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create an extremely basic visual novel! (with JavaScript)
dependencies: jQuery and Bootstrap

If you're on PC, I highly recommend Notepad++ for editing html files. Chrome is also the recommended browser for viewing in.

see some samples here:

background: I wanted to see if I could build something that would make visual novel creation easier. I don't play or make visual novels really, but they seem to be an interesting medium for story-telling. I tried to make my system work so that there wouldn't be too much JavaScript typing to be done. I also wanted an easy medium to integrate my music compositions in without relying on other people's projects. ^^

What is a visual novel?
Visual novels tend to be a choose-your-own adventure type of game, where the player follows a storyline and occasionally comes across multiple choices which may determine how the game ends. Visual novels appear to be very popular in Japan.

design implementation:
I decided to go with three "classes", each with their own .js file. One is called SetScene, which holds mainly functions that pertain to handling scenes, such as outputting dialog, changing background pictures, changing character sprites, and audio stuff. Another "class" is called Game, which takes care of the mechanics, such as route branching, setting up characters and scene progression. Lastly, there is the Screen class, which is responsible for creating and maintaining the various screens I have layered.

In my implementation, I have a number of layered div elements, each with their own responsibility. The "ground" layer is a div with a canvas element (in retrospect, using a canvas may not have been a good idea, because of the CORS thing when testing - but I want to do some testing first to check), which holds the background image for a scene. The next div layer holds the character sprites, and above that is a layer that serves as an "options" page, with sliders to toggle volume and text speed. Lastly is a div layer which serves as the menu screen, and also holds the start button to initiate the game.

How to use:

Make sure in the HTML file you wish to present your game in, in the <head> section you place the following scripts:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src='scripts/Screen.js'></script>
<script src='scripts/SetScene.js'></script>
<script src='scripts/Game.js'></script>

You can make your game in a separate .js file, which would need to be placed in the <head> section too, or within the HTML file itself in a <script> section.

//option 1
    <script src='yourGame.js'></script> //game script well as the other scripts

//option 2
   scripts go here 

...some html

    //make game here:
    //make screen
    //set up characters
    //set up routes

Additionally, you'll need this in the <body> section of the html file.

<div id='screen'>
	<div class='row' id='rowScreen'>

	<div class='row' id='rowDialog'>

Please check out the template in the template folder for assistance!

There are some rules that must be followed when using these scripts. One is using the Routes object, which should hold all the possible routes. There must always be a route called "mainRoute", which is where the player starts. Each route is a "property" of a dictionary(i.e. { "property": "value", "property2": "value2" } ); all the things that happen within a route (i.e. all the dialog, scene changes, etc...) are placed in an array, and this array is the "value" of a route. Adding a route and a corresponding array to the said dictionary can be done so like this: nameOfDictionary[propertyName] = value. example implementation:

//The Routes object is already initialized, so no need to!  

Routes["mainRoute"] = [
    SetScene.dialog("", "hello world!"), //don't forget the comma!
    SetScene.showCharacter("hello", "world.png")

I've also experimented a bit with integrating the Web Speech API so that character dialogue can be spoken and heard! Please see demos/catGame1.js for an example. At least on Chrome, the voices that can be used may not be immediately available so there's a bit of extra code to make sure the voices are available before allowing the game to proceed. I've also only tested with Chrome, Firefox and Edge so apologies(!) if you're trying this on a different broswer and it breaks.

API documentation


Screen.make(width, height)

Takes two parameters that should be integers corresponding to the desired width and height of the screen where the game will show. Sets up the screens/layers needed for the game to operate.


Takes a parameter that is a string which should contain the path to the desired background image for the dialog box. An example would be "\assets\dialogBox.png". Sets a background image for the dialog box area.

