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@SyncfusionBuild SyncfusionBuild released this 15 Sep 14:47
· 36 commits to master since this release



  • #F155731 - Provided an option to enable or disable the animation across all Syncfusion components.

Bug Fixes

  • #I479747 - The issue with "sample browser level codes are present in React stack blitz samples" has been resolved.



  • #FB9773 - Introducing the Virtual Scrolling feature for the AutoComplete component, it is a game-changer for managing large datasets. This feature drastically improves performance by ensuring faster loading and smoother scrolling, even with extensive data.



  • #I462095 - Provided support for using column or bar charts to display data in the form of cylindrical-shaped items.
  • #I395116 - Provided support for synchronizing tooltips, zooming and panning, cross-hairs, highlights, and selection features across numerous charts.
  • #I420935 - Provided support for exporting chart data to Excel in a table format.
  • #I489636 - It is now possible to add a background and border to the chart title and subtitle.
  • #F182191 - Provided support to hide the nearest data in tooltip when having multiple axis.
  • #I294830 - Enhanced PDF export feature facilitates exporting charts from the web page onto multiple pages within a PDF document.


Bug Fixes

  • Facing exception when mode switching from color palette to color picker has been resolved.
  • Color picker value is not getting reset for transparent case.



  • #FB9773 - Introducing the Virtual Scrolling feature for the ComboBox component, it is a game-changer for managing large datasets. This feature drastically improves performance by ensuring faster loading and smoother scrolling, even with extensive data.



  • #I379033 - Added port support for the connector.
  • Provided support to modify the bezier segment thumb.
  • Provided support to close the print window while closing the parent window.
  • Provided API support to add segments for straight connectors at runtime.
  • Provided support to toggle the selection state of the diagram elements at runtime.
  • #I476281 - Provided sticky mode support for the diagram tooltip.

Document Editor


  • #I471020 - Added support for table title and description.



  • #FB9773 - Introducing the Virtual Scrolling feature for the DropDownList component, it is a game-changer for managing large datasets. This feature drastically improves performance by ensuring faster loading and smoother scrolling, even with extensive data.

Bug Fixes

  • #I472623 - Resolved an issue when the window is resizing the popup position is misaligned



  • #FB44788 - Provided template support to customize toolbar items. In earlier versions, Toolbar item customization was limited to a predefined set of options. With this new feature, you can now define your own templates to completely customize the appearance and functionality of toolbar items.

Bug Fixes

  • #I493055 - The issue arising from the expandOn property set to Click in the Navigation Pane of the File Manager component has been resolved.



  • #I275966 - Provided lazy loading support in Gantt chart. Please find the demo link here.
  • #I396039 - Provided baseline support for PDF export in Gantt Chart.
  • Provided support to export the Gantt component where each rows are auto-fit to the PDF document page width. Please find the demo link here.
  • Provided touch interaction support for taskbar resizing, dragging, predecessor connectivity in Gantt chart.

Bug Fixes

  • #I492654 - When empty data source pdf export exception thrown issue has been fixed.
  • #I479578 - Milestone parent is not appearing issue has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I488183 - Fixed an issue where the frozen columns get hidden while using auto-generated columns.
  • #I473780 - Resolved an issue where the frozen horizontal scroll did not work when a validation error message is shown.
  • #I486159 - Fixed an issue where the Column Reorder was not working properly when the frozen right feature is enabled.
  • #I498644 - Resolved an issue where the skip and take parameters are not passed to the server-side while performing grid actions only in the case of the total number of records and page sizes are equal.


  • #FB10384 - Provided the support for exporting the grid with Column template and Detail template at the client side by using the exportDetailTemplate event of the grid where each cell of the grid rows can be customized. Find the demo link here.
  • #FB10132 - Provided the support for exporting multiple grids in the same or different pages into PDF and Excel formats by listing the id values of each grid that needs to be exported in the exportGrids property of Grid. Find the demo link here.
  • #FB44392 - Provided the support for Column Virtualization with pagination in Grid.
  • Improved frozen rows and columns by enabling previously limited features such as Grouping, Row templates, Infinite scrolling, Stacked Header, and Column Virtualization. Find the demo link here.
  • Introduced a new column freezing mode known as Fixed, in addition to the existing Left, Right, and Center modes within the column settings' freeze property. This Fixed mode locks columns in place, ensuring their visibility during horizontal scrolling. Find the demo link here.

Breaking Changes

  • Revamped the frozen feature by replacing the previous three-table approach with a single table, resulting in significant performance improvements and a reduction in file size. This update eliminates the need to inject the Freeze module to utilize the frozen feature, making it more efficient. We have listed the deprecated methods of frozen feature and their alternatives.

