (compiled java, properties 
// etc.) into a single jar
task fatJar(type: Jar) {
	classifier = 'all'

	from(sourceSets.main.output) { include "**" }

// we want to ensure that the fatJar task is run

// links to javadoc - the javadoc task is needed for the maven publication, not
// for the publishing of plugins
def javaApiUrl = ''
def groovyApiUrl = ''

tasks.withType(Javadoc) {
	options.links(javaApiUrl, groovyApiUrl)

task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: javadoc) {
	classifier = 'javadoc'
	from 'build/docs/javadoc'

task sourcesJar(type: Jar) {
	from sourceSets.main.allSource
	classifier = 'sources'

publishing {
	publications {
		Synapticloop(MavenPublication) {
			artifact sourcesJar
			artifact javadocJar

			groupId group
			artifactId archivesBaseName

			pom.withXml {
				configurations.compile.resolvedConfiguration.firstLevelModuleDependencies.each { dep ->
					asNode().dependencies[0].dependency.find {
						it.artifactId[0].text() == dep.moduleName &&
								it.groupId[0].text() == dep.moduleGroup
					}.scope[0].value = 'compile'

// Now it is time to publish the plugin
pluginBundle {
	website = ''
	vcsUrl = ''
	description = 'A sample gradle plugin built with java'
	tags = [ 'sample' ]

	plugins {
		gradlePluginJava {
			id = 'synapticloop.javaSample'
			displayName = 'Synapticloop sample Gradle plugin in Java'

You can now publish your plugin with a simple:

gradle publishPlugin

or more concisely:

gradle pP

Creating a new plugin top

Required Information top

  • plugin group - referred to as «PLUGIN_GROUP»
  • plugin description = referred to as «PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION»
  • plugin name - referred to as «PLUGIN_NAME»
  • plugin package - referred to as «PLUGIN.PACKAGE»
  • plugin path - referred to as «PLUGIN_PATH» - this should match the plugin package as per java conventions

Step 1 - create the .properties file top

Create a file located at:


Enter the following details:


Step 2 - create the file top

Create a file located at:


This MUST match the implementation-class listed as per Step 1

The file should contain the following


import org.gradle.api.Plugin;
import org.gradle.api.Project;

public class «PLUGIN_NAME»Plugin implements Plugin<Project> {

	public void apply(Project project) {
		project.getExtensions().create("«PLUGIN_NAME»", «PLUGIN_NAME»PluginExtension.class);

		project.getTasks().create("«PLUGIN_TASK_NAME»", «PLUGIN_NAME»Task.class);

Step 3 - create the file top

Create a file located at:


The file should contain the following:


public class «PLUGIN_NAME»PluginExtension {
	// here you can put your member variables

	// don't forget to create getters/setters for all of the member variables

Step 4 - create the file top

Create a file located at:


The file should contain the following:


import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask;
import org.gradle.api.logging.Logger;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction;

public class «PLUGIN_NAME»Task extends DefaultTask {
	private Logger logger;
	private «PLUGIN_NAME»PluginExtension extension;

	public JavaSampleHelloTask() {

		this.logger = getProject().getLogger();

	public void generate() {
		extension = getProject().getExtensions().findByType(«PLUGIN_NAME»PluginExtension.class);

		if (extension == null) {
			extension = new «PLUGIN_NAME»Extension();
		}"Logging something, this will only be seen if the gradle task is invoked with --info");

Step 5 - create the build-initial.gradle file top

Use the ./build-initial.gradle file as a starting point, you will need to update the following values:

// textual information for this project
archivesBaseName = '«PLUGIN_NAME»'
description = """«PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION»"""

version = '1.0.0'

Step 6 - create the build.gradle file top

Use the ./build.gradle file as a starting point, you will need to update the values in the file as per step 5 above.

Building the Package top

*NIX/Mac OS X top

From the root of the project, simply run

./gradlew build

Windows top

./gradlew.bat build

This will compile and assemble the artefacts into the build/libs/ directory.

Note that this may also run tests (if applicable see the Testing notes)

Running the Tests top

*NIX/Mac OS X top

From the root of the project, simply run

gradle --info test

if you do not have gradle installed, try:

gradlew --info test

Windows top

From the root of the project, simply run

gradle --info test

if you do not have gradle installed, try:

./gradlew.bat --info test

The --info switch will also output logging for the tests

Dependencies - Gradle top

dependencies {
	runtime(group: 'synapticloop', name: 'javaSample', version: '1.0.0', ext: 'jar')

	compile(group: 'synapticloop', name: 'javaSample', version: '1.0.0', ext: 'jar')

or, more simply for versions of gradle greater than 2.1

dependencies {
	runtime 'synapticloop:javaSample:1.0.0'

	compile 'synapticloop:javaSample:1.0.0'

Dependencies - Maven top


Dependencies - Downloads top

You will also need to download the following dependencies:

compile dependencies

NOTE: You may need to download any dependencies of the above dependencies in turn (i.e. the transitive dependencies)


This file was hand-crafted with care utilising synapticlooptemplar->documentr



A sample plugin for gradle, built in java






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