Screen.routeScreen(option1, option1Name, option2, option2Name, option3, option3Name)

Takes 6 parameters. The 'option1', 'option2', and 'option3' parameters should be the NAME of a route. 'option1Name', 'option2Name', and 'option3Name' should be whatever you want the buttons to be labeled as (each corresponding to a route choice). At the minimum, there should be two options available. If there is no 3rd option, 'option3' and 'option3Name' must be empty strings (i.e. ""). Additionally, calling this method should be the LAST action in a particular route (since the game is expected to branch to another route after this method). Shows the route option screen when called. Example implementation:

Routes["route1"] = [...stuff...];
Routes["route2"] = [...stuff...];
Routes["route3"] = [...stuff...];

Routes["example"] = [
    ...dialog, etc...
    Screen.routeScreen("route1", "go to Route 1", "route2", "go to Route 2", "route3", "go to Route 3")

Screen.menuScreen(menuBackground, style)

Takes two parameters. menuBackground should be a string containing the path to the desired background image for the menu screen. style should be the string "col" (still working on adding other options), indicating that the menu buttons (currently only the start button) should appear as a column on the right side of the screen. This method should be declared after Screen.make(). Right now the only option is "col". Sorry! Also, this method also creates the start button, so it must be invoked for the game to work. If no background image is available, use an empty string in place ("").


Game.character(character, color='#000', voice=null)

Takes two parameters. character should be a string containing the name of a character, and color should be a string containing a specified color (i.e. in hex code, so something like '#000' for black). By default color will be '#000'. The third argument is voice, which should be a SpeechSynthesisVoice object. By default voice will be null. Characters should be set up before setting up routes.


SetScene.setDialogSpeed(seconds) Takes one parameter. seconds should be an integer value indicating how fast, in miliseconds, the dialog should show. You can set up a default speed with this method.


Takes one parameter - a string containing the path to the image you want to set as the background for a scene.

SetScene.newBGwithMusic(imgSrcPath, music)

Same as above method, but with the parameter music being a string containing the path to a music file. Use this method to set a new background and new music only (no effect on character sprite display).

SetScene.dialog(character, dialog)

Takes two parameters. character should be a string containing the name of a character, and dialog should be a string containing the dialog for the specified character.

SetScene.dialogWithMusic(character, dialog, music)

Just like the above method, except the music parameter should be a string with the path to a music file that will play when the corresponding dialog appears.

SetScene.dialogWithEffect(character, dialog, sound)

Same as above - effect should be a string containing the path to a file with the desired sound effect. Use this methd to have a sound effect play with dialog. Note that the sound effect will not loop.

SetScene.showCharacter(name, characterSrc, direction, animation)

Takes four parameters. name should be a string with the name of a character and characterSrc should be a string with the path to the character sprite. direction can be either the strings "left" or "right", indicating the direction from which the character should appear from. animation is a boolean (either true or false - not in a string) - true if the character should 'slide' in to position, or false if the character should just appear immediately.

SetScene.showCharacterWithBGM(name, characterSrc, direction, animation, music)

Takes five parameters. This method is the same as above, except for music. music should be a string containing the path to a particular music file. The specific music file will play upon the showing of the character. Use this method if you want to play a particular character's theme, for example, whenever the character shows up.


Takes one parameter - imgSrcPath is a string containing the path to the image you want to set for the background. Use this method if you want to show a new setting/reset the stage (note that this method clears the characters from the screen. If you want to change the background but keep the characters in place, just use SetScene.background()).

SetScene.newBGwithMusicClearChar(imgSrcPath, music)

Same as the method above, except this one also allows for the addition of music for a new scene. music is a string containing the path to a music file. Use this method to change a background, clear characters, and set new music at the same time.

SetScene.changeCharacter(name, characterSrc)

Takes two parameters. name is a string containing a specific character's name. characterSrc is a string containing the path to the character's sprite image. Use this method to change a character's sprite if they are already displayed. For example, if you want a character to have an expression change, use this method.


Takes one parameter. audioSrc is a string that contains a path to a music file. Use this method if you want to play a new audio file and don't require that it occurs simultaneously with a background/character/dialog change.


Same as above, but for a sound effect file.