Deprecated Methods

Deprecated Methods Previous Current Suggested Alternative Methods
getMovableRows() This method returns only the movable table rows (tr's). This method will return all table rows (tr's) of the entire table. The movable cells within the tr element can be selected using the e-unfreeze class. getRows()
getFrozenRightRows() This method returns only the table rows (tr's) from the freeze right table. This method will return all the rows (tr’s) of the entire table. The frozen right cells can be selected using the e-rightfreeze class. getRows()
* getMovableRowByIndex - select a movable row
* getFrozenRowByIndex - select a freeze row
* getFrozenRightRowByIndex - select a right freeze row.
This method will return the table row (tr) based on the given index. Additionally, class names for table cells (td's) have been separated as follows:
* Left-Freeze: e-leftfreeze
* Movable: e-unfreeze
* Right-Freeze : e-rightfreeze
* getMovableCellFromIndex() - select a particular cell in the movable table.
* getFrozenRightCellFromIndex() - select a particular cell in the right freeze table.
No change getCellFromIndex()
These methods return the viewport data rows for the freeze, movable, and right tables separately. This method, will return the entire viewport data rows. getDataRows()
These methods select the movable, right freeze, and left freeze headers from the table separately. No change getColumnHeaderByIndex()


Bug Fixes

#I492818 - Now, fast scrolling from top to bottom of the column continuously works properly.

#I495751 - Now, dragging a card to the first position in the Kanban works properly without flickering.


Bug Fixes

  • #F43705 - Issue with "Dropping selected items does not work correctly while enabling the checkbox in listbox component." has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with "the close icon being misaligned when the content alignment was set to centre" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I451885 - Resolved the performance issue when multiselect component is rendered with large number of data.

PDF Viewer

Bug fixes

  • #I489522 - Now, when annotations are double-clicked, the isDocumentEdited API no longer switches to the TRUE state.
  • #I492457 - Now, the page renders properly after zooming in and out when the provided PDF document is loaded.
  • #I488322 - Now, the annotations exported from the older version are imported into the latest version
  • #I491908 - Now, the type of handwritten signature in Arabic language is retained when downloading the document.
  • #I490945 - Now, the rotation of the annotations is properly preserved when importing them before rendering the pages.


  • #I472310 - Provided support to render the digital signature appearance in the exported images using the 'Export as Image APIs'.
  • #I445342 - Provided support to enable or disable the lock on comment replies for annotations.
  • #I320602, #I332921, #I335469, #I334005, #I336580, #I338402, #I340993, #I342275, #I342451, #I344418, #I345156, #I297938, #I374753, #F156674, #379682, #I379543, #I381844, #I428937, #I448747, #I450636, #I448292, #I453737, #I453781, #I494648, #I495352 - Provided support for client side rendering using the PDFIUM Web Assembly.
  • Provided support to restrict file downloads when exporting form fields and annotations using the event argument "cancel".


Breaking Changes

  • The skeleton (aka, HTML) of the pivot table has been restructured. Previously, the pivot table displayed frozen row headers and values data in a two-table manner. It has been simplified to one table. The appearance of the horizontal scrollbar has changed as the row headers were frozen using the CSS attributes. However, the pivot table's appearance will remain unchanged as the prior version.
  • Because the DOM structure of the pivot table has changed, the following classes included elements have been removed and can now be identified using the classes listed below.
  • The frozen and moveable header elements have now been identified within the e-gridheader element using the class names shown below.
Previous Now Description
e-frozenheader > e-table > th.e-headercell e-table > th.e-leftfreeze.e-headercell Element defining the frozen column header.
e-movableheader > e-table > th.e-headercell e-table > th.e-unfreeze.e-headercell Element defining the moveable column header.
  • The frozen and moveable content elements have now been identified within the e-gridcontent element using the class names shown below.
Previous Now Description
e-frozencontent > e-table > th.e-rowcell e-table > th.e-leftfreeze.e-rowcell Element defining the frozen content (aka, row headers).
e-movablecontent > e-table > th.e-rowcell e-table > th.e-unfreeze.e-rowcell Element defining the moveable content (aka, values).



  • GroupButton: Provided a new GroupButton built-in item, which allows users to group buttons and supports single and multiple selection.

  • Backstage: Added backstage view support for displaying information, based on the user interactions with backstage options.

Bug Fixes

  • I491293 - Now, we have provided methods in ribbon to hide/show and enable/disable for tabs, groups, and items.

  • #I484502 - Provided a new property hideLayoutSwitcher to control the visibility of the layout switcher button in the ribbon.

  • #I488294 - Provided a new property createPopupOnClick for adding or removing pop-up elements dynamically when the button is clicked.



  • Cropped image paste from MS Word: #I456729 - This feature allows users to paste the cropped images from MS Word into the Rich Text Editor.

  • Quick Format Toolbar: #I445348- Provided the Quick Format Toolbar for text support, and it will appear when selecting text in the editor.

Bug Fixes

  • #I481117 - Now, pasting multiple images from the MS Word into the Rich Text Editor works properly.

  • #I494646 - Now, the full screen icon's tooltip removed properly when switching to full screen in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I493182 - Now, the enablePersistence API works properly in the Rich Text Editor on page navigation.

  • #I491731 - Now, the indentation works properly when pasting the content from notepad.

  • #I495375 - Now, the enableHtmlSanitizer API works properly in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #F183553 - Now, pressing the enter key after opening any dialog in the Rich Text Editor doesn't submit the form.

  • #I488318 - Now, the cursor position is set properly when pressing the space key in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I468317 - Now, the enter key action works properly while setting enableXhtml to true when there is null value in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I492704 - Now, pressing the enter key when the cursor is placed after the video works properly.

  • #I481117 - Now, pasting multiple base64 images into the Rich Text Editor triggers the upload process properly.

  • #I485336 - Now, the pasting multiple images into the Rich Text Editor triggers the upload process properly.

  • #I496219 - Now, the tooltip is not open while opening the dialog.

  • #I488318 - Now, the cursor position is set properly when pressing the space key in the Rich Text Editor.



  • #I393657 - Provided on-demand data loading support that allows users to retrieve events from remote services for the current view port alone and retrieve the remaining data on demand while scrolling, which improves the performance and usability of the Scheduler component.
  • #I397280, #I296716, #F184285, #FB37717 - Provided virtualScrollStart and virtualScrollStop event support to notify the resource virtual scrolling actions of Scheduler.
  • #I339243, #I365629, #F174284 - Provided support to customize the header and footer of editor window.


Bug Fixes

  • #I433821 - Correcting the signature scaling issue while resizing the web browser has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #F184267 - Issue with "cell value is changed as a string on the custom percentage formatted cell when you type a value with the % symbol" has been resolved.


  • #339651 - Now, provided support for displaying the error alert dialog when an invalid formula is typed, or the wrong number of arguments is supplied to the formula.
  • #369492 - Now, you can experience cut and paste actions in the Spreadsheet faster compared to earlier versions.
  • #476502 - Now, you can experience smooth scrolling with multiple conditional formatting set in the Spreadsheet, which is faster compared to earlier versions.



  • #I253147 - Provided support for exporting chart data to Excel in a table format.
  • New axis type DateTimeCategory is now available to show only business days.


Bug Fixes

  • I477545 - Fixed an issue where the focus and error validation colors were overlapping.


Bug Fixes

  • #I498062 - The issue with the disabled arrow tip pointer has been resolved.
  • #I494771 - Provided support to dynamically update the isSticky property value of the Tooltip component.



  • #I341079 - Provided support for exporting data to PDF, CSV, and Excel formats using server-side functionality. Please find the demo here.

  • Added support for the new fixed mode within the freeze property of column settings. When a column is set as fixed, it will stay within the viewport during horizontal scrolling, enhancing the user experience with improved visibility and efficiency.

Breaking Changes

  • Optimized the frozen columns feature in Tree Grid and thus changed the dom structure of tree grid from two table to single table architecture. Also, the following methods have been deprecated, and it's recommended to use the following alternatives instead.
Deprecated Methods Previous Current Suggested Alternative Methods
getMovableRows() This method returns only the movable table rows (tr's). This method will return all table rows (tr's) of the entire table. The movable cells within the tr element can be selected using the e-unfreeze class. getRows()
getFrozenRightRows() This method returns only the table rows (tr's) from the freeze right table. This method will return all the rows (tr’s) of the entire table. The frozen right cells can be selected using the e-rightfreeze class. getRows()
* getMovableRowByIndex - select a movable row
*getFrozenRightRowByIndex - select a right freeze row.
This method will return the table row (tr) based on the given index. Additionally, class names for table cells (td's) have been separated as follows:
* Left-Freeze: e-leftfreeze
* Movable: e-unfreeze
* getMovableCellFromIndex() - select a particular cell in the movable table.
*getFrozenRightCellFromIndex() - select a particular cell in the right freeze table.
No change getCellFromIndex()
These methods return the viewport data rows for the freeze, movable tables separately. This method, will return the entire viewport data rows. getDataRows()
These methods select the movable, right freeze, and left freeze headers from the table separately. No change getColumnHeaderByIndex()